Those farmers were told what Trump was up to during his campaigning. The Democrats told them he was lying. They knew he was a liar and a convicted criminal but voted for him anyway. Now we all have to suffer for their stupidity. I'm not crying for them anymore.
The problem is that if you watch Fox News like almost all of Trump's voters, they were not told. They weren't told the truth about anything, including his criminal convictions.---Jason
Fox cable news is not and was not their only news outlet. Most farmers read papers and can't help be hear what other people are saying. I have a best friend of many, many years who I dearly love, but her one fault is that she insists on voting Republican because she "always did and so did her family." When I tried to talk to her about how bad Trump was, she still wouldn't vote for Biden, she would pick whatever other Rep. was running for president. There was no one running against Trump in the GOP. And where it comes to politics, there are a whole lot more just like her and those farmers. They'd rather be shot than vote for a Dem.
Personally, I've always been a Dem, but that didn't stop me from voting for Reagan once, and GWB once, I'm ashamed to say. People need to learn that their preference to a party does not need to be caste in stone. Let the best "person" win.
I think people have been treating the political parties as if they were their favorite football teams. Bad mistake! Maybe they will learn NOT to do that from this Bad experience!
Are you kidding with false equiv? A heroin junkie is now in charge of American Healthcare, try to keep up. One team is normal and the other team is a MadMax Suicide Squad.
Exactly! Both parties have had their share of bad characters at one time or another. Voting for the party is NEVER a good idea. I don't think they can use the excuse they didn't hear about it. The internet is everywhere, even if the paper media does not print it. Every citizen has the DUTY to research and listen to all the candidates before they make their choices.
Indeed! No one should even attempt to learn facts by reading or watching only 1 news outlet or tv news anchor. And no person should be kicked out of a party just because they listened to a tv anchor spoke different views than the party's chosen source. I heard today that AP news service, one of the most trusted, is about to lose its credentials to attend White House Briefings. I'm sure a new law suit is in the offing for Mr. Trump. People just don't seem to understand what a dictator looks like. They are getting a good look now. And my neighbors in Florida need to take a closer look at DeSantis, the governor they keep thinking is so wonderful. All while banning thousands of books that speak truth from school libraries.
This is the end game of social media, billionaire media plugging their fingers into the dike of reality and a con man getting away with calling real journalistic news "fake." I remember Walter Cronkite fondly. Walter would not have put up with this orange snake crap.
I'm not so concerned about social media since all the owners are deep pockets for Trump and helped get him elected. My concern is with radio,TV and streamed media. The GOP is already looking at PBS and the like that report on and show documentaries of the hardships that Blacks and American Indians faced and are still facing. He's no friend of Jews or Asians even though his VP is married to one. It's sick, really, really sick and dangerous.
Both parties have "bad characters?!" Really? One party is controlled by The Joker in Batman and has let loose all the creeps from Arkham to blow up Gotham City while the other party is trying to put them back in.
In all reality, there are bad people in each party. Obviously, one is MUCH worse than the other - there isn’t even close race here. I can’t imagine what they still have in store, and I just hope some GOP find some balls to do the right thing. It’s going to take more than the DEMs in Congress to put them back in their caves, and Batman has not shown his head yet. I’m gambling on the side of justice (read my posts and you will find where I stand).
Reality. Since Nixon there have been 142 republicans indicted for crimes in gop administrations and 2 indictments for crimes under Democratic administrations... a ratio of 71 to 1. But WAIT! If you add the 1575 maga traitor convictions from January 6th, the ratio becomes 1646 to 1.
You want to find criminals knock on a local maga gop headquarters.
Let's be clear -- people CHOOSE where to get their information. No one holds a gun to their head and demands that they watch Fox News -- they watch Fox and listen to talk radio because they LIKE what they hear on Fox News and on talk radio. These people are not stupid -- they know they're being lied to, but they listen because they love the lies. I have no sympathy for them because they chose this, not in spite of the lies and hate, but because Fox and talk radio and Republicans broadcast lies and hate, -- these people just love to hate. How can anyone have sympathy for them?
I agree with you Michael. Supporters of tcf love him bc he hates like they do, he talks like they do and he’s given them permission to put it all on display. They seem like they don’t care, until it hits them personally and painfully. And btw, red states will not be picking up the slack. Sad ⚫️
Gosh, to be clear, another foreigner from Australia wants to kill American Democracy from withing. Fox is and has always been an entertainment outlet NOT news.
Sorry. The problem is tribal racism and hate along with willful ignorance of facts fueled by monetized algorithms of hate and rage on social media AND "news" turning uneducated brains to rot. The period of 1900 to 1945 should be required for passing Junior High and High Schools, IMO. Oh, and the price of eggs are sky high if you can find them in the market... way to go idiot voters.
The reason I have no Sympathy in the least for Supporters of T-Rump, Magits, and The fence riders, and will always Hold disdain for Them All! Is the Malignant, Judgemental, biased, castigation of anyone that even questioned The Greatest Truth mirage Fabricator About his intentions! And Still hold his repulsive presence in Some Orwellion Fantasy of Functional Reference of Knowledge or abstract Thought! For their conscience disrespect and hateful intentions to People Just trying to Shed some light of truth to their obvious malformed Impressions of a clinical Narcissist! For this reason, I pray to any God Available! Lord, please show them, that When You Fuck around, You Find Out!
For the crime of Willful ignorance, placating to popularity of American Great Stupidism, And Disingenuous Patriotism To The Basic Tenats of Freedom.For The People, and By The People! I as a God Loving, Country Serving, Family Loving, Freedom Deserving, Gun Toting, American Voter, Does Not Give one Iota of a Shit for your Financial, Physical, and or Mental well Being! I Hope it Hurts to the Bone Actually! Just remember that you did it All for a Narcissist Reality Show Diva and Huckster!
I have great sympathy for the people I know who desperately need this assistance, not for the farmers who voted for Trump. I know there were farmers who didn’t vote for him, and for them I have sympathy for. Like us we are forced to live in this insane, bizarro world of MAGAs making.
I do feel greatly for the Few Farmers that knew better, and voiced Their descent about the Historic Lier! As well as the People relying on earned and justified Entitlements! Because the so called Dodge will hurt more decent deserving people than any BS fraud and Waste they claim! Musk's existence in the Country is a Total Fraud. Not to mention The Billions of Tax payers dollars he has blown and burnt up! But the overall majority of Voters that bothered to vote, held their hate, masogany, and prejudice, closer to their Heart than their own Freedom and Prosperity! For their irresponsible actions and inactions WILL cause Me and untold others more than just financial loss! I suppose I'm jaded and personally disgusted by it! Revengeful even! To the point that I shall revel in the Knowledge of their personal Misfortunes! The more instances of pain and Struggle I witness of T-Rump Supporters, will surely provide me the Strength to Tolerate It!
Ii shall never see the Trump Supporters as anything other than something to resist and avoid any assistance or interaction if at all possible! All of them, friends, Family, Business, merchants, Organizations, Any and All! It got personal This last Go! By their Actions, they showed Their intentional choice was to cause harm to Decent People!
Bingo. When I was in Junior High, I had a teacher that fought in WWII on a Flying Fortress and survived. He said the reason the crews would paint notes like "ScheiB auf Hitler" and even worse profanities on the bombs was to send a message to the Nazi's and it was good to keep your sanity. So, here we are.
I'm a Hater? Maybe. Who. Knows, I might call 911 if I find one Bleeding out on the Side of the Road. But it's not a given! Their best chance of survival is to seek alternative assistance or avoid the Circumstance!
You can't fix stupid at this level words. When I was a very young lad, my First Cousin twice removed told me about liberating a camp in Germany in WWII. He said the local German's in a nearby town refused to believe there was a death camp a mile down the road. He said they believed AFTER they put rifles to the "bastards back's" and marched them down to the camp to dig the graves... while they choked on their own vomit from the stench. Later, I would study this moment in History in Junior High. It was well documented along the Western Front. That is how far the German people had gone down the NAZI rabbit hole.
People can be so completely wrong about their perception of the world that this blindness happened then and is happening again, here and now. The greatest generation and their progeny proclaimed “it could never happen here”, out of arrogance and blind faith in our specialness, our manifest destiny, god, and other horseshit. As the son of a man who lived through the horrors of that war, whose mother died in Auschwitz, and who fled the country illegally after it was liberated by the Russians, I recognize the disease and abhor Trump and MAGA and all they stand for. Not a grain of sympathy for any of their suffering, given how much suffering and cruel injustice they are willing to inflict on others. Is it that difficult to have a bit of compassion for immigrants and refugees? For descendants of slaves? No, I say let them rot and wail and gnash their teeth until they find that shred of compassion and start working on redemption.
Trump supporters are the epitome of Einstein's definition of insanity. They will bend themselves into pretzels trying to blame everyone but Trump and themselves for their and our decline. Billionaires don't share wealth and trickle down was always a fable.
And if farmers get hurt, guess who else gets hurt? What does he think will happen to the cost of food? Or is he really that ignorant about action and reaction. Does he not know how hard farmers have to work to make ends meet? He obviously has forgotten the damage he has already done by stopping some subsidies.
In all fairness to farmers who often work from dawn to dusk, they were lied to over and over. Faux News still hasn’t given them a true story. It’s a full time job tracking the lies. But when in doubt it’s likely a lie.
I think the R’s are thinking ONLY of their interests and when they diverge from the people’s, why, SOMEONE has to give way, and it has never been the rich who do so.
One of the good things that has come about by the election of Trump has been the clarity that has emerged about how complex everything is and how tied together all the polices are. I guess it isn't hard to see how the government pays farmers to feed Americans in need but I never thought of that. Or how, for example, school choice, is really just cutting money for public education and how those who don't want their children indoctrinated by extreme Christians or don't have money to pay for private education have to stay home and home school their kids - keeping women at home and out of the workplace, which is the real goal. Everything, including how the government works, and what Project 25 is, is being clarified by Trump breaking all the laws.
Well said! I’ve learned more in the last few weeks than years. I am embarrassed I didn’t make it my business to do so before. I am well educated, no excuses for me. It is definitely a silver lining that all the criming and grift is out in the open. Smarter people would have undermined more quietly. I guess we have that going for us. Oh and the hubris. Pride goeth before the fall and all.
I never have understood why smart folks fall for the BS of an obvious snake oil salesman. I live in the Southern Appalachians, Dark Red. The native people are hard working and clever, but they vote for a cheating billionaire who gives tax cuts to the wealthy. I think it’s because they fear diversity and choice.
And many are wary of non-whites taking rights away from them. The Hispanic people do a lot of the work here; picking the crops, cleaning hotel rooms, and other jobs that Whites don’t want to do. People love Mexican food but often treat Mexicans as “others.” Trump’s white superiority and chauvinism appeal to them. But he’s such an obvious scammer and cheat! Sells shiny tacky things online!
Doesn’t pay his bills! Deports desperate people! Our nation has lost the worlds’ respect. These are dark times.
I think there is a misunderstanding concerning what farmers expected to get from Trump -- they wanted a white supremacist nation and that is what they are going to get. Their economic interests never mattered to them -- only their hate.
He told them and they didn't believe: "I don't care about you. I don't care. I only want your vote."
He certainly did.
Those farmers were told what Trump was up to during his campaigning. The Democrats told them he was lying. They knew he was a liar and a convicted criminal but voted for him anyway. Now we all have to suffer for their stupidity. I'm not crying for them anymore.
The problem is that if you watch Fox News like almost all of Trump's voters, they were not told. They weren't told the truth about anything, including his criminal convictions.---Jason
Fox cable news is not and was not their only news outlet. Most farmers read papers and can't help be hear what other people are saying. I have a best friend of many, many years who I dearly love, but her one fault is that she insists on voting Republican because she "always did and so did her family." When I tried to talk to her about how bad Trump was, she still wouldn't vote for Biden, she would pick whatever other Rep. was running for president. There was no one running against Trump in the GOP. And where it comes to politics, there are a whole lot more just like her and those farmers. They'd rather be shot than vote for a Dem.
Personally, I've always been a Dem, but that didn't stop me from voting for Reagan once, and GWB once, I'm ashamed to say. People need to learn that their preference to a party does not need to be caste in stone. Let the best "person" win.
I think people have been treating the political parties as if they were their favorite football teams. Bad mistake! Maybe they will learn NOT to do that from this Bad experience!
We can only hope.
Are you kidding with false equiv? A heroin junkie is now in charge of American Healthcare, try to keep up. One team is normal and the other team is a MadMax Suicide Squad.
Kind of my point. Many people are not treating politics with the seriousness it deserves. It’s more of a game where they can wear cheese hats.
Well, they might not be shot, but they might be hungry. Oh well.
Ironic, actually, that poor farmers would suffer hunger. Sucks to be poor, MAGA or not. But it sucks way worse now.
Pain and death is the maga way.
Exactly! Both parties have had their share of bad characters at one time or another. Voting for the party is NEVER a good idea. I don't think they can use the excuse they didn't hear about it. The internet is everywhere, even if the paper media does not print it. Every citizen has the DUTY to research and listen to all the candidates before they make their choices.
Indeed! No one should even attempt to learn facts by reading or watching only 1 news outlet or tv news anchor. And no person should be kicked out of a party just because they listened to a tv anchor spoke different views than the party's chosen source. I heard today that AP news service, one of the most trusted, is about to lose its credentials to attend White House Briefings. I'm sure a new law suit is in the offing for Mr. Trump. People just don't seem to understand what a dictator looks like. They are getting a good look now. And my neighbors in Florida need to take a closer look at DeSantis, the governor they keep thinking is so wonderful. All while banning thousands of books that speak truth from school libraries.
This is the end game of social media, billionaire media plugging their fingers into the dike of reality and a con man getting away with calling real journalistic news "fake." I remember Walter Cronkite fondly. Walter would not have put up with this orange snake crap.
I'm not so concerned about social media since all the owners are deep pockets for Trump and helped get him elected. My concern is with radio,TV and streamed media. The GOP is already looking at PBS and the like that report on and show documentaries of the hardships that Blacks and American Indians faced and are still facing. He's no friend of Jews or Asians even though his VP is married to one. It's sick, really, really sick and dangerous.
Both parties have "bad characters?!" Really? One party is controlled by The Joker in Batman and has let loose all the creeps from Arkham to blow up Gotham City while the other party is trying to put them back in.
In all reality, there are bad people in each party. Obviously, one is MUCH worse than the other - there isn’t even close race here. I can’t imagine what they still have in store, and I just hope some GOP find some balls to do the right thing. It’s going to take more than the DEMs in Congress to put them back in their caves, and Batman has not shown his head yet. I’m gambling on the side of justice (read my posts and you will find where I stand).
Reality. Since Nixon there have been 142 republicans indicted for crimes in gop administrations and 2 indictments for crimes under Democratic administrations... a ratio of 71 to 1. But WAIT! If you add the 1575 maga traitor convictions from January 6th, the ratio becomes 1646 to 1.
You want to find criminals knock on a local maga gop headquarters.
Let's be clear -- people CHOOSE where to get their information. No one holds a gun to their head and demands that they watch Fox News -- they watch Fox and listen to talk radio because they LIKE what they hear on Fox News and on talk radio. These people are not stupid -- they know they're being lied to, but they listen because they love the lies. I have no sympathy for them because they chose this, not in spite of the lies and hate, but because Fox and talk radio and Republicans broadcast lies and hate, -- these people just love to hate. How can anyone have sympathy for them?
I agree with you Michael. Supporters of tcf love him bc he hates like they do, he talks like they do and he’s given them permission to put it all on display. They seem like they don’t care, until it hits them personally and painfully. And btw, red states will not be picking up the slack. Sad ⚫️
Gosh, to be clear, another foreigner from Australia wants to kill American Democracy from withing. Fox is and has always been an entertainment outlet NOT news.
Sorry. The problem is tribal racism and hate along with willful ignorance of facts fueled by monetized algorithms of hate and rage on social media AND "news" turning uneducated brains to rot. The period of 1900 to 1945 should be required for passing Junior High and High Schools, IMO. Oh, and the price of eggs are sky high if you can find them in the market... way to go idiot voters.
The reason I have no Sympathy in the least for Supporters of T-Rump, Magits, and The fence riders, and will always Hold disdain for Them All! Is the Malignant, Judgemental, biased, castigation of anyone that even questioned The Greatest Truth mirage Fabricator About his intentions! And Still hold his repulsive presence in Some Orwellion Fantasy of Functional Reference of Knowledge or abstract Thought! For their conscience disrespect and hateful intentions to People Just trying to Shed some light of truth to their obvious malformed Impressions of a clinical Narcissist! For this reason, I pray to any God Available! Lord, please show them, that When You Fuck around, You Find Out!
For the crime of Willful ignorance, placating to popularity of American Great Stupidism, And Disingenuous Patriotism To The Basic Tenats of Freedom.For The People, and By The People! I as a God Loving, Country Serving, Family Loving, Freedom Deserving, Gun Toting, American Voter, Does Not Give one Iota of a Shit for your Financial, Physical, and or Mental well Being! I Hope it Hurts to the Bone Actually! Just remember that you did it All for a Narcissist Reality Show Diva and Huckster!
I have great sympathy for the people I know who desperately need this assistance, not for the farmers who voted for Trump. I know there were farmers who didn’t vote for him, and for them I have sympathy for. Like us we are forced to live in this insane, bizarro world of MAGAs making.
You lie down with rabid dogs you get rabbis even farmers.
I do feel greatly for the Few Farmers that knew better, and voiced Their descent about the Historic Lier! As well as the People relying on earned and justified Entitlements! Because the so called Dodge will hurt more decent deserving people than any BS fraud and Waste they claim! Musk's existence in the Country is a Total Fraud. Not to mention The Billions of Tax payers dollars he has blown and burnt up! But the overall majority of Voters that bothered to vote, held their hate, masogany, and prejudice, closer to their Heart than their own Freedom and Prosperity! For their irresponsible actions and inactions WILL cause Me and untold others more than just financial loss! I suppose I'm jaded and personally disgusted by it! Revengeful even! To the point that I shall revel in the Knowledge of their personal Misfortunes! The more instances of pain and Struggle I witness of T-Rump Supporters, will surely provide me the Strength to Tolerate It!
Ii shall never see the Trump Supporters as anything other than something to resist and avoid any assistance or interaction if at all possible! All of them, friends, Family, Business, merchants, Organizations, Any and All! It got personal This last Go! By their Actions, they showed Their intentional choice was to cause harm to Decent People!
Bingo. When I was in Junior High, I had a teacher that fought in WWII on a Flying Fortress and survived. He said the reason the crews would paint notes like "ScheiB auf Hitler" and even worse profanities on the bombs was to send a message to the Nazi's and it was good to keep your sanity. So, here we are.
I'm a Hater? Maybe. Who. Knows, I might call 911 if I find one Bleeding out on the Side of the Road. But it's not a given! Their best chance of survival is to seek alternative assistance or avoid the Circumstance!
You can't fix stupid at this level words. When I was a very young lad, my First Cousin twice removed told me about liberating a camp in Germany in WWII. He said the local German's in a nearby town refused to believe there was a death camp a mile down the road. He said they believed AFTER they put rifles to the "bastards back's" and marched them down to the camp to dig the graves... while they choked on their own vomit from the stench. Later, I would study this moment in History in Junior High. It was well documented along the Western Front. That is how far the German people had gone down the NAZI rabbit hole.
People can be so completely wrong about their perception of the world that this blindness happened then and is happening again, here and now. The greatest generation and their progeny proclaimed “it could never happen here”, out of arrogance and blind faith in our specialness, our manifest destiny, god, and other horseshit. As the son of a man who lived through the horrors of that war, whose mother died in Auschwitz, and who fled the country illegally after it was liberated by the Russians, I recognize the disease and abhor Trump and MAGA and all they stand for. Not a grain of sympathy for any of their suffering, given how much suffering and cruel injustice they are willing to inflict on others. Is it that difficult to have a bit of compassion for immigrants and refugees? For descendants of slaves? No, I say let them rot and wail and gnash their teeth until they find that shred of compassion and start working on redemption.
Heard that.
They thought he wouldn't screw them. They deserve to suffer.
Trump supporters are the epitome of Einstein's definition of insanity. They will bend themselves into pretzels trying to blame everyone but Trump and themselves for their and our decline. Billionaires don't share wealth and trickle down was always a fable.
Trickle down is indeed a fable… but it’s also a golden shower!!!
Eew, that is an image of nightmares.
We are indeed living in a nightmare!!!!
And if farmers get hurt, guess who else gets hurt? What does he think will happen to the cost of food? Or is he really that ignorant about action and reaction. Does he not know how hard farmers have to work to make ends meet? He obviously has forgotten the damage he has already done by stopping some subsidies.
FOTUS knows nothing about the world we all are living in. He's had a silver spoon coming out of his ass his whole life.
He knows nothing, Big Ag is gonna buy up all the bankrupt acres and not pay any taxes!!
Good job farmland
Farmers and consumers will be hurt by 47. Let’s vote like our children’s futures depends on it.
Umm... Americans. Cost go higher. Yes. No.
Dear Farmers, reap what you sow.
They can’t even do that without farmworkers!
In all fairness to farmers who often work from dawn to dusk, they were lied to over and over. Faux News still hasn’t given them a true story. It’s a full time job tracking the lies. But when in doubt it’s likely a lie.
Thanks for that clever reply!!! 🤣
I think the R’s are thinking ONLY of their interests and when they diverge from the people’s, why, SOMEONE has to give way, and it has never been the rich who do so.
Farmers will find a way to avoid placing blame on the Republicans
They will place blame solidly on Dems for opposing every gqp policy
Not after they loose their farms.
In the Election of 1928 Hoover won 444 Electoral votes and 58% of the vote; 63% of the vote in Nebraska.
In the Election of 1932 FDR won 472 Electoral votes and 57% of the vote; 63% of the vote in Nebraska.
We need this info
Will those farmers call their Republican congressional representative and Senators? Call them now.
No sympathy here! As the rethuglikkkans say “ there will be pain, live with it”
One of the good things that has come about by the election of Trump has been the clarity that has emerged about how complex everything is and how tied together all the polices are. I guess it isn't hard to see how the government pays farmers to feed Americans in need but I never thought of that. Or how, for example, school choice, is really just cutting money for public education and how those who don't want their children indoctrinated by extreme Christians or don't have money to pay for private education have to stay home and home school their kids - keeping women at home and out of the workplace, which is the real goal. Everything, including how the government works, and what Project 25 is, is being clarified by Trump breaking all the laws.
Well said! I’ve learned more in the last few weeks than years. I am embarrassed I didn’t make it my business to do so before. I am well educated, no excuses for me. It is definitely a silver lining that all the criming and grift is out in the open. Smarter people would have undermined more quietly. I guess we have that going for us. Oh and the hubris. Pride goeth before the fall and all.
I never have understood why smart folks fall for the BS of an obvious snake oil salesman. I live in the Southern Appalachians, Dark Red. The native people are hard working and clever, but they vote for a cheating billionaire who gives tax cuts to the wealthy. I think it’s because they fear diversity and choice.
And many are wary of non-whites taking rights away from them. The Hispanic people do a lot of the work here; picking the crops, cleaning hotel rooms, and other jobs that Whites don’t want to do. People love Mexican food but often treat Mexicans as “others.” Trump’s white superiority and chauvinism appeal to them. But he’s such an obvious scammer and cheat! Sells shiny tacky things online!
Doesn’t pay his bills! Deports desperate people! Our nation has lost the worlds’ respect. These are dark times.
You nailed it! They are bigots to the core, their Nationalism is all important and drives their thinking on everything
Sad to say! But they and we all know that the felon lies! And to believe anything he says is putting yourself and family in peril!
I think there is a misunderstanding concerning what farmers expected to get from Trump -- they wanted a white supremacist nation and that is what they are going to get. Their economic interests never mattered to them -- only their hate.
I hope they realize what they’ve done and what has been done to them… and change course