Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) was under federal investigation but the investigation went away after he introduced a bill allowing Trump to run for a third term.
Totally Agree. In Jan 2020 The Trump White House & All Republican congressMen Receive High Level,Secret Intel That The Coronavirus was DEADLY AND THAT IT WAS AIRBORNE, YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO BREATHE AND YOU GET IT! implicit IN YHAT STATEMENT IS THAT MASKS MUST BE REQUIRED, BUT REPUBLICANS APPARENTLY DEAL WITH WHAT IS CLEARLY IMPLIED. 45's mental process allowed him to make a decision that can only be considered a crime against humanity by hiding the facts he knew & stating that COVID was a hoax created by Democrats & IT would just disappear. 45's deadly lie resulted in at least one million American s dead, Government inside traders like Ron Johnson of Wisconsin ran out & invested in vaccine research companies, PPE, ventilators, MASKS; Ivanka invested in coffins & rand Paul invested in undisclosed because showing his weasalness, he was busy blaming his wife. This information of what 45 knew in Jan 2020 was played on Axis one day & immediately was taken down, IT also was heard on a private line between 45 & his biographer. Why was 45 never charged for withholding this deadly information, knowing that withholding it would cost the lives of many, at least one million American lives by withholding it. Every Republican went along with 45's lies.
I am not going to worry about a bottom feeder like Ogles while an unelected thing Elon Musk is preparing to rip our government apart. He needs to be stepped on.
This such an abhorrent, disgusting and hateful tit for tat. What more do congressional Democrats need to start an impeachment/removal process? If this isn’t paid to play, I don’t know what is. So obviously weaponizing the DOJ and paying off political cronies. We need strong leadership in the Democratic caucus to stand up to every act of corruption of this administration. If not, we will never survive this. The government won’t survive and the people won’t survive.
Difficult to believe this is happening and our elected officials are going along withEVERY crime. How on earth will we survive? This republic will not survive 4 years of this monster.
I'm hoping that by enough people getting into the conversation, we won't let him bulldose over the Constitution ...
He'll throw an infantile tantrum. 🚼 But, that's just what he does. I try to just suck it up and SMH. All of this nonsense would be laughable if people weren't dying. 😞
Where are our Reps and Senators who took an oath to defend our Constitution against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC! If these people aren’t domestic enemies, I’m a rabbit!
Despicable. As a convicted felon. he shouldn’t have been allowed to run. In many states convicted felons can’t even vote, but several complicit judges, representatives, senators, and governors, enabled him to be a candidate. As Timothy Snyder wrote in lesson 5 of his book Tyranny, “when political leaders set a negative example, professional commitments to just practice become more important.” And In lesson 7 speaking about the Holocaust, he said, “without the conformists, the great atrocities would have been impossible!”
Please Democrats!!! Stand strong for our country against this immoral low life who has no intentions of taking care of Americans. He is not immune to the Rule of Laws in OUR COUNTRY!!!
well, Constitution; Amendment 14:3 (i think that's it, though birthright citizenship is ...) precludes a Seditionist President... yet that is what we have!
yup, birthright citizenship is also a part of that same Amendment. Curiously, if that had been enforced in full <rather than by fools> we would not be in the fix we are in: felon tRump & fElon musk running things {literally} into the ground.
Third term? He shouldn’t have been allowed to run for a second term.
Totally Agree. In Jan 2020 The Trump White House & All Republican congressMen Receive High Level,Secret Intel That The Coronavirus was DEADLY AND THAT IT WAS AIRBORNE, YOU SIMPLY HAVE TO BREATHE AND YOU GET IT! implicit IN YHAT STATEMENT IS THAT MASKS MUST BE REQUIRED, BUT REPUBLICANS APPARENTLY DEAL WITH WHAT IS CLEARLY IMPLIED. 45's mental process allowed him to make a decision that can only be considered a crime against humanity by hiding the facts he knew & stating that COVID was a hoax created by Democrats & IT would just disappear. 45's deadly lie resulted in at least one million American s dead, Government inside traders like Ron Johnson of Wisconsin ran out & invested in vaccine research companies, PPE, ventilators, MASKS; Ivanka invested in coffins & rand Paul invested in undisclosed because showing his weasalness, he was busy blaming his wife. This information of what 45 knew in Jan 2020 was played on Axis one day & immediately was taken down, IT also was heard on a private line between 45 & his biographer. Why was 45 never charged for withholding this deadly information, knowing that withholding it would cost the lives of many, at least one million American lives by withholding it. Every Republican went along with 45's lies.
I am not going to worry about a bottom feeder like Ogles while an unelected thing Elon Musk is preparing to rip our government apart. He needs to be stepped on.
This such an abhorrent, disgusting and hateful tit for tat. What more do congressional Democrats need to start an impeachment/removal process? If this isn’t paid to play, I don’t know what is. So obviously weaponizing the DOJ and paying off political cronies. We need strong leadership in the Democratic caucus to stand up to every act of corruption of this administration. If not, we will never survive this. The government won’t survive and the people won’t survive.
Difficult to believe this is happening and our elected officials are going along withEVERY crime. How on earth will we survive? This republic will not survive 4 years of this monster.
I'm hoping that by enough people getting into the conversation, we won't let him bulldose over the Constitution ...
He'll throw an infantile tantrum. 🚼 But, that's just what he does. I try to just suck it up and SMH. All of this nonsense would be laughable if people weren't dying. 😞
Where are our Reps and Senators who took an oath to defend our Constitution against enemies foreign and DOMESTIC! If these people aren’t domestic enemies, I’m a rabbit!
Despicable. As a convicted felon. he shouldn’t have been allowed to run. In many states convicted felons can’t even vote, but several complicit judges, representatives, senators, and governors, enabled him to be a candidate. As Timothy Snyder wrote in lesson 5 of his book Tyranny, “when political leaders set a negative example, professional commitments to just practice become more important.” And In lesson 7 speaking about the Holocaust, he said, “without the conformists, the great atrocities would have been impossible!”
He wasn't allowed to vote in the election but there was no rule that he couldn't run.
My thought? Impeach Trump again, and again, and again.
Tie him up in legal battles and delay delay delay.
How can this be? The DOJ is complicit of course and corrupt!!!!
There is no “perhaps” about it; this is the most corrupt administration ever.
If people had been smart they wouldn't have elected him to a 1st term
Please Democrats!!! Stand strong for our country against this immoral low life who has no intentions of taking care of Americans. He is not immune to the Rule of Laws in OUR COUNTRY!!!
There seems to be no limit to how low and corrupt Repulsives can go🤬
well, Constitution; Amendment 14:3 (i think that's it, though birthright citizenship is ...) precludes a Seditionist President... yet that is what we have!
yup, birthright citizenship is also a part of that same Amendment. Curiously, if that had been enforced in full <rather than by fools> we would not be in the fix we are in: felon tRump & fElon musk running things {literally} into the ground.
If Trump could run for a third term could Obama also?
JHCC…this is just the level of corruption on week 2.
Despicable, overt corruption.