I am disappointed, disheartened and disgusted by the amount of capitulation and frankly the groveling of democratic leadership. They appear to be weak and feckless. It appears they don’t have a spine between most of them. There are some exceptions and some holdouts, but frankly every Democrat should be holding out. No one should give them a single damn inch knowing full well they will take more than a mile.

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Jan 27
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How about not voting to confirm the puppy killer when she was going too be confirmed anyway.

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In TrumpTime, a week is a year.

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Yeah, but what a week!!! I'm worried, really worried. All the Republicans unqualified in high places can really mess shit up. What if our enemies in foreign countries take advantage of the weakness in power ? Trump's an embarrassment to our country! Where are we headed?

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Jan 28
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Jesus..lighten the fuck up. Really?

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As Keith Olberman rants (but he's not wrong): Impeachment *works*. No, it has never removed a president BUT the party that brought the impeachment absolutely *thrash* the other in the next election. 13 times in modern era; 14 if you include Andrew Jackson. Every damn time. Dems should file articles of impeachment every damn day - Lord knows Mump has given enough reasons. Tie up the House, imspire the voters, stoke the anger. Another way to throw a monkey wrench in the fascists' plans.

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That's something you do when you have majority control of the House. In case you didn't notice, we don't. In this House, such a resolution would never make it out of committee to the floor for a vote.

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Impeachment motions are privileged, and have to be heard in the floor. The goal IS NOT to get a successful vote - the goal is the process. As Olberman pointed out, even "failed" impeachment motions were successful... In influencing the next election cycle.

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Work like hell to win the special elections for the seats that are open because Felon-47 nominated them for his cabinet and ambassadorships. Use the Executive Orders, which are certain to continue, the MAGA meanness, the MAGA failure to protect our children from school gun violence, the list is endless to change or at least tighten he "majority" in the House. Use the filibuster to keep non-budgetary bills from coming to the floor of the Senate. Show the nation that the MAGA crowd isn't smart enough to run the government. The MAGA folks are fighting amongst themselves, just keep fighting.

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I’ve been saying the same thing in my posts. Until we are free of the consultant class, the ossified politicians who listen to them and the wealthy Democrats who run the show, we will be chasing our tails.

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Yes! Dems need to fire their consultants, who gave bad advice during the 2024 election cycle (and before, but last year it seems worse because of the results of the election). Sometimes I wonder if those paid political Democratic consultants are really republicans.

If you want to be a leader, you need to lead. AOC and a few others are doing that, so I hope that it catches on with other Dems.

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Yes! Dems need to empower talented young House members: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), Maxwell Frost (D-FL), Greg Casar (D-TX, new Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus), Sarah McBride (D-DE) and Yassamin Ansari (D-AZ), to name just a few. They are the wave of the future. Dems must retire the tired old voices who consistently send us back to minority party status (you know who you are!).

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Agree 1000%. I would also add that the Democratic base—and everyone who should be in the Democratic base who didn’t vote—is fed up with the gerontocracy that has been in DC way too long and is completely out of touch with what Americans want. Aside from Warren and Sanders, the people who are leading the progressive charge are under the age of 65. AOC, Raskin, Swallwelll, Crockett, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Pritzker, etc. The Clinton Era of centrist, donor-focused politics is over and basically ended in 2008/2009 with the financial crash. We should have listened to the Occupy Wall St. folks—there were right. But instead, Rahm Emmanuel branded them “the professional Left” and Obama cut Elizabeth Warren off at the knees because Wall Street hated her. So now, we have a tech oligarchy in addition to the banking one. Wealth inequality is what gave rise to Trump, only his supporters didn’t know it. They voted for him for the racism and xenophobia alone.

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Well said and I agree totally. I’m particularly glad you said “aside from Warren and Sanders”! I cried when Elizabeth left the race for Pres.

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Me too.

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Sorry responding to Sabrina Alfin!

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Jan 27Edited
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Check out my recent Note on the interview of AOC by Jon Stewart. It talks about exactly this. Specifically, that the party is more beholden to procedure and not to constituents.

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Jan 27
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Well, for me personally, I reject the idea that Cheney was an unforced error. I do believe the threat of fascism was and is real, and it was a gambit worth trying to MAYBE get through to GOP voters that they were walking into a trap. I mean, if Dick fucking Cheney is warning against fascism in America, that’s not an assertion to be taken lightly. That said, it shouldn’t have been the main message, but it was the one that the MSM opted to cover because, you know, anything GOP is fine by them.

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Right on the mark! It is time that the Democrats play hard ball. Use the tactics that Mich McConnell used so effectively. Refuse to help the MAGA-GOP raise the debt ceiling and demand that they agree to repealing the tax breaks for the billionaires that the GOP passed during Trump's first administration. That would lower the amount that the debt ceiling would have to be raised. In fact, demand that inheritance taxes and the 50% or higher rate be restored. Remove the special rates for real estate, interest, stocks, bonds, and capital gains. Simply say any income is simply income and all income must be taxed at the same rate.

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Dems need to take the Gloves OFF and fight like hell for OUR DEMOCRACY because our democracy depends upon it!!! Fight RFN!!!

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Democrats need more authoritarian experts (e.g., Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Timothy Snyder) and fewer political consultants to help them navigate the coming slide.

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This is absolutely the worst time for the Democrats to roll over and play dead. Trump broke federal laws firing those 12 inspector generals. Shouldn't the Democrats at least introduce an article of Impeachment on the House floor even if the result is futile?

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ANY Democratic politician who says,

"But if we are 100% against Republicans, they will say mean things about how 'Dems aren't bi-partisan'",

... then those Dems need to be shunned, primaried, and drummed out, because they are just collaborators, no better than the Vichy French in WWII.

Have the Dems learned NOTHING? The ReThugliCON MAGAt cult politicians and think-tanks want to put Dems into the same camps as they are setting up now for everyone else they hate. Get this through your thick jackass skulls, people!

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PRIMARIES are ‘for’ progress. PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS will not ‘give’ an inch to oligarchy! Any ‘bipartisan compromises’ offered by ‘frightened democrats are capitulations to MAGAville

as ‘contrived’ by the Heritage Foundation. THOSE semi-Democrats ‘need’ to be PRIMARIED!

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Print this out and send it every Democratic official with whom you are connected, those who represent you in your voting districts at every level, and those who took up the job of leading nationally, right up to and including Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer. Send it as an affirmation and thanks to those who are speaking out (Raskin, Swalwell, AOC - and there are others. Look locally too!!) and as a reminder to those who are often quite good but need their spines strengthened (looking at you Tim Kaine, Amy Klobuchar).

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I am so sick of the democratic party and their outrageously paid consultants that have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to the democratic base. Unfortunately, VP Harris listened to these assholes and here we are. The country is not moving to the right and stop the bullshit that it is. My Senator Fetterman is a pathetic joke. He must be primaried. As for the other Senators (Slotkin, Klobachar, etc) you are cowards. We need fighters and go as low as we need to win. ENOUGH!!!!!

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Silence = complicity

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Anyone who believes the Democrats have guts and grit are not paying attention. We are in this currernt perilous predicament BECAUSE OF Democrats. No need to regurgitate history. There are only two Dems worth their salt: Raskin and Swalwell. Perhaps "AOC". Democrates are careerist pols. Mostly, they are not of or for the people. They are of and for themselves.

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I don’t think it very help full to blame the Démocrats for every ill that happened It only reinforces Trump ‘s delusions

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