Thank you let’s make sure that we are using all of our legal power to hold Elon Musk accountable. I believe there should be a class action lawsuit as all of our personal Social Security numbers, Medicare and Medicaid information he and his little minions have had vision too. That absolutely breaks our HIPAA privacy laws, and our constitutional right to have our information private.

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Those lawsuits are already being argued. For example, the students suing the Department of Education.---Jason

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Excellent, I’m sure we’re heading for another impeachment not that apparently it makes any difference, but hopefully the Senate and the house received the message loud and clear that was stated at the Super Bowl by Kendrick Lamar.🌹☺️

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Oh darn. I couldn’t make out what Kendrick said. But I knew he would make a political statement. 👏🏻👏🏻

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Arriving to anotherimpeachment showdown will never happen because the Reps will not do their sworn duty. Get engaged at the local level and vote Democratic.

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Heard that. Already there... since 1992. Find a local Democratic club and join up. If you want to lead a group, brush of on Roberts Rules of Order.

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How have Trump’s approval ratings gotten above 50%?

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Leon and his peons!

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It was a lot of symbolism. I couldn’t understand the words, but this breaks it down. It’s from threads very powerful message. Basically it talked about slaves were promised all this free land back during Martin Luther King’s.

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Comments are cheap. We need aggressive censure and removal from office all those destroying our government NOW. Brow beat them with criminal charge after charge until their backs are broken. That’s ALL they will understand.

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That is never going to happen with Republicans in charge. so let's try to live in reality.---Jason

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And focus on retaking the House in 2026!

Also, there's a special election in FL's 6th district on April 1st.

I sent money to the Democratic candidate, Josh Weil. Every seat counts!

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Vote Democrat yes! And keep your eye on Florida. Come on blue voters this is the time to change the state of Florida to blue . Desantis is out . Term limits even suggested his wife become governor. Nepotism clearly. Time to get Floridaback on track. And no we don’t want Scott as governor ( or as senator for that matter either )

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More likely to get traction in NY.....Florida is much too red and recalcitrant

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We have to at least try to compete there, rather than cede it to the Republicans. Not so sure the red retirees are liking what they are hearing about Soc Sec and Medicare.

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It’s not that red when you scratch the surface

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NY is on hold for now.

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Yes, there will be a special election to fill Elise Stefonic’s seat at some point.

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Absolutely and there are Two special elections in FL on the first. Weil has a better chance but the other isn’t a foregone loss either - and every illegal offensive thing FL voters hear about increases the Ds chances in both special elections.

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So important! I agree!

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I agree! I am incredibly sick and tired of the way most of the milk toast Dems in Congress are acting like we are at a bump in the road. Sat in on a Zoom town hall by my Congresswoman, Doris Matsui who was doing her version of “Don’t Worry Be Happy!” song and dance number. “The courts are working dear, but please send us your stories “ No fight left in her I guess. I want them to fight for us!!!

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Do 5 phone calls per day - both Dem and Rep to let them know (see AOC). They have to log phone calls but not emails. Very effective - 5 per day (5 mins) every day!

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I agree. Be more assertive with the opposition. Don’t back down. We need to be heard. Call your state reps and senators and even AG’s.

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They won’t even understand that—the ONLY THING they WILL understand is, you’re voted out!

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Only if they accept it, but voting is rigged now.

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NOT if we vote in HUGE numbers—more people did not vote last time, than those who voted!

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Or thrown out like the trash they are.

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There should have been a recount with with Gore. No way he won.

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They will understand the momentum. Keep up the calls Ljs

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They hear votes when they listen to calls.

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Raskin is so right! Now we need about 200 more House Dems to stand up with him!

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Actually what we need is Republicans to grow a spine.

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The Republican reps are never going to grow a spine, they are too busy shuffling around on their knees in front of their Dear Leader. But I do hope karma kicks in soon - they don't care one iota about their constituents' suffering, people's rights being trampled on or another person dying on the streets - but, eventually, I find that karma always kicks in and they will have to face their own demons -- and for that I am grateful. .

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Find their balls.

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Our nations is so divided and if Trump starts to take Gaza he will start WW3

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It’s plain to see who is benefitting from all this nonsense of the USA taking over Gaza. dear leader trump. What a loose cannon! He is so transparent in his thieving.

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Jamie Raskin is a hero of the Resistance!

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Absolutely! We are so blessed to have him in our corner.

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100 percent correct

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Exactly right, I appreciate Jamie Raskin bringing this up at every committee meeting. Many democrats on the committee as well. They are reminding the Republicans what the responsibilities of Congress which these people are abdicating.

They are the check, courts are the check.

Everyday someone (a different democrat everyday )should come out and speak and say what is happening in the committee meetings everyone is not watching CSPAN get the media to pay attention make voices heard.

Thank you Jamie Raskin

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Problem is, the Repubs don’t listen. And why? Because the GOP no longer cares about We the People or our Laws or the Constitution that our ancestors fought and died for. Simple.

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Republicans don’t listen some agree but others are scared to speak out. I say if you don’t agree speak out otherwise why are you in Congress you work for the people ( your constituents) the Republicans in blue states have to please them as well

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Jami Raskin and some other democratic legislators have been very vocal about the mess(s) that trump and musk and a few others are making while breaking the Law. Breaking the Law hasn't registered with any of trumps puppets or the orange guy himself. What happened? The USA is a country of tried and true Laws that are being ignored ,or worse,being rewritten by m& t. and not by the Legislative branch of our government. This is a brazen takeover of our govt by a 34 count criminal and an immigrant from s.africa. A coup for sure. This must be stopped!!!!

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As soon as we get one more democrat in the house we can start impeachment

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FL special elections .

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Jamie Raskin is 100% correct. ALL of these Republicans are traitors and liars and not a single one of them has the courage or patriotism to stand up for the Constitution and the rule of law. When their tie comes, they all should rot in hell for abandoning our country and the American people.

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More statements by Democrats and action and lawsuits everyday, flood the Republicans zone!!!!

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Keep calling out the republicans for what is happening and make sure everyone knows about it...broadcast it through all the media.

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Fuck every spineless republican and send them to the ashes of history where they belong

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GO Jamie! You speak in aloud and clear voice what Dems need to do. And the public mostly listens to what you have to say. Keep it up!

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I keep hearing what is happening is "illegal." Don't the police ARREST you when you do something illegal? I thought that's why we have police. I honestly do not understand WHY this is happening, and WHY are all the democrats just standing around clutching their pearls?! For god's sake, stop talking and DO SOMETHING!!!!!

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Judy, what sources do you follow? I’m reading about all kinds of actions that our democratic leaders are taking. There’s a national on-line “town hall” scheduled for tomorrow, February 12th, to discuss what’s happening. Here’s the link.


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Some are trying . Keep the capital switchboard busy . Keep calling

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Raskin is absolutely on target. Elon Musk should be questioned immediately on all the activity he is involved in and be prosecuted where necessary!!

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POS has handed Elon the keys to the kingdom, and he's going to take what he can, knowing that the FBI will ignore him, along with the rest of the government.

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AMEN!! Stupid complicit Republicans!! 🙄🙄🙄

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Thank you, Jamie Raskin, and every other person who has spoken out against what Orange Guy and his less-transparent shadow president Muskrat are doing. And I thank the judges for doing what they are supposed to do. However, while all this stuff is happening, and by now every American with half a brain knows that it’s all illegal and against the constitution, the government is continuing to be dismantled. What has to happen in order for it to stop? Excuse the language, but I am getting upset. Dipshit and muskrat are not playing by the rules. So in order to have any effect, does that mean the Democrats do not play by the rules? I’d hate to see that because I think that we are a civilized society. But there’s always that percentage that ruins every hypothesis. And what about those so-called billionaires? Do you know how effing tiring it is to hear “Elon Musk, the richest man in the world“? I don’t give an F how much money he has, he is morally and ethically bankrupt. And if those other billionaires, Bezos and Zuckerberg et all, are going to go along with this, they are also morally and ethically bankrupt. You’d think money was oxygen the way they cling to every dollar. And your other rich peeps who are on the cabinet, if you were not in politics first, what do you hope to gain by following what these crooked people are saying? You have to realize he’s a criminal, and you are defined by who you hang out with. Felon, rapist, pedophile, fraud, grifter, embezzler. What do you people hope to gain by hanging out with him (I KNOW the sentence was repeated!). Reaching the end of my tether. If Democrats and any Republicans who might still have some morals, integrity, and self-respect cannot stop what is happening, how are we citizens supposed to help? I have no more money to donate, and even what I had might not have been a lot to politics, but it was a lot to me. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make this a sermon, I’m just so depressed and fed up. OK, now you can rip this to shreds. Have fun.

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Well said and I agree with you completely!

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