Block everyone. IKEA has better cabinets!🤬🤬

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They can't They haven't had the votes to block any of Trump's nominees until now. The only way Democrats can block a Trump nominee is if one Republican votes no. Until now, they haven't had the opening because all committee Republicans have voted yes.--Jason

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How did Tommy Tuberville manage to block all those military appointments for so long? There must be some ways to block some things?

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That is funny

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Block all nominees regardless. At this point, any favorable votes will make you look like a collaborator.

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Again, they can't. That is the problem with being in the minority.---Jason

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I know they can’t physically block but they can sure vote NO and not look like they’re capitulating in any sense.

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DEMS must stay united. No exceptions until order is restored. No to everything proposed by GOP until they start acting like the congressional body the Constitution intended.

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It’s worked for Yertel the (McConnell) Turtle for years. How many times have we heard “Mumble, mumble, NO!” from that awful man!! Block it ALL!!

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Politics is inherently transactional. If Democrats think they're going to get a prom invitation from Trump, all they're going to get is bucket of pig's blood dumped on their heads. They should commit to not voting for any of Trump's nominees--even if he somehow manages to dredge up one who is not a walking war crime--until Trump gives them something. Say, not letting his buddy and the Twitler Youth steal their constituent's Medicare and Social Security benefits.

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Thank you, Senator Chris Murphy!👏👏👏👏👏

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Dems and Independents should show more spine than their GOP colleagues. Why is this even a question?

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They are doing their best, but being in the minority means they are extremely limited.---Jason

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Blocking her is the absolute right thing to do

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I’ll believe it when I see it.

And Rand Paul - how’s your states sales of bourbon to Canada going?

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It's great that Andy Kim is going to put his foot somewhere other than his mouth. Where was this determination when he inexplicably voted to confirm Black Hills Barbie as Secretary of Homeland Security. Who knew that shooting your own, innocent dog was a qualifier to keeping our border secure. I have to laugh at the premise of the article; Democrats are getting tough (?). Where was this toughness when it came to Hegeseth, Bondi, Gabbard and Kennedy to name but a few. Once again, Chuckles Shumer and his band of enablers are showing up a day late and a dollar short.

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Chris Murphy is my Senator. If he fails to do his job, I will run for his seat as an independent. I may lose, but I’ll make a statement. There is no real power, only delays, and we are accustomed to that. They cling to straws to ease their own guilt.

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This one is a no brainer .Rudy Guilani should b e Secretary of Labor... He is a crook, drinker, idiot, hates workers, unless they are doing drywall on his bathroom, will never pay his bills. hates minorities, particularly little brown people, unless they are watering his flowers, and picking up his dog window sill bowel movement., Second choice? Al Pacino... I mean he played Hoffa. Trump does not know the difference between a movie and reality. I mean , if Charleton Heston were alive, he would be Ambassador to Israel, Burt Lancaster Secretary of Defense..... the entire cast of Music Man would be appointed to the Supreme Court. Kirk Douglas for Secretary of Transportation. He played Spartacus...knows real good shit about how to get places, Frank Sinatra would be Secretary of Agriculture He knows a lot about that shit..he put lemon twist in Jack Daniels.. Finally Popeye.. who can leave out Popeye as FDA Director... He knows a lot about what to eat. and muscle development Beautiful man,,, just brilliant...

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In addition to the general principle of never voting for any Trump nominee ever, we should be organizing to prevent confirmation of Trump's eventual nominees for the NLRB and EEOC. The longer those bodies go without a quorum, the longer it will take them to eliminate protection for workers and citizens.

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Labor hell. Keep Patel out.

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No to any of Trump Cabinet nominees!

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I’m glad my Senator Chris Murphy has the courage and spine to stand up for making intelligent choices instead of giving trumplethinskin “happy endings “.

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I will believe it when I see it

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Me too…. So far senate has given frump just about everyone he’s put out there…. with or without Dems help. 😡🤬

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I’m convinced Dems are complicit in his operation hence they refuse to fight the incoming dictatorship

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Now that is truly cynical. Sorry you feel that way.

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I don’t feel it cynical at this point, I feel it’s realistic. When Hakeem Jeffries is upset that voters and grassroots groups MoveOn and Indivisible are calling him, rather than being upset about the dictatorship himself, it really does make you wonder.

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I’ve watched this circus for over 4 decades now. No matter how the GOP screw things up the DEMs are expected to save us… the DEMs have to “fix it”, and they have done. And their thanks? “Well, they shoulda sounded angrier”, “they shoulda done it sooner”- let’s not continue to stand in a circle and aim our fire at EACH OTHER!! I see signs of “rebellion”- but it’s not just the elected folks who need to stand up to staunch the bleeding! It’s “WE the people”, after all. ✌🏼🇺🇸

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The party of “Democracy” is supposed to save democracy. Except they’re not this time. No matter how much loyalty they have to the party doesn’t change the outcome.

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