Absolutely💯🤬🤬🤬 We have to get down to their level and fight fight fight. .. Mitch McConnell style‼️🤬‼️ he’s the one responsible for all this mess🤬🤬🤬‼️‼️‼️
No need to get "down to their level". We can fight with moral strength. We are not just doing it out of spite like McConnell, but because we are fighting illegal actions by Drumpf, Musk, and their thugs.
To do just that, we have to go low. It will not get done if we go high. Morals be darned, we are fighting against immoral people who have the numbers and the will to destroy us. It does not help us to get on our high horse and say well, we're the moral majority, it won't help it will only hurt. You have to understand fighting new york style.
McConnell didn’t do it out of spite. He did it to ruthlessly maintain power for Republicans. We need to use the same tactics against them that they have no problem using against us.
It’s about damn time that any of the Democratic Senators are waking up. The guy they confirmed last week is the one who enabled the OPM break in and cyber theft of American’s PII and the Treasury payment system.
Thank you, Jason. I am sick of the Democrat-bashing that I'm reading right here in these comments. Dems are the minority party with limited power. Dems are doing the best they can (in just 14 days) without a peep of recognition or help from the MSM. I had to watch today’s Dem rally outside USAID on the Hopium channel because it was nowhere to be found in its entirety on “regular” news. Meanwhile, complicit Republicans are doing nothing to stop the madness. Dammit, the GOP is in charge of all branches of the government now. This is their mess! Make them own it. Demand that they act. I called my R congressman this morning and gave him a piece of my mind. Everyone here with Republican reps or senators needs to do the same. We must hold the GOP’s feet to the fire! And for crying out loud, give our Dem leaders your encouragement and support, not your impatience and scorn. Pointing fingers at our own party is not helping our cause at all. We need to join together now to effectively fight back. Just do it.
I have to ask, I'll probably regret it. Are you okay with a Nationalized citizen who holds dual citizenships in other countries, having access to your personal information. Your Social Security #s, your health records and the Treasury records for all Americans?
I googled the process for nationalization and it involves renouncing allegiance to other countries where you have been a citizen and stating your readiness to bear arms. They do criminal checks etc. He has to take an Oath of Allegiance to the US of A. The website www.justia.com is where I got my info.
I’m guessing Raskin and others are aware that they can move on him this way … and it’s also good news that they are working out a way to divest him of his government contracts. Those contracts … taxpayer dollars, are what made him rich.
He has also broken the seditious conspiracy act which should put him in prison. Again … I’m sure that folks in Congress are doing what they can do, including obstructing progress, to stop this coup.
Forty percent of Americans did not vote for either VP Harris or King Donald 1.
Forty percent DID NOT VOTE. They choose bullets over ballots.
Our fine and potentially great nation is being gutted by oligarchs, billionaire, and a mad king. Tommy Crooks had the right idea for whatever motives the young man had.
They had to give him a chance—he and this government were elected. It’s their job to work with him. 14 days and 14 idiotic, cruel, illegal moves later…..gloves off.
I am a Democrat and it seems to me.All they did during the campaign was whine. I am crazy About Joe Biden but he made a huge mistake. He should have stuck To being a one term president. That was the idea from the beginning.
Believe me, I’ve been paying attention. But that’s in the past. Not negating it, but we have to think of now & bury grudges, it doesn’t help what we have to do now, in this very moment.
Call your Senator and tell them you want to know if there's a Class Action suit against Musk for violating your rights and blocking the ppl that you trusted in charge of protecting your personal info, I did, I said if there's not a class action suit, I want to sue Musk myself and what help if any you can give. I was promised my message would be relayed to him with my full name, address...
It's now or never, seriously if we don't act now, we might not be able to stand again 🙏💙
Trump voters listen to Fox News and all the other conservative media totally spreads all of Trump‘s lies and also validates everything that he says. I hope they see the light but I’m not sure whether that’ll happen.
All of these types of comments are ridiculous they don't take into account all of the people who didn't vote for Trump who are going to be harmed to the point of potential death. Stop with this. Hey back so that they understand isn't going to work. We need action.
There is no action other than lawsuits, or armed revolt.
Our government was designed this way.
Forty percent of us (we, the people) did not cast a vote.
A bit more than thirty percent voted for madness.
A bit less than thirty percent voted for experience and professionalism.
We, the people, are collectively the laziest, most ignorant, most pampered, people ever to share a homeland. I am embarrassed to be associated with most of my "peers". The sooner they leave or die, the more resources there will be for the decent human hunter and gatherers.
I agree but sadly we are going to suffer for their choice, they have a right to vote for who they want. I can't understand how they believe hes not corrupt, he was found guilty by republican judges & AG's, jury of their own peers that his lawyers picked. My problem is that We the People are going to suffer with the uneducated angry ppl. As far as babies, little children, my heart breaks for all of them when their own parents picked a rapist to be Pres of our country. The parents should have guilt but their MAGA, not counting on them having remorse for anyone.
Call your Senator, even if it's a cowardly republican, tell them you won't vote for a Republican again if they can't stop 47 from destroying your family...
I was responding to the woman who said her son with a new baby lost his job is why I was sorry. I absolutely did not vote for him.
We are very upset by the musk Trump attack on our democracy and all the vulnerable people and animals and land that will be hurt by their cruelty and disrespect!
I’m sure he will be okay. He's getting treated the way he voted for everyone else to he treated so it's only fair he get to experience what he voted for.
It’s about time. And they need to recall Patel, Kennedy & ask real questions. What about raw milk, Kennedy is a huge proponent of this & the Bird Flu is expanding everyday & replicates in mammary glands.
Grind everything to a halt until DOGE is pulled out of a presence in any and all government facilities and operations. Musk is unelected, lacks appropriate security vetting, and has not gone through a confirmation process. The Republicans in Congress need to yank Trump and Musk back. Until they act with Democrats business should be halted.
Nancy K, I am not the enemy. I think we are on the same side. Why would you feel it necessary to snark at me? Obviously if I posted a response with action items I have been paying attention. You are, of course, free to disagree with what I suggested. The insult doesn’t protect you, I or any other citizen from this terrible situation.
I’m sorry about the snarky comment, I apologize! Like you I’m terribly frustrated about watching what is happening. I’ve decided that what happens now has already happened and there is not too much hope for the country. These people are thugs and criminals and don’t intend to let anyone get in their way. Stay safe, and blessed!
Thank you for your apology. Takes a good heart and strength of character to apologize in a public forum. I understand your frustrations. Take care of yourself.
Agreed but with a Republican controlled Congress that is unlikely unless biters represented by Republicans put the fear of God in them. I think that no matter how afraid of Trump they might be they are even more scared of losing their position. Bo us points if the callers are Republican and identify themselves as such.
Block them ALL. Fight Back. And help the FBI civil servants keep their jobs. Arrest Musk, an Unelected citizen, who is breaking the Law and getting access to high level payment systems he is NOT entitled to have. Stop This Insanity!!! Trump Does Not have a mandate. His election win is the smallest margin in history. Also, Trump Did Not win a majority of the votes cast…he did Not even get 60%. Stand up to this Fascistic behavior.
If you recall back, when Barack Obama was elected, Mitch McConnell said that they would block everything he tried to do. He was a good president and did wonderful things for the country, but Republicans just tried every trick in the book to keep him from achieving success, which he did anyway. I have no problem with leadership from the house and Senate standing up and saying we’re not gonna do anything Republicans want so get ready for every procedural move in the book over the next four years.
Do it! Block Trump’s nominees! Do whatever you can to put a halt to this insanity.
Block everything the Repugs are trying to pull at all costs!
You’re preaching to the wrong choir Democrats have blocked Trump’s nominees. It’s the Republicans that are putting them through.
Not exactly.
The dems must state as a group their intention to
“Shut it Down “
No Agreements until the Law is followed!
They did Stand as a group today outside of USAID office 🙌🏽
Do just as the MAGAheads did to Obama,s Supreme Court nominee. Delay to death
Absolutely. Whatever can be done to gum things up should be done without delay!
Absolutely💯🤬🤬🤬 We have to get down to their level and fight fight fight. .. Mitch McConnell style‼️🤬‼️ he’s the one responsible for all this mess🤬🤬🤬‼️‼️‼️
No need to get "down to their level". We can fight with moral strength. We are not just doing it out of spite like McConnell, but because we are fighting illegal actions by Drumpf, Musk, and their thugs.
To do just that, we have to go low. It will not get done if we go high. Morals be darned, we are fighting against immoral people who have the numbers and the will to destroy us. It does not help us to get on our high horse and say well, we're the moral majority, it won't help it will only hurt. You have to understand fighting new york style.
👏👏👏 We HAVE moral strength, yes! So let’s use it!
McConnell didn’t do it out of spite. He did it to ruthlessly maintain power for Republicans. We need to use the same tactics against them that they have no problem using against us.
The head of Donald Trump is like an abattoir for the proper use of the English language.
It’s about damn time that any of the Democratic Senators are waking up. The guy they confirmed last week is the one who enabled the OPM break in and cyber theft of American’s PII and the Treasury payment system.
I don't get the idea that it is about time. Trump has been in office for 14 days. It hasn't even been a month yet.---Jason
Yes, and look at all the damage that they have already done. So yes, it's about time.
Thank you, Jason. I am sick of the Democrat-bashing that I'm reading right here in these comments. Dems are the minority party with limited power. Dems are doing the best they can (in just 14 days) without a peep of recognition or help from the MSM. I had to watch today’s Dem rally outside USAID on the Hopium channel because it was nowhere to be found in its entirety on “regular” news. Meanwhile, complicit Republicans are doing nothing to stop the madness. Dammit, the GOP is in charge of all branches of the government now. This is their mess! Make them own it. Demand that they act. I called my R congressman this morning and gave him a piece of my mind. Everyone here with Republican reps or senators needs to do the same. We must hold the GOP’s feet to the fire! And for crying out loud, give our Dem leaders your encouragement and support, not your impatience and scorn. Pointing fingers at our own party is not helping our cause at all. We need to join together now to effectively fight back. Just do it.
Yes Democrat bashing makes me wonder about those people's motives!
I have to ask, I'll probably regret it. Are you okay with a Nationalized citizen who holds dual citizenships in other countries, having access to your personal information. Your Social Security #s, your health records and the Treasury records for all Americans?
I googled the process for nationalization and it involves renouncing allegiance to other countries where you have been a citizen and stating your readiness to bear arms. They do criminal checks etc. He has to take an Oath of Allegiance to the US of A. The website www.justia.com is where I got my info.
I’m guessing Raskin and others are aware that they can move on him this way … and it’s also good news that they are working out a way to divest him of his government contracts. Those contracts … taxpayer dollars, are what made him rich.
He has also broken the seditious conspiracy act which should put him in prison. Again … I’m sure that folks in Congress are doing what they can do, including obstructing progress, to stop this coup.
Jason, you are a fool.
Forty percent of Americans did not vote for either VP Harris or King Donald 1.
Forty percent DID NOT VOTE. They choose bullets over ballots.
Our fine and potentially great nation is being gutted by oligarchs, billionaire, and a mad king. Tommy Crooks had the right idea for whatever motives the young man had.
They had to give him a chance—he and this government were elected. It’s their job to work with him. 14 days and 14 idiotic, cruel, illegal moves later…..gloves off.
They should have come back from their recess and blocked everything right then & there. It shouldn’t have gotten this far!
It has been years if you have been paying attention!
I am a Democrat and it seems to me.All they did during the campaign was whine. I am crazy About Joe Biden but he made a huge mistake. He should have stuck To being a one term president. That was the idea from the beginning.
That was then, this is now, going forward. Though I understand your frustration.
Believe me, I’ve been paying attention. But that’s in the past. Not negating it, but we have to think of now & bury grudges, it doesn’t help what we have to do now, in this very moment.
My husband and I are outraged by what Musk is doing!! He must be stopped
Call your Senator and tell them you want to know if there's a Class Action suit against Musk for violating your rights and blocking the ppl that you trusted in charge of protecting your personal info, I did, I said if there's not a class action suit, I want to sue Musk myself and what help if any you can give. I was promised my message would be relayed to him with my full name, address...
It's now or never, seriously if we don't act now, we might not be able to stand again 🙏💙
He should be deported.
Musk should be deported. Trump should be in prison.
That would be a good start.
Unfortunately the only way Trump voters will understand how evil Trump really is is to suffer the consequences.
Trump voters listen to Fox News and all the other conservative media totally spreads all of Trump‘s lies and also validates everything that he says. I hope they see the light but I’m not sure whether that’ll happen.
They have “light” blindness
We the People have to suffer the consequence not just those who voted for him.
Sadly we will go..
Guess it’s payback time for Trump voters. Buyers remorse will set in as soon as prices rise, healthcare is cut and jobs are lost.
All of these types of comments are ridiculous they don't take into account all of the people who didn't vote for Trump who are going to be harmed to the point of potential death. Stop with this. Hey back so that they understand isn't going to work. We need action.
There is no action other than lawsuits, or armed revolt.
Our government was designed this way.
Forty percent of us (we, the people) did not cast a vote.
A bit more than thirty percent voted for madness.
A bit less than thirty percent voted for experience and professionalism.
We, the people, are collectively the laziest, most ignorant, most pampered, people ever to share a homeland. I am embarrassed to be associated with most of my "peers". The sooner they leave or die, the more resources there will be for the decent human hunter and gatherers.
I agree but sadly we are going to suffer for their choice, they have a right to vote for who they want. I can't understand how they believe hes not corrupt, he was found guilty by republican judges & AG's, jury of their own peers that his lawyers picked. My problem is that We the People are going to suffer with the uneducated angry ppl. As far as babies, little children, my heart breaks for all of them when their own parents picked a rapist to be Pres of our country. The parents should have guilt but their MAGA, not counting on them having remorse for anyone.
Don't get me started on the parents.
I am sorry that they are hurting. A lot of us who did NOT vote for trump are going to be hurting, too.
I am so sorry 🙏💙
Call your Senator, even if it's a cowardly republican, tell them you won't vote for a Republican again if they can't stop 47 from destroying your family...
I am sorry to hear that
Alexa did you vote for him?
I was responding to the woman who said her son with a new baby lost his job is why I was sorry. I absolutely did not vote for him.
We are very upset by the musk Trump attack on our democracy and all the vulnerable people and animals and land that will be hurt by their cruelty and disrespect!
Did you vote?
of course. Our democracy is too important to not vote.
Not sorry, they knew he was crazy!
I'm sorry that happened to them. Are their eyes wide open now as to what Trump really has in mind for Americans.
It’s personal now? But not before? Too bad!
They believed his lies. His actions have shown who he is for decades.
Not much foresight there.
They can move in with you if they can't make their rent.
I’m sure he will be okay. He's getting treated the way he voted for everyone else to he treated so it's only fair he get to experience what he voted for.
Block it ALL !!!
They need to put up solid blue wall. They need to demand the removal of musk and doge. They need to stand firm a big NO to a dictatorship and facists.
AND, they need us to have their backs and do what we are able to in our own state to fight back.
It’s about time. And they need to recall Patel, Kennedy & ask real questions. What about raw milk, Kennedy is a huge proponent of this & the Bird Flu is expanding everyday & replicates in mammary glands.
CF 47 told RFK to go midevil on the Health department policies, he's a sick pig!!
Grind everything to a halt until DOGE is pulled out of a presence in any and all government facilities and operations. Musk is unelected, lacks appropriate security vetting, and has not gone through a confirmation process. The Republicans in Congress need to yank Trump and Musk back. Until they act with Democrats business should be halted.
They are fascists, they do not work with anyone who is not. Haven’t you been paying attention?
Nancy K, I am not the enemy. I think we are on the same side. Why would you feel it necessary to snark at me? Obviously if I posted a response with action items I have been paying attention. You are, of course, free to disagree with what I suggested. The insult doesn’t protect you, I or any other citizen from this terrible situation.
I’m sorry about the snarky comment, I apologize! Like you I’m terribly frustrated about watching what is happening. I’ve decided that what happens now has already happened and there is not too much hope for the country. These people are thugs and criminals and don’t intend to let anyone get in their way. Stay safe, and blessed!
It’s not over Nancy, not by a long shot. Don’t give up!
Thank you for your apology. Takes a good heart and strength of character to apologize in a public forum. I understand your frustrations. Take care of yourself.
What exactly do you propose? You are nay saying everything. What are your suggestions?
Read the article! They can block them! They have tools they can use to bring things to a screeching halt! I say, GO FOR IT!
Oh good. Finally, some movement among the Democrats!!
What have they been waiting for! Let's go!!
It’s about friggin time! DONT KNEEL AND KISS THE RING…HELP US!
Go for it. Do what ever is necessary to stop Muskrat, his billionaire ally’s and JD Vance. Impeach them all.
Agreed but with a Republican controlled Congress that is unlikely unless biters represented by Republicans put the fear of God in them. I think that no matter how afraid of Trump they might be they are even more scared of losing their position. Bo us points if the callers are Republican and identify themselves as such.
Block them ALL. Fight Back. And help the FBI civil servants keep their jobs. Arrest Musk, an Unelected citizen, who is breaking the Law and getting access to high level payment systems he is NOT entitled to have. Stop This Insanity!!! Trump Does Not have a mandate. His election win is the smallest margin in history. Also, Trump Did Not win a majority of the votes cast…he did Not even get 60%. Stand up to this Fascistic behavior.
It’s past time to do so, but better late than never. I applaud them. We need the Senate and the House to pull out all stops to oppose these attacks.
If you recall back, when Barack Obama was elected, Mitch McConnell said that they would block everything he tried to do. He was a good president and did wonderful things for the country, but Republicans just tried every trick in the book to keep him from achieving success, which he did anyway. I have no problem with leadership from the house and Senate standing up and saying we’re not gonna do anything Republicans want so get ready for every procedural move in the book over the next four years.
Agreed .Fight for our country.
Fir tgat to happen, Leader Schumer needs to be retired.
Let’s do it! Musk(rat) is dangerous and he needs to be stopped