ALL ATTYS GENERAL NEED TO STOP HIM NOW. He represents only the Executive Branch. Congress and Judiciary have equal standing. Stop him !!!

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Congress is afraid of this disgusting SBMFPOS

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Congress afraid, I agree. But seems to me our entire country is marinating in fear. It is washing over and soaking into the psyches of every citizen who's aware and awake. I live in Mexico and will be returning soon to visit family & friends in Austin & San Antonio. Today, I couldn't help myself wondering, "Will the border be open for a straight white 85-year old woman? What if she's a lifelong Democrat? I'll let yall know if I'm detained at the border.

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I am planning another road trip down from my home in Anchorage to visit family in Chicago. I'm hoping Canada let's me in.

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I was born in the U.S. in a town named Mexico. I hope I don’t get deported.

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Good luck!

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Why have the red state AGs said nothing? If they are not being affected by this freeze then the blue states need to shut down sending anything to Congress. No Tax payments until this insanity stops.

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4 of the top 5 states receiving more federal aid than what they send to DC are Republican states who are run and went for the GOP in November!!

Congratulations Red States AG's. You got what you voted for. Now tell your citizens you're working for them. They're used to being lied to .

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That is so true!

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Red States are affected most. I think this kind of headline gives a false impression. I’m postulating that Republican AGs are doing the same. It needs to be reported that way.

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I'm hoping they are. But I don't have much hope that they will.

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I totally agree with this!

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Because they are not the sharpest knives in the drawer

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The Democratic AGs should only sue on behalf of their constituents let the red states fend for themselves

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What the heck is happening to the United States? This reeks of I wanna be king loading up power across all departments. Welcome to fascist police state America and it’s only week one. if your Attorney General won’t stand up for your state, you better start asking whynot! now the king is bypassing Congress too, are the Republicans completely crazy and so Trump whipped you do and say nothing about this outrageous power grab? what a pathetic derrliction of duty that is.

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I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who has always voted (since 1976 - every two years). If I were much younger and had just watched forty percent of my "peer" (?) citizens FAIL to vote (again) I would leave. I have people here whom I will not leave behind so I'll finish dying here.

At some point we (those of us who are still believe in the promise of America) will need to admit that there is no longer a "United States". Our choices, of course are limited; again because so many of chose (by not voting) to throw away the only real power we have (had?) as Americans.

The Democratic AGs are using the power they have as duly elected officials.

If the Mad Orange King, and his sycophants and scared rabbits in Congress, are stripped of all their material wealth through legal channels they will be reduced to dust.

In any case, the alternative is taking up arms. That may yet happen.

With current legal precedent set to "anything goes" it will be an exciting four years.

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Thank goodness we still have level headed leaders. If trump and his cronies have their way we will go back in time, the dark ages.

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I do not believe that this is a blanket OMB. It smacks of Trump trying to coerce the Democratic Legislation to do his bidding. Democrats say NO. NO. Blue States do not fall for anything that tRump. NO means NO

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Thank you for standing up! We are with you!!

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What a disgusting piece of garbage that miserable human being trump is. His “let’s all get richer” policies hurt the ignorant people who voted for him and they don’t even know it.

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The Democrats need to STOP bailing out Trump and the republicans. The red state MAGAS need to feel the consequences of Trump's taking away their rights. Even if the Dems do overturn Trumps funding freeze, the Republicans will just blame the Democrats and take credit for saving democracy.

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I'll be in agreement if Blue states pause their financial federal obligations so they can use this money to fund their initiatives

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I still have a crumb of faith that enough of us will overcome the astounding ignorance of the sheep-people and rise above this two party game playing. We could have done this at the ballot box. Forty percent DID NOT BOTHER. I guess they were too busy wanking.

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I do not expect any action from our corrupt and very MAGA Texas AG

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I don't either. As it is this is the state with the highest number of uninsured

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Thank God for them!!!

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Thank you ATTYS GENERAL! This is quick on the draw, the way it should be!

Next step is to arrest DT for illegal acts and revoke Musk's citizenship!

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perhaps we also need to pause our states' financial obligations and collections to the federal government to fund our own initiatives.

What's he gonna do? place tariffs between states?

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It’s ALWAYS the Democrats who stand up against the horrific behavior of this administration!! They are the only adults in the room, period!

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Kudos to them for responding so swiftly! Heroes all!

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More power to them!!

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