The mainstream media is failing to provide factual information that would allow the public to understand the issues fully and respond appropriately? What a surprise. Not.

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Trump was reasonably lucid when he came down the golden escalator in 2016. Compare that to his mental acuity now (a fairly rapid and steep decline) and then imagine what shape he'll be in if he serves out his term (which is scheduled to end on Jan 20, 2029).

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He a con man. A grifter. Wiley and sly. But at the core, stupid and lazy.

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Wiley Coyote wanna-be? 🤔 😄 🤣 😂 😆

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Wiley and sly? Hardly...you give him waaaayyy to much credit. He speaks the language of the ignorant, nothing wiley about that...unless you mean in the context of Wile E. Coyote...

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That's it. You got it.

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May he end up in a straight jacket by December 2025. A fitting Christmas gift for someone who should get only coal, by the truckload, dumped at Maraloco.

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Straight jacket and shackles.

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And a Hannibal Lector‐type mask.

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Love it

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He is smart enough to profit from his fake presidency, for example by creating his own cryptocurrency on day one.

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Some advisor from South Africa set it up - and of course T jumped on it, as he predictably always does if there is a dollar to be made, sneakers anybody? The bible acc to T, anyone?

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He is skilled at "sales" in the sense of a carnival barker. I don't know if he comes up with his schemes anymore, probably has lots of crooked marketing guys, but he does take advantage of those opportunities.

There are many kinds of intelligence. The Felon has never had most of them, but he is good at the show and the con

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He'll be dead, hopefully, and doubt this new amendment to the constitution will fly.

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The successor will be worse: Still evil, but with perhaps more brains and a pulse.

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Prayer this 💩 will be over by then

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I doubt he’ll still be breathing by then.

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The mainstream media has always been lazy and easily bought.

Some stunning individuals of character and commitment to the contrary, the media is comprised of over-paid performers.

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So disappointing

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They are reporting that he took away his security clearance. Irresponsible.

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Biden lost that when he left office doesn't anyone in administration know that?

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Did you read the article?

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Seems main stream corporate media has made their choice! They are lying/sane washing everything single thing that CF47 & muskrat says & do to the American People!! Please don’t give CMSM any additional attention as they can’t be trusted to share the truth!?🤬😡🤦🏼‍♀️💙

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Trump does not have the basic knowledge of how the government works that I had to have to fill my billet as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy, back in the Carter administration. -Ivan Lopakhin

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Thank you for your service @Paul S. Marchand!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸

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So, don’t thank me for my service, thank Ivan Arkadyevich.

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My earlier comment was a quotation from my friend Ivan Lopakhin.

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I can only say one thing, Trump is a fucking idiot felon x34

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He's weak as well as being stupid. Imagine not being able to tell musk "No."

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I don't think he can tell musk to duck off...I think musk has something on him...

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yes, $260 million he paid to buy the presidency for Trump.

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I believe they made a deal.. that’s their secret

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Probably the Epstine files

It’s all gone quite about them very suddenly. He’s used distraction to avoid releasing them.

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Musk bailed Trump out financiallly (lawsuits, etc.) AND invested millions in the campaign. MUSK OWNS TRUMP!

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Probably everyone has something on Felon. I certainly do.

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One I believe they made a deal where Musk works so T wins & get out of prison threat and Musk got the government. If T makes Musk mad, Musk might renege on the deal lol. He has dirt on him that would put T back in the threats.

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Possible. If that's the case, trump should talk to his dear old friend, Vladimir Putin, about dealing with pesky oligarchs.

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Putin isn’t going to help Dumold Tdump in any way without a quidproquo

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Yep, oodles of money.

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It appears that a lot of fools have something on him. He should pray for a brain bleed.

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The socialite and Jeffrey Epstein

While in New York, Maxwell went to parties, attended A-list events and mixed with the likes of Donald Trump and Elon Musk

She also met Epstein, an elusive high-flying hedge-fund manager, whose clients included the billionaire retail magnate Les Wexner.

While it is unclear exactly when the pair first came face to face, Maxwell told a 2016 deposition she met Epstein sometime in 1991 through a "mutual friend". Photographs show Maxwell and the financier together at a party in November 1991.

Her Rolodex was a who's-who of enviable connections among the rich, famous and politically-connected. She's been pictured with Elon Musk, Arianna Huffington and Michael Bloomberg.

Rumours swirled about the pair's power – the financier was the money, while Ghislaine offered her contacts.

And then their partnership allegedly turned into something more sinister.

High profile men under the spotlight

A cadre of rich, powerful and famous men were lured into Epstein and Maxwell's orbit.

They included academics, politicians, business executives, billionaires and celebrities. But since Epstein's arrest and subsequent death, many have moved to distance themselves from the pair.

Donald Trump has claimed he wasn't a fan of Epstein and had a "falling out with him a long time ago,"

Donald Trump with his hand around Melania Trump stands next to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell

Donald Trump and his then girlfriend (and future wife) Melania Knauss with Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislaine Maxwell in Palm Beach in 2000. (Getty Images: Davidoff Studios)

Yet, the public will be avidly watching the trial to see if any of the famous names that Maxwell was once photographed with will come up.

Outside of the court room, some high-profile figures have already faced consequences for their links to Maxwell and Epstein.

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Musk Trump both were visitors at Epstein place. Friends of Maxwell the daughter of Robert Maxwell who had connections to Russia. Robert Maxwell a Czech citizen.

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Trump and Musk need to be locked up in padded cells.

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Together for a week see who is left standing and send that one to Gitmo!🙄😡💙

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Money talks, and Musk talks so loud the Donald can hear nothing else. I have grown a virtual translator in my ear, which converts Trumpspeak into truth (in English). It often works well enough to make his gibberish comprehensible.

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He's not allowed to tell Musk "NO". Daddy Putin would get SO mad!!!

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Along with Muske and the lot!!! They should immediately be arrested and tried for treason but everyone is silent. I have even been locked out accounts I follow for saying so. I will say it for as long as I can. Save our country from Nazis...A Saddened Septuagenarian. 🗽🗽🗽⚖️ ⚖️ ⚖️ 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

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100%agree. Who will rid us of this meddlesome" Afrikaner.

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I am tired of so many people making blanket statements like “everyone is silent’ when you, yourself, are not silent. Nor Ami,another septuagenarian. There are a growing number of people who are constantly looking for ways to fight back. We need to keep that fact at the forefront of people’s minds.

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We need a FREE People's News Station!

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Yes FELON47 with 34 felonies and such a clown 🤡

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This is more proof that this take over is out of his hands. Who is watching what the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society are doing. Why haven’t Kevin Roberts, Leonard Leo an Elon Musk identified as domestic terrorist that are trying to overthrow our government? They have been financed from some of the darkest money and seems the attention is focused on the wrong threat. WTF is really going down?

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The major networks are complicit by omission and selective reporting.

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They're not reporters, they're stenographers.

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No, stenographers record verbatim, reporters summarize but the Editors put the slant on it according to their corporate mission.

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There is a good article I read in The Guardian about Musk and his family history. Not sure I’m allowed to post he link here but you can Google the title:

“How the roots of the PayPal mafia extend to apartheid South Africa”. Everyone should read up on Musk as much as possible.

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Thx for posting this. Found lots of info on line just searching for PayPal mafia

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Nothing showed up when I looked for that

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Exactly. 👍🏼

Leonard Leo Steven Bannon

Steve Millar


Elon Musk


And others.

Christian Nationalists they have plenty of money

It’s a corrupt cabal of unlikely people who have one aim in mind. Power and control.

Some don’t like Women’s rights, some are racist and that’s what their beef is. The Christians want a return to the 1800’s when Bible Bashing was normal, hay ho let’s all return to scripture lessons no science. God made the world in 7 days. End of. Trump is everything the Bible says we shouldn’t be. But don’t let that get in the way of controlling the population. Republicans and Democrats should be united to protect the Constitution and the people from tyranny Read project 2025. It’s coming. It’s more than a fat old orange narcissist calling the shots. It’s much bigger than that. He’s just a small cog in the much larger Neo Nazi Christian Fundamentalist plot to hi Jack modern society.

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Unchristian nationalism. They pick and choose their Bible quotes. The sheeple swallow it all with stagnant water.

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Dont forget Project 2025, America first legal, their entanglement & all the non profit web of groups created under it designed to dismantle the government, voting rights, womens rights, immigrants rights & immigration at large from South America, African continent & non white people plus much much more. Cleta Mitchell, Gini Thomas & people now working in the White House & cabinet members & nominees & the like & authors of P2025 are embedded in the entire web. It's a authoritarian Christian Nationalism Caball to overthrow the constitution, democracy, the law, courts & our freedoms.

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It’s not like it’s been kept secret. They published their Project 2025 agenda before the election and they aren’t wasting any time implementing it. There’s nothing subtle or Christian about it. Actions speak louder than words. These people are ruthless and America is only beginning to wake up. Hopefully,it’s not too late.

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You would think the fact that they were openly advertising for loyal applicants to apply for jobs in project 2025 would have raised red flags. That and General Mike Flynn and Eric Prince assembling a militia dor the last 10 years.

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Knee pads are on sale.

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I can’t believe how so much of this went right over the heads of so many.

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Why the media continue to cover the nonsense from trump is beyond me. If he scratches his butt, they give him news coverage, if he sneezes they cover that. Who cares. Just report the important things and stop reporting the nonsense. Let him and musk and all elected republicans drive off that cliff they are on. The sooner the better.

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The press actually has no incentive to improve their coverage of events. The press is lazy and overpaid. And no principles. CBS is stunning example of Big Time cowardize.

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Ok so if they remove the nonsense and just report the important things that leaves...let me see here...nonsense? The nonsense IS the important stuff. They don't say it but readers could glean that. He's mentally disturbed. They don't say that exactly but you could draw that conclusion from the reporting of the nonsense. The nonsense IS the news.

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Unfortunately Harry you are right in so many ways. We have to wade our way through the nonsense to get to the truth and then we still have to fact check that. So, it is a little harder but we need to dig deep and hard. Thanks for your response.



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We'll get there. Together we'll get this train back on the tracks.

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Exactly, former presidents receive security briefings and the discretion of the new president.

President Biden stopped Trump from getting them. This reasoning

January 6 and there was no peaceful transfer of power.

Also fact the Trump had many classified documents at his residence

even though requested there return many times that archives had to ask for help from DOJ.

It was the right call for President Biden

Trump is a toddler I can do it cause I can !!

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Pres Biden can get info shared from any of his previous Presidental friends

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The Biden Administration should have done a hell of a lot more than revoke Trump’s security clearance after January 6!

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Well it's like his signing an executive action to go back to plastic straws and not paper. There was no action on paper straws. This is what President is concerned about and he gets it wrong???

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“What a maroon” -Bugs Bunny

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It’s because he didn’t like them.

Let’s hope no one reintroduces plastic they caused so much harm and damage.

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Paper straws don’t hold up when he snorts his crushed-up Adderall every half hour

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I posted my friend Ivan Lopakhin’s comment because its sentiments match my own. My late mother had a secret clearance from the U.S. Navy, which she had to renew in the Carter administration. She had to relearn the security protocols, which were easy to understand for an educated person, but not for Trump.

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I wish President Biden had used his immunity to take care of the Convict, before he left office.

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It would have split the team and they would have carried on with Vance regardless. It wouldn’t have been as easy trump is the glue that holds all the separate parts it the faction together.

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True, but how many people were actually supporting Vance? trump should have been taken care of long before the election very quietly.

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Glue? So that $mell is glue?

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I don’t think Trump would go anywhere quietly. And project 25 the Christian nationalist and all the other basket cases wanted their plans put into action. They wanted it before 2020 that is why Trump fought so hard to stay in power hence Jan 6th. That spoiled their plans. I do think the election this time was tampered with likely by musk. Why would he say ‘we don’t need your votes, we have all the votes we need’. Only a lunatic would say that or someone who knew that it was a done deal. That was it for me I knew he would win the moment I heard him say that. What is so important about project 25? Why are the Republicans not outraged as at least half the country is at what is happening to the rule of law. The Supreme Court, what could make them move against everything they have sworn to protect and uphold? Trump is not the architect of all this, he isn’t smart enough. Trump is a means to an end. They must have had to hold their noses to let him into their cabal. Steve Bannon even went to prison, that is a price he had to pay for this!

It still bothers me why Trump would want the presidency? Ego, vanity, a mental disorder that won’t let him quit? money? Or something else? He is nearly 80 years old, and looks it some days. Does he want political revenge? Or just the Noble Peace Prize? What is the eventual outcome and reward for these people? It has to be significant.

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Retribution for being voted out of office in 2020, indictments & trials in NY, & indicted for J6 & the documents he stole & likely gave or sold to Putin, Jong Un, Xi, Iran, Talliban , Orban, MBS, Netanyahu & others. Hes the kid in the candy store waving his candy & big sucker's in kids faces saying look what I got & you dont. Hes a sociopath, malignant narcissist, lazy, unintelligent, con artist, grifter, undermines & belittles everyone he possibly can, voices grievances & makes himself the fake billionaire forever victim. Hes great at lying & getting people to follow him like the pied piper. It is exactly how he got the Christian nationalist congregations & low iq people with help from their CN clergy whom many are con artists, criminals & sexual deviants just like him who hide behind their bibles & fake christianity to follow & believe him.

The billionaire owned print & TV media bent the knee & behaved in advance told the reporters not to report or talk about Trump in any way but positive & not to report anything he really said but to sanewash everything that comes out of his mouth. They made potus Biden into a dotteringbold man with diminished mental capacity which can't be farther from the truth. I blame them for Trump being back in the WH & will never forgive them for it.

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No forgiveness ever for those who put this psychopath back in office

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I agree. I will never go back to MSM. They can no longer be trusted.

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Their reward is taking over the country and mounding it into their White Christofascist Government.

trump wanted to beat Joe Biden and get his revenge.

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The end of American democracy.

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To stay out of jail.

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For the life of me I will never understand that a 78 year old is so childish. It's such an embarrassment to this country.

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That’s part of his malignant narcissism and psychopathy. Fantasy and dreams of grandeur not based in reality. Superiority complex, the need for admiration, envious of others and exploitation of vulnerable. Exaggeration. Fixations. He fits the bill on all.

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You forgot, Liar in Chief.

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Now that's a story they won't publish.

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He is mentally ill, unstable, deranged.

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Performative politicians gain popularity in grandstanding and making an opera each day. We, the evidence- based analytical brains are exhausted with the unending bs vaudeville and look for nuggets of what is really going on behind planes dropping out skies, price of eggs and the predictable general mayhem. Big Q is how many bodies this time around??? What will appease their gluttony for cruelty?

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Victory, whatever that is? Probably to do with many many small parts of Pr25 they are all being brought together by the conductors.

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trump is a dumbass, but the corporate media should know better. OK, the corporate media that I grew with knew better (I am 64), but today's corporate media is as stupid as the man that they worship - trump.

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The tv & print corporate media we grew up with wasn't all owned by billionaires who bent the knee in advance as they all are now. Owners & reporters had integrity & guts to report the news as it happened accurately. Huntley, Brinkley & many others would be horrified of the majority of corporate media today & are likely rolling in their graves over the downfall of the profession truth & integrity they upheld in the profession.

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Walter Cronkite would call out this bullshit

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Trump had demonstrated time and again that he doesn’t have intelligence, integrity or common sense. He is the archetypal Whackjob!! His degenerating brain is and always has been like a leaking colander. He hasn’t put all these vile policies together, he isn’t capable. Trump is just like the mechanical clown catching MAGAS and drawing them into his psychodrama. You couldn’t tell him this though. Until his dying day he will believe he is a genius , and a stable one at that!! Dotard.

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Today I was thinking about how the Washington Post brought down the Nixon presidency.

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The real problem is that the people that vote for him don’t know much about how things work. Their ignorance level is staggering. He knows how to get them to vote for him and THAT is all he needs to know.

Frankly it goes beyond knowing how government works. They don’t understand how basic business processes work.

The education level is abysmal. The once that do understand and vote for him want in on the graft.

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Stopped calling it mainstream media and started calling it Trump media a long time ago. But I like trump propaganda better. ☺️

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Trump Propaganda is exactly what it is.

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I am hoping against hope that all reasonably intelligent folk who know exactly what fatso is have stopped watching "mainstream media" and follow people like Brian Tyler Cohen and Meidas Touch. The only time I watch anything else is for Hurricane updates here in FL

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Maybe not for long as NOAHH , I hear, is on the chopping block….

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