Absolutely no way. I DO remember reading on Instagram about people saying they voted and were finding out that their votes weren't counted in Pennsylvania.
Nope, none, no way he won the PV either, even by the "small margin" people are using to assuage that little voice in their heads that KNOWS it's not possible, but is afraid to "sound like him" by questioning some CLEARLY erroneous election results. But that little voice is correct, there is simply, no, fuckin, way, not in ANY universe....
But he did... To say otherwise is to become a Trumper . Already he has pervaded the consciousness to such an extent that Democrats are bemoaning legacy news. What the fuck is legacy news? Is that news without a chair and zoom? If you keep bashing news, you are just like the Fake News guys
So if we actually have the data to prove it instead of the lies the criminal gang 45 had then what? It's statistically so absurd the way he won and by that bit he did. Then by the things we tell ourselves.- "We do not want to be trumper lunatics and go off on that tangent (etc)" I seriously get it. So I don't know what to do other than maybe just start with the 1st state? Hopefully we can complete it and not have everyone's get rounded up by Kash Patel and Pam bondi who will shut it down and send everyone helping to prison with no trial but I may be a bit paranoid about that. I think I would still help. Im in Wisconsin, Madison area, willing to do that work, know others would too. Its worth trying. 😬
I agree - all swing states should investigate. All swing states should have had a forensic audit to detect fraud. I wish someone - anyone - could tell me why this never happened!
Trumps margin in the swings states won "perfectly" just over the percentage to trigger automatic recounts. Many states do not allow recounts at all, and some require several million dollars to be paid to cover costs. The cost is astronomical. However, I feel like they should have chosen one state (particularly Pennsylvania) and I just do not understand why they didn't. (We would have raised the money for Harris, easily) Perhaps the investigation will uncover some truth (one partial recount already has uncovered a "tabulator error" that was flipping votes to Trump)
I read a story that the swing state results did raise suspicion how they were all, as you say, "perfectly" over the percentage that would have triggered automatic recounts. Many were encouraging Harris to contest that, but she declined.
Big mistake on Harris' part. Al Gore sadly rolled over after the Washington Post and NYTimes finished the 2000 recount and found he had actually won. I for one am tired of the GOP committing every crime on the books and getting away with it. Now we have Trump/Musk etc. ass-kissing Putin as a result. When Musk first took over Twitter, I asked him why he was poll-parroting Putin's talking points, and he immediately blocked me. So much for free speech on Twitter.
In a word? "Conditioning", it works in "reverse fashion" as well, think of a person with a blindfold on, being told a thing is hot, and then being given an ice cube....
Probably because the suggestions came from Trump, he's the one that thanked Elon for helping with the machines in PA. While believing anything that Orange menace says is generally not a good idea, he is also the master of projection. He often says other people did something when in fact it's something he did. With his mental decline he also seems to be saying the quiet part out loud more. So while I don't have any hope that election fraud will be found, I think it's reasonable to want to investigate tRump's claim.
It actually started from a Duty to Warn on November 9th from a cyber data analyst. (This person is a life-long Republican that data analyzes every election) There are disturbing anomalies in the data. Since then, many groups have taken public record and found the same concerning data. You can add Trumps "saying the quite things outloud" problem before and after the election, then the 221 bomb threats, many on Nov 9th when tabulators were counting votes, then the fact that Trump staged the 2020 insurrection and "stop the steal" crap, which has obviously been an effective psychological weapon used against a bunch of Trump "rigged election" weary Democrats so they would wholesale dismiss any mention of rigged elections in 2024...there's a pattern, there are all sorts of proof of voter suppression and impossible data anomalies...add it all together and dark recipe of voter manipulation emerges on a massive, candidate flipping scale.
I dunno, I'm personally quite certain if will be found, it's just too late to do anything about it. A deep forensic audit by the software engineers who built it, and are familiar with the original code of those machines, especially the ones whose password ended up on a tee shirt, seems as though it would be very likely to turn up something. Dumpy lies like a rug, but he also can't keep a secret, so if he's saying Elmo "helped him with the machines", it's a safe bet he did. He just conditioned everybody to -defend- those machines' integrity, precisely so they would look silly if they questioned them now. He ain't an intellectual, but he's good at manipulating shit to get the result he wants.
I don't know if anyone knows what would happen if the smoking gun was actually found here. It's uncharted territory. It would essentially make his whole Presidency illegitimate. How they would go about it is beyond my scope...but if it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, they will need to create a recourse of epic proportions!
If it sounds like him that may be because it was him; it was his own comments about Musk and vote-counting machines in Pennsylvania that raised the issue.
This shouldn't need to get the DOJ involved. Just like Trumps massive recounts in 2020, the Feds weren't involved. States run their own independent elections, so it would be up to Pennsylvania's Secretary of State, I am assuming.
And this is where Fetterman should be advocating and making up for his cowardice thus far. Let’s go Pennsylvanians. Demand the recount. This isn’t a “what if” they cheated. It happened and always remember, “data is greater than opinion”. This advocacy group has been reviewing the data in all swing states and it’s clear there are very big discrepancies.
Fetterman is a paid Zionist…hence he will listen to his wallet. He doesn’t care about Pennsylvanians he’s a corrupt coward and natural courses may be stronger next time, payback is a bitch
Yes, like the CyberNinjas or something? I followed the recounts in 2020 very closely. (I was an official election worker back then) Every.single.recount found more votes for Biden! Crazy part, these data anomalies have been happening since 2008! (When Obama was running for the first time.) And no one will give anyone screaming this from the rooftops a second look. This time, however, the anomalies are so agregious, the math says that it could have easily flipped the vote! (Trump got greedy, suprise suprise!) But they are still dismissing it! Smart Elections work with Election Truth Alliance. They published this the other day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
They are just one of many, if not hundreds, looking into the agregious data anomalies in 2024. Your choice of words does not reflect the message they are sending. I've read through it all myself.
Me too there's no way he won all swing states. Only once before this happened ....Washington and Jefferson! This is cheating to the highest degree! Musk did something w the algorithms and I think voting system. Nothing is totally secure. Musk is a skunk that smells evil
Do it! After trump's constant screeching about rigged elections, he should have no problem with a full scale investigation. Especially after he complimented Musk on basically stealing the election for him in Pennsylvania. Let's roll.
I think it is a great idea. I think there should be an audit in every state. The only way that ass would have won the election was by having Elon mess with the voting process. Let’s have a full audit.
Mind you Joe Rogan had the Freudian slip on his podcast about Elon “having an app that let him know the election results hours early”.. on election night! This needs to be investigated NOW.
Does anyone remember when Trump said he didn’t need the votes the night before the inauguration? Trump literally said thank you to Elon Musk for getting into those voting machines…….
Does anyone remember when Trump said he didn’t need the votes? He kept saying it before the election. the said the night before the inauguration Trump literally said thank you to Elon Musk for getting into those voting machines…….
Yes, Trump said that at several rallies that he didn't need anymore votes. And considering that Musk talked to Putin several times before the election, something doesn't add up. Trump is a criminal and conman...wouldn't surprise me if they pulled something off to overturn the election. And Trump couldn't resist letting something slip because he's proud of it. Also, he's screamed so much about rigged elections for years...he always accuses others of what he's doing.
My only question is why did people wait so long to complain? There was proof of voting irregularities in several states prior to the confirmation of tRump. I think it will take active protest in the streets to make it happen.
I know that many people contacted the Harris/Walz campaign encouraging them, begging them to file a formal action to investigate the wonky outcome of the election.
I actually don't believe that 90 million voters stayed home.
Many of us have been questioning the election results since Nov. 9th, but were scolded (by other Democrats!) as being “conspiracy theorists” and the election was a done deal and we should just “get over it.”
I always wondered when Trump kept saying he didn't need the votes, when they "revealed" the Project 2025 book for all to see way ahead of election day and when he said such outrageous things at rallies that almost made it seem like he was trying to lose (even Nicki Haley mentioned that) - as if he was certain of his win And then he thanks Elon for his knowledge of voting machines???? Why/how on earth would that come up? I was never a conspiracy theorist but I thin calling people that makes them back off questioning what is happening --- somebody trying to gaslight you will call YOU crazy for questioning them. Definitely demand a recount - at this point, what have you got to lose??? The country and world order are being dismantled anyway.
Bingo, JoAnn. That’s probably just how it went down. Elmo coveted the US presidency but wasn’t eligible to run under our Constitution … so he cut a “deal” with Dump which enabled Elmo to sneak in the Oval Office through the back door as “shadow president.” And now he will never leave.
Musk and Putin, I think that's a good theory. Russia was sanctioned due to election interference in the 2024 election. Trump quickly dropped those sanctions after taking office.
Did you know these irregularities have been happening since 2008? All favoring Republicans! The difference this time, is they are massive, like winner changing massive. Please watch this and share if you can. It connects the dots! (This group works with Election Truth Alliance) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
A lot of us have been complaining since November and encouraged her to ask for a recount. I'm one of many thousands who contacted the president, VP and DNC.
I have heard that if we got rid of the electoral college almost no Republicans would win. The electoral college is what allows gerrymandering and prevents the constitutional mandate of one person/ one vote.
My question, is what happens if (I doubt it's going to go far enough to happen) it's proven that there was tampering ... especially in all battleground states ... and trump didn't win the election ... I mean, what happens ... I doubt the SC would do anything about it ... he's been sworn in ... and if they tampered with votes, could they have done the same with some of the more important down ballot votes, allowing the Rs to have the trifecta ... I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but we know everything they say we do is just projection of the deplorable things they do and they definitely had help stealing the 2016 election
Great question. Would it have to be us? Would we have to make it happen? Could we get help from the UN? If you have a moment, check out this video. This group works with Election Truth Alliance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
Yes, all the states officially certified on December 17, 2024. But, we are in unprecedented territory. If it is uncovered that Trump cheated, he is not our President...I'm not sure if anyone knows how that would go down!
I'm surprised it has taken so long for someone to smell this rat. Trump bragged about how Musk was able to use his computer knowledge to get Trump the big win in PA. For Trump to have won all 7 of the swing states is also quite surprising. Musk and his DOGE henchkids have shown how easy it is to take over the government's computer systems. Trump set the stage for this by repeatedly claiming the 2020 election was rigged and stolen thus making it difficult for the Democrats to say that the 2024 election was actually rigged and stolen. This has been a favored tactic of Trump. Time to get wise to his corruption.
I agree about Felon's 2020 insistence of recounts and then more recounts.
They made such a huge fuss over "suspicious" voting results.
What continues to puzzle me is why the Harris/Walz campaign didn't follow-up the suspect outcome in many States, even with a strong urging to do so from many voters.
What harm would have come from asking for a recount in those States?
My theory? The harm would have been a Civil War trigger. MAGAs are incapable of believing facts, thanks to Trumps psychological warfare! It's how Cults roll! It would have been yet another "Radical Left" scheme to "take away their freedoms"
There were people sending letters on November 9th. Data, I'd compiled right, takes a long time. There's also a huge hurdle to get over. People dismiss the anything about a "rigged election" because of Trumps psychological warfare. 2020 was set-up to cause distrust in the system and make everyone dismiss the fact that the results are statistically impossible. It's all a big head game! But we all knew, deep down, that he couldn't have won, especially by so many votes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
As a Pa resident we found it beyond comprehension how he won here. It needs investigated! There was an analyst in State College that stated there needs to be an investigation immediately following the election. What seems so odd as a resident of Pa is regarding anything associated with the election has been so quiet. To the point it's some what unnerving.
All swing states need to investigate.
Because there is no way he won all several battleground states
Absolutely no way. I DO remember reading on Instagram about people saying they voted and were finding out that their votes weren't counted in Pennsylvania.
… and by margins just high enough to avoid an automatic recount.
That was my first thought too!
Nope, none, no way he won the PV either, even by the "small margin" people are using to assuage that little voice in their heads that KNOWS it's not possible, but is afraid to "sound like him" by questioning some CLEARLY erroneous election results. But that little voice is correct, there is simply, no, fuckin, way, not in ANY universe....
But he did... To say otherwise is to become a Trumper . Already he has pervaded the consciousness to such an extent that Democrats are bemoaning legacy news. What the fuck is legacy news? Is that news without a chair and zoom? If you keep bashing news, you are just like the Fake News guys
So if we actually have the data to prove it instead of the lies the criminal gang 45 had then what? It's statistically so absurd the way he won and by that bit he did. Then by the things we tell ourselves.- "We do not want to be trumper lunatics and go off on that tangent (etc)" I seriously get it. So I don't know what to do other than maybe just start with the 1st state? Hopefully we can complete it and not have everyone's get rounded up by Kash Patel and Pam bondi who will shut it down and send everyone helping to prison with no trial but I may be a bit paranoid about that. I think I would still help. Im in Wisconsin, Madison area, willing to do that work, know others would too. Its worth trying. 😬
I feel like they're gonna round me up for being myself eventually 🙃 so
Omg 🤣🤦🏻♀️
https://youtu.be/QgLEC3JdQWs?feature=shared brownshirts in action. Where did they take them? The "State department" says they were "federal agents".
I agree - all swing states should investigate. All swing states should have had a forensic audit to detect fraud. I wish someone - anyone - could tell me why this never happened!
Trumps margin in the swings states won "perfectly" just over the percentage to trigger automatic recounts. Many states do not allow recounts at all, and some require several million dollars to be paid to cover costs. The cost is astronomical. However, I feel like they should have chosen one state (particularly Pennsylvania) and I just do not understand why they didn't. (We would have raised the money for Harris, easily) Perhaps the investigation will uncover some truth (one partial recount already has uncovered a "tabulator error" that was flipping votes to Trump)
I read a story that the swing state results did raise suspicion how they were all, as you say, "perfectly" over the percentage that would have triggered automatic recounts. Many were encouraging Harris to contest that, but she declined.
Big mistake on Harris' part. Al Gore sadly rolled over after the Washington Post and NYTimes finished the 2000 recount and found he had actually won. I for one am tired of the GOP committing every crime on the books and getting away with it. Now we have Trump/Musk etc. ass-kissing Putin as a result. When Musk first took over Twitter, I asked him why he was poll-parroting Putin's talking points, and he immediately blocked me. So much for free speech on Twitter.
Free speech is totally welcomed on Twitter -- as long as Musk agrees with it! 🤔
Did that just happen?
In a word? "Conditioning", it works in "reverse fashion" as well, think of a person with a blindfold on, being told a thing is hot, and then being given an ice cube....
Where the fuck did this fraud shit come from? You sound like Trump
Probably because the suggestions came from Trump, he's the one that thanked Elon for helping with the machines in PA. While believing anything that Orange menace says is generally not a good idea, he is also the master of projection. He often says other people did something when in fact it's something he did. With his mental decline he also seems to be saying the quiet part out loud more. So while I don't have any hope that election fraud will be found, I think it's reasonable to want to investigate tRump's claim.
It actually started from a Duty to Warn on November 9th from a cyber data analyst. (This person is a life-long Republican that data analyzes every election) There are disturbing anomalies in the data. Since then, many groups have taken public record and found the same concerning data. You can add Trumps "saying the quite things outloud" problem before and after the election, then the 221 bomb threats, many on Nov 9th when tabulators were counting votes, then the fact that Trump staged the 2020 insurrection and "stop the steal" crap, which has obviously been an effective psychological weapon used against a bunch of Trump "rigged election" weary Democrats so they would wholesale dismiss any mention of rigged elections in 2024...there's a pattern, there are all sorts of proof of voter suppression and impossible data anomalies...add it all together and dark recipe of voter manipulation emerges on a massive, candidate flipping scale.
I dunno, I'm personally quite certain if will be found, it's just too late to do anything about it. A deep forensic audit by the software engineers who built it, and are familiar with the original code of those machines, especially the ones whose password ended up on a tee shirt, seems as though it would be very likely to turn up something. Dumpy lies like a rug, but he also can't keep a secret, so if he's saying Elmo "helped him with the machines", it's a safe bet he did. He just conditioned everybody to -defend- those machines' integrity, precisely so they would look silly if they questioned them now. He ain't an intellectual, but he's good at manipulating shit to get the result he wants.
I don't know if anyone knows what would happen if the smoking gun was actually found here. It's uncharted territory. It would essentially make his whole Presidency illegitimate. How they would go about it is beyond my scope...but if it's proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, they will need to create a recourse of epic proportions!
Just watch this. Data doesn’t lie. And hopefully each state will review the results.
If it sounds like him that may be because it was him; it was his own comments about Musk and vote-counting machines in Pennsylvania that raised the issue.
Don't worry trumps DOJ will get right on that...... so sad:(
This shouldn't need to get the DOJ involved. Just like Trumps massive recounts in 2020, the Feds weren't involved. States run their own independent elections, so it would be up to Pennsylvania's Secretary of State, I am assuming.
And this is where Fetterman should be advocating and making up for his cowardice thus far. Let’s go Pennsylvanians. Demand the recount. This isn’t a “what if” they cheated. It happened and always remember, “data is greater than opinion”. This advocacy group has been reviewing the data in all swing states and it’s clear there are very big discrepancies.
Fetterman is a paid Zionist…hence he will listen to his wallet. He doesn’t care about Pennsylvanians he’s a corrupt coward and natural courses may be stronger next time, payback is a bitch
Exactly, remember that weird computer sounding group who found more votes for Biden in Arizona?
Yes, like the CyberNinjas or something? I followed the recounts in 2020 very closely. (I was an official election worker back then) Every.single.recount found more votes for Biden! Crazy part, these data anomalies have been happening since 2008! (When Obama was running for the first time.) And no one will give anyone screaming this from the rooftops a second look. This time, however, the anomalies are so agregious, the math says that it could have easily flipped the vote! (Trump got greedy, suprise suprise!) But they are still dismissing it! Smart Elections work with Election Truth Alliance. They published this the other day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
…you’re absolutely right, but “sad” is when your cat dies, not when your country goes NAZI
…who exactly will do the investigation ?
FYI, this group, along with Democracy Forward, are still deeply into calling out 2024 election fraud by Trump & Co.
Trump did not win the 2024 election without the help of Musk. Now that has to be proven.
They are just one of many, if not hundreds, looking into the agregious data anomalies in 2024. Your choice of words does not reflect the message they are sending. I've read through it all myself.
Me too there's no way he won all swing states. Only once before this happened ....Washington and Jefferson! This is cheating to the highest degree! Musk did something w the algorithms and I think voting system. Nothing is totally secure. Musk is a skunk that smells evil
Do it! After trump's constant screeching about rigged elections, he should have no problem with a full scale investigation. Especially after he complimented Musk on basically stealing the election for him in Pennsylvania. Let's roll.
Just remember, for DT, it only works in his favor. There is only one standard. His view of the world is himself sitting on his throne.
and trump cheated in 2020. He is a lifelong con man and liar
I think it is a great idea. I think there should be an audit in every state. The only way that ass would have won the election was by having Elon mess with the voting process. Let’s have a full audit.
Mind you Joe Rogan had the Freudian slip on his podcast about Elon “having an app that let him know the election results hours early”.. on election night! This needs to be investigated NOW.
Exactly....and he called it at like 10pm EST
Adoc on voter supression- sounds boring, and it is not.
Greg Palas, (wvigilantesinc.com
Its’s just over an hour and it will open you eyes wide.
Does anyone remember when Trump said he didn’t need the votes the night before the inauguration? Trump literally said thank you to Elon Musk for getting into those voting machines…….
YES...He told supporters they "would not even need to vote"
Does anyone remember when Trump said he didn’t need the votes? He kept saying it before the election. the said the night before the inauguration Trump literally said thank you to Elon Musk for getting into those voting machines…….
this IS all about Musk. Or rather the Mu-mps...we must let DT share in the accountability.
Check this out. This is a montage of "interesting" video clips. This group works with Election Truth Alliance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
Yes, Trump said that at several rallies that he didn't need anymore votes. And considering that Musk talked to Putin several times before the election, something doesn't add up. Trump is a criminal and conman...wouldn't surprise me if they pulled something off to overturn the election. And Trump couldn't resist letting something slip because he's proud of it. Also, he's screamed so much about rigged elections for years...he always accuses others of what he's doing.
Great idea and necessary either to restore or initiate confidence that DJT
Is really our duly elected president or an imposter who should be removed
I have no doubt the election was stolen by Musk and his band of thugs!
At the very least, the gerrymandering and vote suppression efforts of the GOP should be screamed from the rooftops.
I pray that the apathy gives way to reason, and sanity demands a recount. What do we have to lose?
My only question is why did people wait so long to complain? There was proof of voting irregularities in several states prior to the confirmation of tRump. I think it will take active protest in the streets to make it happen.
I know that many people contacted the Harris/Walz campaign encouraging them, begging them to file a formal action to investigate the wonky outcome of the election.
I actually don't believe that 90 million voters stayed home.
I contacted my county, my polling location, my reps, my gov... im in Michigan. I've been screaming this non stop since the evening of the election.
Many of us have been questioning the election results since Nov. 9th, but were scolded (by other Democrats!) as being “conspiracy theorists” and the election was a done deal and we should just “get over it.”
I always wondered when Trump kept saying he didn't need the votes, when they "revealed" the Project 2025 book for all to see way ahead of election day and when he said such outrageous things at rallies that almost made it seem like he was trying to lose (even Nicki Haley mentioned that) - as if he was certain of his win And then he thanks Elon for his knowledge of voting machines???? Why/how on earth would that come up? I was never a conspiracy theorist but I thin calling people that makes them back off questioning what is happening --- somebody trying to gaslight you will call YOU crazy for questioning them. Definitely demand a recount - at this point, what have you got to lose??? The country and world order are being dismantled anyway.
Here's my conspiracy theory: Trump knew he would lose and made a deal with the devil - musk .
Musk would help him win so he would stay out of jail and Trump would let him take control of the country.
Bingo, JoAnn. That’s probably just how it went down. Elmo coveted the US presidency but wasn’t eligible to run under our Constitution … so he cut a “deal” with Dump which enabled Elmo to sneak in the Oval Office through the back door as “shadow president.” And now he will never leave.
Yep. Trump can't get out of this now. Even if MAGA flips on Elon, which they may do, Trump is trapped in his worst nightmare.
Musk and Putin, I think that's a good theory. Russia was sanctioned due to election interference in the 2024 election. Trump quickly dropped those sanctions after taking office.
Did you know these irregularities have been happening since 2008? All favoring Republicans! The difference this time, is they are massive, like winner changing massive. Please watch this and share if you can. It connects the dots! (This group works with Election Truth Alliance) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
A lot of us have been complaining since November and encouraged her to ask for a recount. I'm one of many thousands who contacted the president, VP and DNC.
I have heard that if we got rid of the electoral college almost no Republicans would win. The electoral college is what allows gerrymandering and prevents the constitutional mandate of one person/ one vote.
Good we need to prove trump lost and save America
My question, is what happens if (I doubt it's going to go far enough to happen) it's proven that there was tampering ... especially in all battleground states ... and trump didn't win the election ... I mean, what happens ... I doubt the SC would do anything about it ... he's been sworn in ... and if they tampered with votes, could they have done the same with some of the more important down ballot votes, allowing the Rs to have the trifecta ... I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but we know everything they say we do is just projection of the deplorable things they do and they definitely had help stealing the 2016 election
I am so in agreement with you ~ It's scary.
Great question. Would it have to be us? Would we have to make it happen? Could we get help from the UN? If you have a moment, check out this video. This group works with Election Truth Alliance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
How can we force it to happen?
All swing states must be thoroughly investigated ASAP.
Better late than ever, I guess, but it’s beyond time for it to happen.
It is not necessarily that late. Remember, the results aren't official until each state certifies them.--Jason
Hasn’t that happened? I hope you’re right.
Yes, all the states officially certified on December 17, 2024. But, we are in unprecedented territory. If it is uncovered that Trump cheated, he is not our President...I'm not sure if anyone knows how that would go down!
Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
I'm surprised it has taken so long for someone to smell this rat. Trump bragged about how Musk was able to use his computer knowledge to get Trump the big win in PA. For Trump to have won all 7 of the swing states is also quite surprising. Musk and his DOGE henchkids have shown how easy it is to take over the government's computer systems. Trump set the stage for this by repeatedly claiming the 2020 election was rigged and stolen thus making it difficult for the Democrats to say that the 2024 election was actually rigged and stolen. This has been a favored tactic of Trump. Time to get wise to his corruption.
His people also had access to the machines, hence the code.
I agree about Felon's 2020 insistence of recounts and then more recounts.
They made such a huge fuss over "suspicious" voting results.
What continues to puzzle me is why the Harris/Walz campaign didn't follow-up the suspect outcome in many States, even with a strong urging to do so from many voters.
What harm would have come from asking for a recount in those States?
My theory? The harm would have been a Civil War trigger. MAGAs are incapable of believing facts, thanks to Trumps psychological warfare! It's how Cults roll! It would have been yet another "Radical Left" scheme to "take away their freedoms"
I believe this also. Dems kept quiet for fear of MAGA starting a civil war. They didn't want to sound like election deniers.
There were people sending letters on November 9th. Data, I'd compiled right, takes a long time. There's also a huge hurdle to get over. People dismiss the anything about a "rigged election" because of Trumps psychological warfare. 2020 was set-up to cause distrust in the system and make everyone dismiss the fact that the results are statistically impossible. It's all a big head game! But we all knew, deep down, that he couldn't have won, especially by so many votes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKFx5rxdmA
I agree. We are supposed to believe that almost 90 MILLION people did not vote.
I'd believe 1 million, or maybe 3 million, but 90,000,000.
I have no problem believing that a theft of millions of votes is a better explanation for the stunning loss.
Felon and all of his circus act KNEW they would win, with no overt proof.
I think that is the true reason that Felon let elon run all over our Government.
Felon isn't being loyal to elon because of all elon's $$$ donations.
Felon's loyalty probably relates to the manipulation of voting outcome.
Yes! Agree
Rigged election
As a Pa resident we found it beyond comprehension how he won here. It needs investigated! There was an analyst in State College that stated there needs to be an investigation immediately following the election. What seems so odd as a resident of Pa is regarding anything associated with the election has been so quiet. To the point it's some what unnerving.