And the beat goes on . . . . and on . . . . thank goodness there are still some sane judges in the court system, even if some of them are not on the "Supreme Court".

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Over half of us did not vote for him. We need to have our voices heard.

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Only 31% voted FOR him.

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Ya gotta ask this question in the first place, just who is gonna pay these Federal Employees for 8 months after they take the buyout while this maladministration pays the salary of ignorant new employees at the same time?

Is Leon paying them? Are we, the taxpayers paying this extra cost? Is Clarence gonna pay for their buyout? Inquiring minds want to know.

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It’s a scam.

Of course

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I fear these civil servants will get stiffed - just like many Twitter employees after Elmo took over the company.

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Have you heard? The usa has been hacked.. Emails, telling employees of the FBI, USAID and the CIA have been told to resign.

The hackers are ….. the Russians.

Oh wait……

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I look forward daily to actual information. Thank you

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More please!!

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How do we know if these are being complied with? And if not how can they be enforced? I don’t believe this lawless administration will comply with any court rulings and are going to carry on as planned hoping for the outcomes they want from the Corrupt Supreme Court.

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My concern as well.

For example, muskrat and the rat pack have been strolling around in that code for a week before it was made “read only”. Plenty of time to load in a front door and a couple of back doors for later on.

Only way to prevent them is to lock them up with no digital access. Forever. As people who commit treason should be.

I’m not a violent person. But I am angry and I believe in following the laws and morals of the USA. On this, I am an Originalist.

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Agreed! No telling what damage was done. And with all the internal chaos in CIA, FBI, DOJ and our military run by a degenerate how long until we are hit with an attack from external sources.

It seems as if we only speak out against the latest craziness and then it’s forgotten when the next issue arises.

I’m old and my memory is long. I don’t want to leave this planet until my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren are rid of this fascist regime and new laws are in place to prevent another.

I lived in NJ during 911 and saw the fumes emitting from the Towers. It still makes my heart ache.

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I will keep resisting. Until I can’t.

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