Confidence In Trump's Ability To Handle The Economy Collapses
We were all told that people voted for Trump based on the economy, but a new poll shows that only 30% of Americans are very confident in his ability to handle the economy.
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The American People Aren’t Very Confident In Trump To Handle The Economy
It turns out that a whole lot of Americans don’t have much faith in Trump to do a good job with the economy.
The AP reported on their poll:
As Trump takes office, though, the poll shows that many Americans don’t anticipate that he will be able to immediately bring costs down. That includes some of his own supporters. Less than half of Republicans are at least “very” confident that Trump will make progress on lowering food costs, housing costs or health care costs, although about 6 in 10 are at least “very” confident in his ability to create jobs.
Confidence in Trump’s ability to handle the broader economic situation is also fairly low. Only about one-third of Americans are “extremely” or “very” confident in his ability to handle the economy and jobs. Nearly 2 in 10 are “moderately” confident, and about half are “slightly confident” or “not at all confident.”
It is like many Americans remember the previous time Trump was in office and are expecting him to screw this up.
The poll provides a much different take than what Republicans and the media want us to believe. The idea that Trump somehow became popular and has a mandate was a GOP construct that was pushed by the media.
Six in ten voters who said that the economy was their most important issue voted for Trump, so what happened? Did they all suddenly wake up and realize who they voted for, or were they voting against Biden, or was the economy an excuse to avoid voting for a black woman?
The honest answer is only known by the people who cast those ballots, but Republicans and Trump are on a different planet if they think that the country is going to line up behind and support their agenda, and things could get ugly fast.
What do you think about the American people lacking confidence in Trump? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Voter ignorance, racism, misogyny drove voters to trmp. Facts did not matter. When millions of voters start paying attention 72 hours before voting day, there are problems. A large part of our electorate need to educate themselves instead of playing games on their phones.
Sadly everyone will suffer from this idiot not just those that elected him. He can't do s**t.