Get out of the way, Schumer.

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Schumer is completely washed up. He should step down immediately but he won’t because he’s clinging to a narrative of his own invention that neither fits the moment nor does it show any backbone. You can see the fear and desperation in his eyes. He doesn’t have the courage or credibility to lead even a troop of boy scouts now.

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I think he has this idea that people agree with his decision. He isn’t paying attention to any news or anything beyond his book, and it is causing him to live in his own little world. This is the same thing that happened/is happening to Trump and Musk (albeit for different reasons in Musk’s case). For an average, everyday person, this consequence of aging wouldn’t be too much of a big deal, but in this case, it’s affecting the whole country due to the powerful positions that they are in.

Chuck Schumer needs to have his staff ask other Congressional Democrats about how they see him, and have someone tell him what that means.

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It’s hard to believe that he thinks that by hiding from us and not acknowledging us he says he’s the only one who can help. He’s either joking or he has no clue. Imagine canceling a book tour so he doesn’t have to face the very people he needs.

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Schumer needs to step aside in his leadership position in the Senate, there should be a younger, tougher person there who will not cave to Elon and Donald. He needs to step aside or go.

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Everything the MAGAs do is wrong. Morally wrong, wrong for our freedom, wrong for our lives. We do not need a party that says " If we agree with them, let's see what we can get." Because we will end up getting nothing. We need a party that says " Resist, resist, resist. Let's see what we can stop. "Because we will be able to stop some of the evilness.

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It’s no surprise that Schumer still believes he’s the best leader and won’t step down. However, his 46 fellow Dem senators should have a say. The Senate has a procedure to take a vote of ‘confidence/no confidence’ in their leader, and that vote should be taken when the Dem senators return from recess. If ‘no confidence’ prevails, then they can choose a new leader.

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Schumer must go or he’ll drag us all down with him!

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Let's cut the SHT.... does the word 'collusion' seem appropriate....Chuck is more interested in cuttin' himself IN....rather than cut himself OUT....

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Winning them for which party?

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Except you should be bashing Schumer. And he is a bad senator and at this point I’m questioning whether he is also may be a bad person. He allowed his own ego to steer him in a decision because he thinks he knows best. And the rest of the Democrats who voted no Need to really consider carefully who they’re not leaving them. Because I can tell you right now he’s lucky he’s not up for election in 2026 as is Gillibrand. And I’m not a Pennsylvania voter but I wish Fetterman was up for election because I would donate as much as possible to his primary Challenger. You cannot be a republican these days and be a good person and you cannot be a Democrat and vote for this crap and be a good person. So we now know that there are 10 Democrats in the Senate who are not good people.

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I know he is old; however, I did not realize that he is also demented!

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It is incredible to me that he had no problem going to The White House and telling Joe Biden to step aside, all because he had a bad debate. Now that he has made the strategic mistake of misreading the moment- (i.e., we were already in the middle of a government shutdown by Trump and Musk), he wants to dig in and say "ONLY" he can lead now. Why did he feel the need to save Trump and Musk from themselves when we were witnessing a wholly incompetent and corrupt regime? Because his Wall Street donors did not want a government shutdown because the stock market would have cratered some more, and planes probably would have started falling from the skies due to air traffic controllers working for FREE. That is the problem with Democrats today - pols like (Schumer, Manchin, and Sinema) will always sell out "the people" for their "corporate overlords", and then they clutch their pearls when the people send a con-man and felon to the White House. When Nancy Pelosi says you f**ked up, you know you have lost a step!! Career politicians like Chuck Schumer "always get high on their own supply" and we always pay the price!!! Someone needs to "JoeBidened" him and have him step aside.

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I was one of the few Democrats who believes Schumer did the right thing. The reason I agreed with him was I heard Trump and Musk both jumping for joy at the thought of what they could do with a failed government. The agencies 1000 cuts would no longer be impeded by congressional oversight. Trump is governing by Executive Order because he knows he'd never get anything passed in Congress. With Congress shut down, he could pass whatever he wanted or not pass anything at all. Just get his Proud Boys or other Nazis to go into offices and empty them out. Schumer used his head, but he needs to speak with all those Dems he's afraid to face and show them on paper what it would look like when Trump believed he was now the dictator he always wanted to be.

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We need Joe Biden to have lunch with Schumer and explain the "you're to old to lead" discussion works both ways. If Biden was willing to give up the most powerful office in the world, then Schumer should be willing to give up the Senate Leadership. He can be just like Nancy Pelosi, stay on and offer your "political wisdom" from behind the scenes. How do so many look at the example of George Washington and say to themselves "I still got it and I don't need to step down"?

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BTW, Senator Durbin, Senate Minority Whip, should resign as well.

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