Replace him with Senator Bernie Sanders who votes with Dems or Senator Chris Murphy! For House Minority, Jamie Raskin or AOC.

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Heyyyy .. ok you are against him. I get it because I can’t believe anyone would vote for a bloated fake billionaire like the guy in the whitehouse.. but they did. My in laws are upset now because they said they didn’t vote for Elon and they don’t know why they are firing people without cause… they are baffled at what is happening. Trumpers are not happy. One said he’d vote for anyone next time that understands soc sec is a earned benefit not a give away!!!!

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There may not be a next time . How many years of Trump blatantly ignoring the courts and law will it take for America to see they are pretty much screwed . Remember there are a lot of millionaire Democrats that’s why they have none very little in the last 10 to 15 years . So the guy that made that statement about next- that time may not exist

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Damn auto correct… I love jj from Jerz and love Tiedrich . Their swearing gets me through the day…

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Chuck is not a democrat, he’s a pussycrat

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I love jj from here

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You must be fucking kidding. Sanders is a renegade buffoon who is not even a Democrat.. You people are flat ass nuts. What fucking planet are you on,,? Were you alive during the 2024 election? Did you see the demographics?

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Peter, can you make a statement without using cuss words? You sound like JJ from Jerz. Oh, calm down a little bit you seem to be out of control.

Life is good, you should get one

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This is yet another reason why Chuck Schumer needs to be replaced immediately as Senate Minority Leader. He caved and didn’t get anything in return. Schumer proved not to be who is needed at this moment to stand up and fight against Trump. The time to replace him is right now.

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Another idiot... schumer did exactly the right thing... If the government closes down,,,it will never reopen... You do not give a shit but 76 million who rely on their social services do... You call yourself what.....a Democrat liberal? Bullshit

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Peter go away, you’re a moron

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Schumer is nothing more nor less than a politician of convenience, NOT conviction.

People like him talk as though we are still living under the framework of the Constitution and the tripartite system of government that we have known for the last two centuries. What he does NOT understand is that they just let Trump have the keys to the kingdom by allowing legislation to pass that gives the executive branch full control over spending authority. He gave away Congress’s power of the purse!!! Never before in history has any Congress been so STUPID as to hand over one of their most important functions to the executive branch of government, the White House. If Trump can trick them into doing that, we are already allowing him to take over the powers of Congress which means we are saying goodbye to a tripartite system of government and HELLO AUTHORITARIAN AUTOCRACY!!! What makes Schumer think that we will EVER have free & fair elections in the future when Trump and the MAGA cult are hell bent on giving the White House full control over ALL ASPECTS OF OUR GOVERNMENT???

He and the other “moderate” Democrats who voted to “keep the government open” are so deluded at this point it’s not funny. Schumer needs a check up from the neck up!!

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Time for a fighter. He isn’t it. Time for him to go

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They did have leverage with the filibuster, and he caved. Only a few democrats are fighting anyways. I don’t believe him anymore than I do Trump or Kkkaroline.

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Me either.

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Very true

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He did not state his reasons that he was going to cave to the press and public the morning of the vote.

He did not use the filibuster to allow his party to talk.

He could have had a “timed” filibuster to end at 11PM that was agreed upon by his party. Would any talk persuade the other party to agree to amendments to the bill to take out any cuts to Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security? It would show which party supported the people.

He did not ask for an extension before the vote of another week to try to make this budget more palatable and ethical and reach terms of an agreement.

In short, yes, he caved.


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More Schumer gas, broadcast like so much manure. He is beyond pathetic and useless. Schumer helped to pave the way for Donald Trump. Schumer has poisoned the well of politics. He is weak; an offense to Democrats. Schumer fools no one but himself and the gullible.

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Chuck Shumer is such a disappointment. You need to leave your office. We need fighters for the people and this country to save our democracy. I made a decision the day you would not stand up to trump...I left the democratic party with a feeling of disgust. I am now Independent and will vote only for those who represent the good of this nation and the PEOPLE that make it Great!!

Senator Bernie Sanders is the only leader that works for the citizens that I can see. "Good Trouble" ALSO: ( along with Bernie, Jamie Raskin, Chris Murphy, Jasmine Crockett, AOC are the only members that have the brains and the backbone to move us out of this pathetic miserable mess)

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Jesus you people have been watching too many TV beer ads,,,, Fighters

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Go away, why are you on this forum anyway?

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Not good enough Chuck. Time to retire. We want younger people just like you told Biden. Stop talking out of both sides of your mouth.

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step down

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Let’s move on. To be clear I and many others have been saying Schumer should go long before the disastrous decision he made. It is time for him to resign his leadership role.

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Yes, replace with Sanders and AOC. The ONLY thing Trump reacts to is all out barroom brawl. The Dems better start to act like this. Because, literally, there is NOTHING left to lose.

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Oh Schumer is talking tough….he shows us who he is every time he caves to the Nazis. He needs to be replaced. Retire, spend time with his grandchildren and stay out of our way.

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On the one hand Schumer tells Democrats to "fight,fight fight" while trying to swat at Trump with pillows instead of lead filled boxing gloves. Secondly, Chuck still seems to think congressional Republicans will eventually come to their senses, abandon Trump and revert back to the grand old party of the 1950s. My God, how laughable! trumpism is a disease and will take at least a generation to eradicate.

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Once again, that republican that told him that they will shut down government for 6 to 9 months. Was lying 🤥 and manipulating him into submission. After so many years in politics, I can not believe how gullible and naive Senator Chuck Shumer is. If he was a real MVP he would have gone to all media outlets, including independent media, and ousted that republican for what he said. The burden will then be on that republican to defend himself. Let him take the bait not you fold like a cheap dollar tree beach chair. This is why he is not a good leader. He doesn't know how to play the game. He needs to STEP DOWN. He's got a death grip on his leadership position because he's selfish and determined to prove others wrong. Enough is enough. The fascist autocratic corrupt GOP regime is playing chess with the Democrats whilst they play checkers. 🤬😡😤

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I think the dems are failing the American people. They have no strong leader fighting the atrocities of the republican administration.

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