I find it interesting they went with when you have Maxwell Frost, Ayanna Pressley, AOC and Jasmine Crockett have all been VERY vocal and VERY public in their opposition of Trump.
Yeah -- lots of women coming forward as usual -- men in power step aside to let a talented woman hold court and clean up a mess -- then they throw her under the bus and take credit
They chose well. They are too public and doing great as they are. This was a strategic pick for those who are upset but maybe voted for trump and are still pulling away from a cult. It’s a perfect choice.
Some of us here in Michigan would just be happy if she got back in touch with her actual constituents. We've been asking for responses for weeks now about those votes on cabinet picks and other things.
But as she is in the HoR she doesn’t have a vote does she? I’m sure she wouldn’t have voted for any of them anyway but you are comparing apples and pears.
No idea but that wasn’t quite my point - I was addressing the assertion that Ms Crockett (who I greatly admire) had not voted for any of Trump’s cabinet picks which she could not of course (not that I believe she would) because she is not in the Senate.
Ann - I believe I understood your point and a quick review this morning revealed that responses have been given to SOTU addresses by both Senators and Reps. I also believe that Crockett would NOT have voted for these Cabinet nominees.
I'm not sure what the point of the previous comment was as the issue, as I see it, is whether Slotkin can bring the energy needed. I have many concerns.
I restacked a post from Noah Berlatsky earlier today which outlines his concerns w Slotkin - and I have to agree w him, based on statements Slotkin has made in the past and based on her record to date.
I guess we'll see what happens? (all we can do at this point?)
The discussion thread at this point isn't about whether Crockett could have voted for nominees but whether she would be/would have been a better spokesperson to respond to the SOTU address. Crockett or AOC as choices compared to Slotkin.
Further up the thread (and these do get long!) is a discussion that she (Crockett) likely wouldn't have made some of the same decisions/vote choices that Slotkin has made - and therein lies the issue w Slotkin for some (not all) of us posting here.
The big issues for some us Michiganders: Answers to 'why' she (Slotkin) voted in certain ways would have been great to have received - as her constituents (waving here from MI) have asked. Slotkin/her office have been rather quiet/unresponsive.
So we 'hope' she's up for this?
But.... who knows?
For now: she's the selected person to respond.
Am trying not to add a "may the odds be ever in our favor" as today (today - Friday 2/28/25) has been more than a bit of a sh*tshow in the WH with the Zelenskyy interview/ambush.
Who knows if that will be brought up in the SOTU or addressed in the response?
I hope this is a good choice, nothing against Elissa Slotkin, but I have heard great rebuttals by Jasmin Crockett and OAC already and don't know why they wouldn't ask one of them except that the "establishment" seem scared of them, (probably because the "people" love them.)
Since he can barely speak a complete sentence, and can’t follow a teleprompter, he’ll throw psychobabble and lies, if he doesn’t chicken out. Elissa will make mincemeat out of him.
Slotkin is one of my senators and I had high hopes for her. But she voted for some of Bozo’s cabinet choices. I tried to chalk it up to her being brand new at the job, but I’m still wary of her.
Deb - we can stick together AND still ask questions about the choices being made. No one posting here seems to be under any illusions that our responses will affect the decision made to have Slotkin offer the rebuttal. My very personal take is that Jeffries and Schumer don't seem to be making great decisions in the past few months and I have reservations about both Slotkin and her ability to rise to this moment.
So I guess the Democrats plan to show up- not boycott. Having response time, is reason to show up. Still, I wonder- if disrespect for what he has already done- needs to be physically demonstrated— like not standing as he enters, or stand, face backwards. Or leave one by one, then come back for rebuttle? He needs to freak out on national tv, vs just ramble and lie. Who knows- somebody else ( may give the speech)Musk? Everybody should walk out.
The person giving the rebuttal isn't in the House chamber, they may not even be in the Capitol. Traditionally, there is no live audience for the rebuttal, but if they do, it won't be members of Congress. If Dems are in the House chamber for trump's speech, it's not to be there for Senator Slotkin.
March 4 is also the day his Canada and Mexico tariffs are due to kick in after the 30-day delay. That exquisite timing should give Sen. Slotkin some fun bonus material for her rebuttal.
There is still a presumption there will be elections in '26. Would that I could believe this. I also do not see Jefferies or Schumer as strong leaders and question their choice. Raskin or AOC are far better fighters. You cannot fight trump soto voce'.
Personally, I wish the Dems would NOT show up and use the Slotkin address as 'counter programming' on Meidas Touch or another YouTube channel. Screw the networks and screw the MAGAs
Will he talk about how they fired people willy-nilly and then had to hire them back because they were vital, and not just a statistic? Will he mention that the programs he is cutting are leaving people to starve in the US and foreign countries? Will he mention that some of the programs he has eliminated don't make a difference on the balance sheet, and that they are just a statistic? Will he continue his lie about Ukraine invaded Russia? Will he proclaim himself 'king'? Will he say that he is going to ignore whatever ruling a court puts on him, because he doesn't want to follow what the courts say? Will the republicunt side of the aisle all clap and cheer for him like the scared little sheep that they are?
She is a great choice for the rebuttal. She stands on principle and facts and will give the America people a clear vision of who we are and why Trump is not the deliverer he’s pretending to be, hiding behind his lies and vindictive nature as Musk runs roughshod over the Federal Government.
I find it interesting they went with when you have Maxwell Frost, Ayanna Pressley, AOC and Jasmine Crockett have all been VERY vocal and VERY public in their opposition of Trump.
Yeah -- lots of women coming forward as usual -- men in power step aside to let a talented woman hold court and clean up a mess -- then they throw her under the bus and take credit
I like her fire and fury when she talks, knows exactly how to bring the democratic agenda to
They chose well. They are too public and doing great as they are. This was a strategic pick for those who are upset but maybe voted for trump and are still pulling away from a cult. It’s a perfect choice.
Totally agree, Mr Gagne!
I'm sorry but she has voted yes on several cabinet picks. I'm not impressed. A little too moderate for this ass kicking task.
Some of us here in Michigan would just be happy if she got back in touch with her actual constituents. We've been asking for responses for weeks now about those votes on cabinet picks and other things.
Exactly, I've gotten zero response from her, have written twice.
Kathleen, I'm also concerned about her potentially offering "bipartisan" hope-y statements, appeasement pleas.
I share your concern that she may be too moderate for this task.
💯 she better step the f up after that complete shitshow
Kathleen…….well said and I completely agree
No, no more Shumer/Jeffries aspirations!
We need moderate for this.
I respectfully disagree as moderate lost us the white house, the senate and the house of representatives.
Should be Jasmine Crockett!! She has not voted for any of Dumps cabinet pics!! She is the fire we need!!💙
But as she is in the HoR she doesn’t have a vote does she? I’m sure she wouldn’t have voted for any of them anyway but you are comparing apples and pears.
Does the response have to be given by a Senator or can it be a member of the House?
No idea but that wasn’t quite my point - I was addressing the assertion that Ms Crockett (who I greatly admire) had not voted for any of Trump’s cabinet picks which she could not of course (not that I believe she would) because she is not in the Senate.
Ann - I believe I understood your point and a quick review this morning revealed that responses have been given to SOTU addresses by both Senators and Reps. I also believe that Crockett would NOT have voted for these Cabinet nominees.
I'm not sure what the point of the previous comment was as the issue, as I see it, is whether Slotkin can bring the energy needed. I have many concerns.
I restacked a post from Noah Berlatsky earlier today which outlines his concerns w Slotkin - and I have to agree w him, based on statements Slotkin has made in the past and based on her record to date.
I guess we'll see what happens? (all we can do at this point?)
In the meantime, I'm continuing to make calls.
She is amazing!!!
Yes, yes, yes!!
First she Jasmine can’t vote to confirm because in the Constitution only the Senate can confirm through advise and consent
The discussion thread at this point isn't about whether Crockett could have voted for nominees but whether she would be/would have been a better spokesperson to respond to the SOTU address. Crockett or AOC as choices compared to Slotkin.
Further up the thread (and these do get long!) is a discussion that she (Crockett) likely wouldn't have made some of the same decisions/vote choices that Slotkin has made - and therein lies the issue w Slotkin for some (not all) of us posting here.
The big issues for some us Michiganders: Answers to 'why' she (Slotkin) voted in certain ways would have been great to have received - as her constituents (waving here from MI) have asked. Slotkin/her office have been rather quiet/unresponsive.
So we 'hope' she's up for this?
But.... who knows?
For now: she's the selected person to respond.
Am trying not to add a "may the odds be ever in our favor" as today (today - Friday 2/28/25) has been more than a bit of a sh*tshow in the WH with the Zelenskyy interview/ambush.
Who knows if that will be brought up in the SOTU or addressed in the response?
Jasmine is in the house. House members can't vote for any nomination. All nomination are confirmed by the senate
I hope this is a good choice, nothing against Elissa Slotkin, but I have heard great rebuttals by Jasmin Crockett and OAC already and don't know why they wouldn't ask one of them except that the "establishment" seem scared of them, (probably because the "people" love them.)
Since he can barely speak a complete sentence, and can’t follow a teleprompter, he’ll throw psychobabble and lies, if he doesn’t chicken out. Elissa will make mincemeat out of him.
If he chickens out, can Elissa still give her rebuttal?
He would probably give it to f’elon, like he has so much else. Then Elissa would really have fun.
Slotkin is one of my senators and I had high hopes for her. But she voted for some of Bozo’s cabinet choices. I tried to chalk it up to her being brand new at the job, but I’m still wary of her.
Several (more than a dozen) folks in my neighborhood have emailed, called, etc and have been unable to get a response from her office.
I join you in being wary of her, unfortunately.
I've done the same. All I've seen on her website have been released statements. Hmmmm....
I’ll take her and stick with her for doing the rebuttal. We need to stick together like glue!!
Deb - we can stick together AND still ask questions about the choices being made. No one posting here seems to be under any illusions that our responses will affect the decision made to have Slotkin offer the rebuttal. My very personal take is that Jeffries and Schumer don't seem to be making great decisions in the past few months and I have reservations about both Slotkin and her ability to rise to this moment.
So, here we are. We'll see what she says.
She's my senator too and I've sent emails, made calls, etc. Noem? Really?? I was so disappointed!I just want an honest why she did it.
So I guess the Democrats plan to show up- not boycott. Having response time, is reason to show up. Still, I wonder- if disrespect for what he has already done- needs to be physically demonstrated— like not standing as he enters, or stand, face backwards. Or leave one by one, then come back for rebuttle? He needs to freak out on national tv, vs just ramble and lie. Who knows- somebody else ( may give the speech)Musk? Everybody should walk out.
The person giving the rebuttal isn't in the House chamber, they may not even be in the Capitol. Traditionally, there is no live audience for the rebuttal, but if they do, it won't be members of Congress. If Dems are in the House chamber for trump's speech, it's not to be there for Senator Slotkin.
We should boycott watching it on tv the lack of ratings would kill him.
I don’t mind if they show up. I just want them ALL to leave at least midway or well before he finishes.
Curious why we have heard little from his kids, especially his jewel in the frown, Ivanka.
Crown, not frown.
So, isn’t this an opportunity for peaceful disobedience? Hog real air time with the WHY of it— while he’s blathering on.
Excellent idea!
March 4 is also the day his Canada and Mexico tariffs are due to kick in after the 30-day delay. That exquisite timing should give Sen. Slotkin some fun bonus material for her rebuttal.
Interesting that they chose March 4th for this address--it's Fat Tuesday, so doubtful many people will be home to watch.
Orange fat ass giving his speech on Fat Tuesday. How fitting.
Maybe that's why they chose Fat Tuesday. However, in the age of the internet, if he just babbles or worse, it will go viral.
Perhaps that was the plan.
There is still a presumption there will be elections in '26. Would that I could believe this. I also do not see Jefferies or Schumer as strong leaders and question their choice. Raskin or AOC are far better fighters. You cannot fight trump soto voce'.
🎯🎯🎯about Schumer. Still waiting for Jeffries to put up his dukes.
No fighting trump.. we need to fight Mike Johnson, John Thune and get more democrats to get the majority!!
Personally, I wish the Dems would NOT show up and use the Slotkin address as 'counter programming' on Meidas Touch or another YouTube channel. Screw the networks and screw the MAGAs
Unless we meet them with fire, it shows we’re going along with it and trying our best to”rebuttal”! Let them crash and burn
Will he talk about how they fired people willy-nilly and then had to hire them back because they were vital, and not just a statistic? Will he mention that the programs he is cutting are leaving people to starve in the US and foreign countries? Will he mention that some of the programs he has eliminated don't make a difference on the balance sheet, and that they are just a statistic? Will he continue his lie about Ukraine invaded Russia? Will he proclaim himself 'king'? Will he say that he is going to ignore whatever ruling a court puts on him, because he doesn't want to follow what the courts say? Will the republicunt side of the aisle all clap and cheer for him like the scared little sheep that they are?
The demented 79 years old will get his diaper filled ass kicked by an intelligent,brilliant Miss Slotkin.
She is a great choice for the rebuttal. She stands on principle and facts and will give the America people a clear vision of who we are and why Trump is not the deliverer he’s pretending to be, hiding behind his lies and vindictive nature as Musk runs roughshod over the Federal Government.
The Magats won't listen - she's not a white male.
I’m not impressed by her, however I AM IMPRESSED by Raskin, Crockett, & AOC.
But ANYONE is better than 34 Felonies and his Musketeer.