Bernie Sanders is an American Treasure.

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All of his lies were manipulation and deflection. There must be an organized effort to call out these lies in real time at every opportunity, just as Rep. Al Green did tonight. Imagine the power of multiple voices joined together!!!

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I was disappointed that more people did not join Al Green when he was escorted from the House!

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I don’t understand why they didn’t stand, Ted lieu!

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Bernie is definitely on the side of the working poor, and majority of the people who struggle daily. You can depend upon him for in your face truth. Thank you Bernie!

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Thank you, Senator Sanders, for speaking the truth in the face of all of these lies of trump's and making sense in a seemingly senseless time!

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Kudos from this Canadian to Senator Bernie Sanders. Only someone with courage, heart and integrity would “connect the dots” and conclude correctly that DJT presented American and the world a giant smoke screen. As Trump’s grotesque presentation unfolded, I couldn’t help but think of the barkers and shills at circuses long ago who tricked gullible audiences into believing they were watching “the greatest show on earth”. Last night, the worst ever American president loudly proclaimed that his administration was the greatest ever - already! Bernie is 100% correct: Donald trumpeted illusory accomplishments while totally ignoring his campaign promise to enhance the daily lives of American workers. That clearly meant bringing inflation under control and, specifically, ensuring that major consumer items remain affordable. INSTEAD - he finally imposed onerous 25% tariffs on Canada and Mexico effective 12:01 am March 4th. Those tariffs WILL substantially drive up the cost of living for Americans with modest incomes.

Assuredly, those same tariffs will exact extreme hardship on many million Canadians and Mexicans. It is mind boggling to argue that these tariffs are ‘beautiful’. I hope the American people start listening to truth sayers pronto! Otherwise, the GOP charlatans will have their way and the results will be disastrous. North of the US-Canada border we are preparing to endure a very difficult time. To paraphrase Prime Minister Trudeau, most Canadians sincerely hope that the majority of Americans will recognize the dangers of the moment and reject Trump’s efforts to align with Putin’s murderous regime.

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We do reject Trump and his horrifying support for Putin! We are struggling to reach those who have drunk his Kool-aid, but they are beginning to see.

Those of us who have seen through Trump for many years are also struggling to find the tools we need to drive this Putin tool from office. Many of our courts and the Executive branch have been taken over by Trumpers and the Project 2025 people. They are well funded and well-organized, so it is not easy.

And with Musk wreaking havoc with Trump's blessing, we have money against us. Money long ago became a god here, so Principle has a weak footing.

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Thanks for your comment Cheryl. I do not envy American citizens like yourself who stand up for their principles. I agree that Trump’s support of Putin is absolutely horrifying. Hopefully, you and many other concerned citizens will succeed in persuading a number of MAGA zealots to re-think their positions before it is too late.

Wishing you well! I truly believe you will succeed.

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ok BUT SCOTUS just this morning voted to actually pay $2BN to contractors whose work has been completed. Of course Trump will continue to appeal this (almost, though delayed) just result, at our expense; but it's too early to give up on the Judiciary.

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Today’s SCOTUS ruling is encouraging. Hopefully, the courts will support USAID as well and will stand up for Justice as often as 47 runs rough shod over democratic values. As Trump shows - literally EACH and every day - the forces of oligarchy (chaos?) don’t take a rest. Ergo, principled Americans still have a huge battle on their hands - each day right through the 2026 mid terms. North of the border we Canadians will fight the unjust and destructive Trump tariffs. Together we can accomplish great things. In MLK’s immortal words, “Let Freedom ring!” Let those bells of Justice toll. Best wishes!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an excellent comment. I did not vote for trump and was horrified when he won. Although the majority of our people did not vote for him, he received the majority of the votes cast and because of that and our undemocratic Electoral College, he sits in the Oval Office wrecking havoc. The United States owes you Canadians, Mexico, the world and especially President Zelenskyy and Ukraine a huge apology. I am so deeply sorry and ashamed and in my small way am doing what I can to resist.

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Thanks Bonnie. Each and every gesture is soooo important now. As Joan Baez sang so beautifully “We shall overcome some day!” Wishing you well from Canada’s capital city.

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Well said, Terry O’Donnell!

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You are so right! It was a waste of time to listen to Trump babble on about what he thinks he has achieved. Nothing for the people! He is the same old, ugly self centered man that he’s always been. Nobody really has a good word about Trump unless they have something to gain which when you come down to it nothing of any significance. The history books surely will see what kind of President, father, husband, he was there will be no glowing words in any of these categories.

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I totally agree with you💕

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As always Bernie speaks the truth ..he speaks for the regular families ..and his interest is in Family values not in trying to impress anyone just being himself . A logical person

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Trump can’ be relied on for anything He creates false lies about his intentions. They must be refuted as false!

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I love you Bernie!!! We have to stand together!!!!

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Thank you for making it possible to see Sen. Bernie Sanders speech! I am a 51 year old woman in Denmark and I am deeply appalled over the conditions many hardworking people are enduring in USA.

Here's some of what our taxes in Denmark cover:

Full dental care til you are 18 years old, after that you have to pay some of it yourself.

Always full health coverage for everybody.

Preeschool, highschool, college, university or any certified craft, like carpentry, plumbing etc., sick leave, unemployment security, early pension if someone has serious chronic health problems, rent caps for ppl in rented homes, if you are not rich. retirement pension. 6 weeks holiday a year. One full year maternity/paternity leave. 3 of these months are earmarked for the father to stay home with the baby. There is more, but you get the gist. We have rich people, but not on the scale USA has. We work 37,5 hours a week.

You deserve better conditions. Remember that!

Love and courage from Denmark

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This is how civilized societies live and can work together for the benefit of all. There is so much animosity and hatred in the USA, driven by misinformation, outright lies from the top down and distributed by a captured media that many Americans are totally bewildered but they are slowly starting to see things are not adding up and the dam will break. Will it be in time? That’s the question. This administration is working at lightning speed because they know that. The country is in a critical time for counter action and it’s mounting. They have the support of the free world. They have a history of doing the right thing. They need to move now.

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Love and courage from Denmark - we stand together to save our freedom ❤️

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Yes, indeed - and so do you and all your neighbors!



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Thank you so much.

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I’m Canadian… Go Bernie!

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I’m American! Go Justin!

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I agree with the multiple messages. We need to make sure that it is really clear we are all on the side of right, and Americans. So far, so good. Thanks.

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And dems should have shouted out every time he told a lie 😡👺

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We owe so much to Bernie Sanders! That's all i can think of this morning!

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Bernie Sanders always has it right and hits it right on Target. 🎯 I agree with him! Social Security and Medicare and even Medicaid, Are paid for by all of us!! That has to be fought for! I’m retired and I need that to survive!! The people who have disabilities of many kinds need assistance, as do Seniors in assisted Living or nursing Homes. Musk thinks people are living too long! Wow!

Trump needs to be stopped and we have to be United on all of it. Farmers who sell their crops to USAID, will really be hurt by all of us!!!! Billionaires STEALING From the rest of us NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!!

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Burnie Sanders is another that should be written down in history for shining his light , giving hope and fighting like a true gladiator

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