In Michigan, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that he is holding town halls in districts that Republicans barely won because they won't face their constituents.
Bernie Sanders is doing an excellent job. Why isn’t everybody else doing the same thing? This is exactly what we need and we need to look at all those seats that are weak and we need to take them now and everybody should be contributing money for April 1, so we can take the house but the Democrats all need to be doing this. They all need to be getting out. There is no time we have no more time. We have to get it done. That means work every weekend make sacrifices for all of us, I feel like the Congress has let us down we, the people of this country deserve our country back from the stupidity of Congress in the Senate. I think they all need to be replaced maybe not all of them, but they should all be out there doing this where the heck are they
And this new female voter registration is a joke. What a waste of our taxpayers hard earned money that these Republicans see fit that they need to control women’s votes because why because we know better all we have to do is look at all the solid red state and look at how crappy things are there look at how poor the education level is look at how poor everything runs Look at how much poverty they have in those red state G every time a republican gets into the White House we have a recession and within six weeks we’re almost there with Trump. I mean, he’s the biggest disaster this countries ever seen and why the hell hasn’t anybody gotten this man out he is hurting every single one of us.
We turned America into the "low hanging fruit." Prosperous, powerful, wealthy and vulnerable. You will not see the amount of chicanery spent on the election of 2024 on a country like England or Spain. No, They still have working governments and do not vote for people that they like but for people who will perform for the voters. Our task now is to, somehow, united again.
I think that this is a great idea! If the Republicans will not have town halls and give their constituents the truth about what is happening in our government, then Bernie will.
Brilliant! Bernie knows what to do!
All of the Senators should follow his example!
I've said it before and I'll say it again. We need to Clone, Bernie 50 times 50. Run those magas right on back to their home towns & out of Congress.
Way to go Bernie!!
Bernie sure makes the pubies look bad,
Bernie Sanders is doing an excellent job. Why isn’t everybody else doing the same thing? This is exactly what we need and we need to look at all those seats that are weak and we need to take them now and everybody should be contributing money for April 1, so we can take the house but the Democrats all need to be doing this. They all need to be getting out. There is no time we have no more time. We have to get it done. That means work every weekend make sacrifices for all of us, I feel like the Congress has let us down we, the people of this country deserve our country back from the stupidity of Congress in the Senate. I think they all need to be replaced maybe not all of them, but they should all be out there doing this where the heck are they
And this new female voter registration is a joke. What a waste of our taxpayers hard earned money that these Republicans see fit that they need to control women’s votes because why because we know better all we have to do is look at all the solid red state and look at how crappy things are there look at how poor the education level is look at how poor everything runs Look at how much poverty they have in those red state G every time a republican gets into the White House we have a recession and within six weeks we’re almost there with Trump. I mean, he’s the biggest disaster this countries ever seen and why the hell hasn’t anybody gotten this man out he is hurting every single one of us.
We turned America into the "low hanging fruit." Prosperous, powerful, wealthy and vulnerable. You will not see the amount of chicanery spent on the election of 2024 on a country like England or Spain. No, They still have working governments and do not vote for people that they like but for people who will perform for the voters. Our task now is to, somehow, united again.
I say go Bernie go! You are an American hero!
Good job Bernie!!
Bernie, taking the fight to where their constituents live, even if they don’t!
Bernie Sanders is a fighter for Democracy.
More democrats for both house and Senate should be out doing this. Jasmine Crockett could draw a crowd any where for example.
I think that this is a great idea! If the Republicans will not have town halls and give their constituents the truth about what is happening in our government, then Bernie will.
Bernie is the man, never afraid, always gives you the truth!👏👏😍
Bernie should have been President. He has always been for the People. Now he’s actually taking ACTION, while the Dems, sit on their tushies!