Being from Massachusetts, we’ve known about Bernie for awhile. The guys 83 and barnstorming the country. He is a true patriot, who loves his country, unlike these maggots who proclaim to be patriots. He also is a man of the people. My opinion, leading candidate for man of the year, as opposed to the slime time magazine put on their cover last year.
Kudos to AOC for teaming up with him, getting out there to let people know they really care, and give us hope
We must include Trump voters in plans for the future of our country. AOC and Bernie are right to welcome everyone, as we all have a stake in the future of our democracy. People who voted for Trump are going to suffer right along with everyone else as Trump’s disastrous actions start taking effect. Red states may be even more affected than blue states. Let’s bring everyone along with us as we fight this illegal coup.
Adam Kinsinger agrees. He said this isn’t about red vs blue. It’s about democracy and which side are you on.
We need more music to energize our movement. There’s an old song from the days of union organizing called Which Side Are You On. Pretty timely. We should bring it back. The antiwar movement in the sixties had songs that mobilized people, and we ended the war. It can be done, but you have to march. Yeah, some of us will be beaten by the cops. They did it then and they will again. For a few it’s the fun part of the job, but we will win.if Ukraine can stand up to Putin, we can stand up to Tusk/Mumps.
Yes. People need to work to find a narrative that will bring them together and Bernie has hit the nail on the head. It's the same here in Australia. One thing most ordinary people can agree on is that they don't want to be ruled by billionaires who don't give a shit about them.
This is exactly what we need. I want to show up, I want to be with my kind of community. Please keep it up and expand to reach more people. This helps us organize organically.
You will have a good time, but remember to arrive early and prepare for a large crowd and potential congestion, and if anyone reading this is going to Denver tonight, plan accordingly.---Jason
Arizona welcomed them, cheered, listened to two people who are powerful speakers supporting democracy. We need more in congress to take this powerful anti oligarchs message to all voters.
Love Bernie & AOC! Both are Truth Tellers and give it straight! No Lies! No Backdoor Deals! Keep it up! This is the shot in the arm all Americans need! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Yes get all Americans to stop Trump and get the two young Democrats into the House of Representatives from Florida and then take the one in NY once that election is settled. Go get them Bernie and AOC
Being from Massachusetts, we’ve known about Bernie for awhile. The guys 83 and barnstorming the country. He is a true patriot, who loves his country, unlike these maggots who proclaim to be patriots. He also is a man of the people. My opinion, leading candidate for man of the year, as opposed to the slime time magazine put on their cover last year.
Kudos to AOC for teaming up with him, getting out there to let people know they really care, and give us hope
Thank God for Bernie! You said it all Roy and hit it squarely on the nail!! 👍
Lol. Bernie sold out to the Democrat party... Multiple times.
Big pharma fuck.
Bernie and AOC kick ass. Take it to the people.
We must include Trump voters in plans for the future of our country. AOC and Bernie are right to welcome everyone, as we all have a stake in the future of our democracy. People who voted for Trump are going to suffer right along with everyone else as Trump’s disastrous actions start taking effect. Red states may be even more affected than blue states. Let’s bring everyone along with us as we fight this illegal coup.
You’re exactly right. Trump voters were lied to. They need to be with us. We need to be United!
Adam Kinsinger agrees. He said this isn’t about red vs blue. It’s about democracy and which side are you on.
We need more music to energize our movement. There’s an old song from the days of union organizing called Which Side Are You On. Pretty timely. We should bring it back. The antiwar movement in the sixties had songs that mobilized people, and we ended the war. It can be done, but you have to march. Yeah, some of us will be beaten by the cops. They did it then and they will again. For a few it’s the fun part of the job, but we will win.if Ukraine can stand up to Putin, we can stand up to Tusk/Mumps.
I like Adam Kinzinger too. He’s pretty spot on for this moment we find ourselves in.
Right, trump has divided the country and we need to reunite people! We need everyone to fight this mess!
A lot of them are still blinded by FOX
Yes. People need to work to find a narrative that will bring them together and Bernie has hit the nail on the head. It's the same here in Australia. One thing most ordinary people can agree on is that they don't want to be ruled by billionaires who don't give a shit about them.
Bernie is a fool who sold out to the Democrats and corporations. He's all talk. He sat by as the largest wealth transfer took place the last 4 years.
Is he coming to the east coast? Washington DC or Virginia & Maryland?
The east coast is coming and there are swing districts in Northern VA that I'll bet he stops in.---Jason
We don’t know which are the swing districts anymore because of the suspected fraud of the election.
I would love to hear these guys speak. Wish they would come to Detroit
He was just in Warren Michigan. He had 10,512 people inside and another 2,500 outside
They were just in Warren Mi on Mar 8th or 9th. I was out of town. So hope they come back!
This is exactly what we need. I want to show up, I want to be with my kind of community. Please keep it up and expand to reach more people. This helps us organize organically.
So grateful to Bernie and AOC for getting the truth out there!
Because they Make Sense,,, Hello Americans,, Remember Common Sense??? When it hits people’s wallets they will All get it!!!!!
Looking forward to seeing them in Tucson on Saturday! 🤠
You will have a good time, but remember to arrive early and prepare for a large crowd and potential congestion, and if anyone reading this is going to Denver tonight, plan accordingly.---Jason
Arizona welcomed them, cheered, listened to two people who are powerful speakers supporting democracy. We need more in congress to take this powerful anti oligarchs message to all voters.
I Love this movement!! So proud of the grassroots truth, people have the power to bring about change with action and unity, feels this gives me.
The bottom vs the top. Let’s turn this ship around abruptly.
Love Bernie & AOC! Both are Truth Tellers and give it straight! No Lies! No Backdoor Deals! Keep it up! This is the shot in the arm all Americans need! 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I hope they go to the states holding elections on April 1 - Wisconsin and Florida. 🤞
Come and talk here in Pennsylvania we live the both of you
One or both of them will definitely come to PA.---Jason
Yes get all Americans to stop Trump and get the two young Democrats into the House of Representatives from Florida and then take the one in NY once that election is settled. Go get them Bernie and AOC
Love their energy!
I couldn’t be prouder!!! Kick some a&@ss. What a team!!!!Will you be coming to Illinois?????
Fund them to keep them going. I support them monthly. Go to Our Revolution to donate.
Oh thanks for this information! Didn’t know that