I think the Courts are doing a good job in stopping Trump. But it’s going to take a few brave Republicans to stop him permanently.

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My concern, the Repubs dont care about the costitution at all anymore.

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The Constitution and the rule of law would appear to be outdated constructs that hold no sway with Trump and his cult. Most Republicans used to respect the Constitution at one time. But they allowed their party to be hijacked by the MAGA cult.

They literally sold their soul to the devil.

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I dont think there are any brave republicans they all need to grow a pair😠

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Then voters need to get rid of them and replace them with Democrats who care about We the People.

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And where do you suppose we find these few good republicans?

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The constitution must prevail and it’s going to get uglier.

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Keep it up, Americans are depending on you!!!

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Thank you, for every win. Please move to impeach on treason. We need him and all of his criminal cohorts in custody!!!

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The rule of law under the constitution is even more unimportant by the actions that his Administration took with Pam Bondi ordering the dismissal of the charges against NYC mayor Adam's, but with prejudice so he must do the bidding of Trump or they come back. They further said that it's no longer illegal to bribe foreign officials or governments. Which was what Adam's had done.

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How are these courts altering his behavior? How’re they stopping him? 🤨

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It is in the article. They are slapping restraining orders on him, and the administration is being forced to fight every inch of every order.-Think about it as delay and obstruction.--Jason

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They probably won't stop him. The orange emperor thinks that when he reaches a halt that means nothing, but trying the same thing a different angle until the judges discover his crimes. And to think that the orange emperor would not be here except for his bodyguard, the Republican Criminal Organization that kept him in power. The TRAITORS of Democracy. If we ever defeat the criminals, this must be kept from ever happening again.

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Glad to see a spine forming!! Now let's see how deep and tight these "stoppages" are, and how long they will last ... before authoritarian orange and muskrat arm wrestle an override. I truly hope people are paying attention AND the Dems keep blatantly exposing their criminal intents DAILY and LOUDLY. PLEEEESE!!!!

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Love that. It is important for the courts to do that but the gop in the House and Senate have to grow spines

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I've read and posted on FB about the politicians who deny the results of the 2020 election receiving less or no campaign contributions from the corporations who are not donating to Republican candidates who won't abide by the truth of the results of the election that Trump said was rigged and I don't doubt much more than that in the end.

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Most of them are firmly in agreement with what he's trying to do. The rest are silent because they have been threatened with being primaried & like in 1/21 the lives of them & family were threatened if they voted guilty. The R congress & senate will do nothing to oppose him. They will pass bills to opress the people, make it very difficult to vote & transfer wealth to the oligarchs. It's a organized crime mob operation now. The federal courts will soon become clogged with violations to the Constitution & the law. Trump will continue his smoke & mirrors magic act renaming things & threatening soverign countries while he, his staff, lawless cabinet members & congress, behind the curtain made of our burning flag & articles of the constitution they dont like, turn our country into a Authoritarian undemocratic oligarch, kleptoctat state where we the people are stripped of civil rights that mirrors Russia, Hungary, Argentina & others.

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Good! So happy 😀

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More judges need to join the group acting to protect Americans

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Many of the Republican judges who deviate from the course of defending the orange emperor are mostly afraid of the threats against them and their families from Don's militia and the pardoned hostages who are still around awaiting another call to order from their leader.

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They need to impeach tRump, and throw muskrat out of the country for crimes against Americans and humanity! Better yet throw him in jail and take over his companies, we’ve all paid for them several times over. How do you think he got so wealthy

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As long as there is a R majority in congress & senate impeachment will not happen. The R Senate didn't vote guilty in 1/21 because most of them & families were threatened. Coward McConnell is squarely responsible for where we are now. The courts are the only way to keep orange menace & his people in check. No R will stand up to him, say no & keep their job. Some of them are worse than he is including Vance, Steven Miller, Musk & his hackers & his entire unqualified cabinet who are there to dismantle & burn their departments to the ground.

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That’s all good news but are courts rulings being obeyed? That’s the key question for me. It’s one thing for the courts to rule and it’s another thing for the rulings to be enforced! From the chatter the rulings are not stopping anything. The coup is just rolling along!

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Then jail awaits those who do not obey the Judges’ rulings.

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Who will jail them? The Republicans control the Justice Department.

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Not in the case of DJT. He's beyond justice system ability to punish him for anything whatsoever. Perhaps if he actually shot someone in plain sight of enough witnesses, that might lead to an arrest that his militia will try to protect him from 🤬

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The US Marshalls obey his orders and can't arrest him for any reason other than him being witnessed killing somebody.

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That's correct. The orange emperor is behaving unlike any Real president who would behave themselves. He controls the US Marshalls who would arrest him if any legitimate court ordered them to do so and they know it. So there's no stopping him since he was granted immunity by the right wing $CROTUS. We can continue to sue the freak of nature and slow him down, but inevitably he'll die or leave office and receive the very best medical care that we can pay for and a SS bodyguard detail for the remainder of his worthless life.

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They need to order his arrest for treasonous acts!

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That sounds great, but the only way to stop him is at the midterms by elimination of the political creeps who protect their leader from harmful acts like being powerless. The midterm elections will the real test of our voting rights and elections should be everyone's concern. Please vote from an informed position even if it means a choice of two evils of which I have reservations about and haven't voted for any candidate from the Republican Criminal Organization since Reagan began the destruction of the GOP and it's apparent that Donald will finally finish it off if the American people register and vote for the opposition. Don needs to go.

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Please talk about SAVE Act - women’s voting rights are in jeopardy.

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The SAVE ACT is a misnomer and it'll take time, but it might lead to women being deprived of the voting process altogether. The current authoritarian dictatorship has a fear of women voting or any rights that white Anglo Saxon males enjoy. That's where it's heading unless something stops them before then.

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The more light we can shine on this darkness the better. Keep those judgments coming and make sure they get enforced.

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Yes, that's essential to slow and stop the orange emperor and his MAGA GOP and give us time as they are showering the American people with so much dodoo, but maybe we have enough legal forces behind us to make up for the time lost trying to stop him with a lot of legal actions.

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And make sure any judgments or TROs get enforced!! I still can't believe that contempt orders haven't been issued in the most egregious situations.

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I am pleased and surprised that Judges are coming down on Trump. More than a week ago my family was talking about leaving the country.my husband and I have earned Social Security and Medicare. I got so depressed because it was looking like they were going to be pulled from us. I am encouraged by the courts following the law rather than let Trump walk all over them.

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We're trying to keep up with the nasty stuff that they are dishing out by the shovel full, but it's inevitable that a lot of the suits will serve as precedent for future suits against any criminal organization in the White House.

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