Democrats need to stop helping Republicans with anything. No Democratic votes for anything they propose.

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That's what Jeffries has said.----Jason

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I hope he keeps it and punishes those with primaries if they don't. Dems have been lacking spines ever since they lost the election.

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Don’t do anything to help Johnson. He is despicable, and a religious hypocrite to boot. Let the MAGA Republicans fight amongst themselves and eventually they will eat each other alive.

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Dems need to let the Rs fall. If they can’t raise the debt limit without major concessions then dems should let the govt default and impeach trump and Johnson.

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They should not, not agree to any further tax cuts for the wealthy. No!!

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The old guard only has a little time left and they are very experienced so the new guard is coming . Let’s try to respect both and not backstab as much because then we act like the republicans!

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The old guard back stabbed the left first and their going all in on the appeasement. A lot of the new guard are in their mid 30s to late 40s now. So the treacherous old farts need to go if their going help the Neo-Nazis.

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That's how we got into this mess. I say "just say no" until we see how 2026 goes.

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The old guard is almost as corrupt as the repugs.

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That's how we got into this mess by being polite and politically correct. They are trying to steal our country and assets. That's a reason to be angry.

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Who said what in this thread to have you saying this?

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Dems need to play hardball at every turn. They get nothing by putting country first but a slap in the face. Do nothing to help Trump. The loyal opposition

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No quarter! No concessions will be honored and the Dems know this! 'The poor country and all the career govt employees and contractors! We had to cave' Learn from your mistake(s) after mistake(s) after mistake(s)!!! You want reelected or win primaries or generals? Stick to you guns this time! We have had enough of playing nice or crying about it being unavoidable! Ask the govt workers to vote yea or nay(e?)

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25th amendment is still on table. Get him out

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Sure trumper believe the bs out of the mouths of lying magas

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Not a magat, conversvaslut. Nancy stabbed the left back when she snubbed AOC. The old guard needs to move aside for those who won't appease the Neo Nazi regime.

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That’s the same Bernie Bro attitude that brought us trump in 2016 and 2020. AOC is doing just fine. She is getting the experience under her belt she needs FROM THE OLDER SEASONED AND WISER DEMOCRATS!

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I agree after what he and musk have done this week to federal employees and Treasury. Johnson needs to understand and so does the rest of congress that there is no business being done till musk is in custody and articles of impeachment are drawn up. You people have had so many chances to get rid of the evil of trump and yet here we are with Americans facing no money unless musk decides to give it to them, orders that came from trump. We put you in those seats and we will take you out if you do not get rid of trump this time. JAIL TIME. And find a way around Vance and Johnson.

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Don’t give those mother fuckers anything!!!! Let them go fuck themselves!

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You are absolutely right Catherine. Hell, they never didnshit ti

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Democrats should work on stronger back bones and a bit more chutzpah. Time to realize Donald cares only for his own self interest, unfortunately why bother with the presidential oath 🇺🇸, it’s meaningless to him:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

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We have to keep pushing the Elon is the real president and Trump is old age patient at WH.

We have to keep pushing because they eventually turn on each other.

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It seems like Elon IS the real president. Yes, by all means push it. He scares me more than Trump. I can’t believe I just said that. Both of them have real mental health issues, and I’m not being facetious or speaking in metaphor. They really do. We have insane people in power or lording it over those who have power. Insane people. Them? Or us for putting them there? I’m starting to wonder who in the country is actually competent!

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It sort of feels like we are living in Game of Thrones.

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Elon is NOT any better than Trump. Both have BAD histories behind them. We do NOT NEED EITHER ONE, running our country.

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Those two are cut from the same cloth, and wearing the exact suits. Eventually they will fight for attention and control, there colors will start clashing, that will be the bitter ending of this sugar daddy bromance.

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Don Jr is literally in charge with his bros…. Having children his age and knowing his spoiled life we are in for BRO crap…. A ego as big as his father that thinks he is a king. All thanks to the Supreme Court of oligharch chumps.. They literally are paid by Harlan Crow and the merry band of billionaires. Somehow a heart is needed to the pot!! But money is evil and there is too much money. Maybe a Madoff spell !!

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What’s up that Trump turned on Koch? Was that because he was hesitant to support his election?

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It’s not the White House it’s the Elder care House starting next week

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Elon is not an elected leader, so he needs to leave or sit down and shut up.

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Yes u freak of nature subhuman old old fart - it’s President Elon apartheid nazi!!!!

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The money he owe and will owe muskrat will be too large for tRumpIsInferior to 'fire' tRump is stuck with it unless somehow the rats underhandedness somehow is dealt a great blow! It won't be anyone in USA because the courts fear death.

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#45 taking the oath of office again is an extremely cruel joke.

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Didn’t trump say that he didn’t pledge an oath to the constitution in 2016? Many Christians believe he is the Antichrist

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Put it in capitalized letters with pictures.

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I think it’s Musk.

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Those r white nationalist self appointed Christians. Everything they stand for & do is the total opposite of how the Bible defines a Christian.

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Real ones you mean right?

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Really? Where are they? Why didn’t they help defeat him at the ballot box?

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No no, Christian fundies believe he was sent by God. The so called Antichrist just HAS to be a socialist communist Democrat!!

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Unfortunately, most evangelical Christians think he is the orange Jesus.

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I do

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Just in case he lost his copy!

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True he failed to defend the Constitution last time, we will be lucky if there is any Constitution at the end of this term.

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Or applying the law to miscreants and malcontents within their membership

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I think they need to add highlights to the oath of office. Especially where it says “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States”. No getting away with saying “I didn’t swear an oath to the Constitution”.

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Underline and circle with a sharpie then it and those like it might read it 🤷‍♀️

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And actually make contact with the holy book when you take you oath. Jeesh.

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Democrats are trying to do their best, BUT Republicans do not do anything to reign in the supposed person in charge. "Trump".

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I’m okay with it as long as it’s beneficial to the American people. They won’t vote for any dumbass republican policies.

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What have the Republicans done that’s beneficial? What do you think Voldemort is planning to do that is beneficial to us?

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I don’t think he’s going to do anything that is beneficial to us unless it is more beneficial to him.

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Those of us who make UNDER $400,000 a year.

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Cece, yes, we who make less than $400,000 a year are going to be hit the hardest. That is a certainty trueunder Trump/Musk/and all the other oligarchs.

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Yes, the oligarchs hit the middle class hardest by blaming the poor and telling the”middle “ that it’s the fault of lazy moochers who get free lunches, medicaid, food stamps, unemployment….

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THIS, they really have to ban together

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That’s what the republicans always do, so fuck’em. If their “agenda” is so smoking hot and awesome their own caucus should be forced to own it

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It’s not just hitting them in their pockets, it’s us and most federal employees, including our military, etc.

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I had a Dad who went on strike in the 60’s he was on strike 6 weeks . I remember eating powdered eggs, milk and getting blocks of cheese. Although it was terrible he told us sometimes you have to fight for things. In no way do I WANT you or anyone to have to go through that I am afraid Trump will do much worse if we don’t show him the power is not all his… The people who voted him in will suffer too and that is what they get too. Innocent people should NOT have to suffer . Our whole country is going to though…

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It’s long past the 🕰️ for dems to become the party of no. Fuck the repubs. Bipartisanship died in the 90’s & we need dems to start acting accordingly.

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Agreed, stand your ground Dems!

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Absolutely!!! Dems PLEASE no raising of the debt ceiling for the next four years!!!

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They should have maintained their moral core like Michelle Obama and not attend the clown show but alas as always they will bend in front of him.

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What I worry about is the DINOs though.

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No, they won’t.

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I get it, but going on strike isn’t shutting down the government. I’m sorry, but it’s not.

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If they give a package that they put in horrendous conditions for the middleclass and poor the democrats won’t sign it !

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That’s the point. If republicans want Volde’s policies, they’ll have to do it alone…BUT, they DO have to work to keep the government funded/open, etc. Beyond that, not much.

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Sadly they will have to shut it down so the American people see that their messiah can’t fix it without All people not just maga, fake Christians, hateful bigots that are in the government put their by the bigots who live here.. hit them in the pocket

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Republicans that refuse Federal money to the fires in LA will be very sorry. California pays a huge amount of money into the government which supports the poor states. That money is for American citizens who have been paying for times such as these disasters. Denying help is war.

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When 25% of every dollar of federal tax I paid went to welfare states I was ok with helping fellow citizens. No more, if they think they can crap on the 7th largest economy in the world, California should give them a preview of what happens in their little corner of America when California isn’t propping them up.

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CA’s economy is even larger than that - the 5th largest economy in the world.

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I’m from NC also, and I vote blue. The red politicians are only interested in power and money—for them. To hell with everyone else.

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2 weeks ago California surpassed Germany to become the world’s FOURTH largest economy.

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Please enact legislation that specifically states one dollar out one dollar back stop funding the Red state Nazi's.

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I’m from NC. We didn’t all vote red. Just like everyone in California didn’t vote for McCarthy. Did you?

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I have a home in Kentucky and Florida both pathetic red states. I understand your concern. I don't vote red. I used to vote person over party but that option doesn't exist anymore. The only way to stop the BS red states spew is to have blue states retake their contributions. No one assumes everyone votes red but that's just reality.

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Exactly but tell The ahole republicans that literally think California has all the same people. Ignorance is a prerequisite to be a republican in this era!!!

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I believe we're the 4th not 7th

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Thanks, I should have checked before I posted!

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So true. Governor Newsome will reveal just how important they are to our economy

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If they get some stupid idea about not paying and helping the citizens of California, they should without tax money from DC. They should rebel!!

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We will see what happens

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I wish they could refuse but doesn't CA have to do as required? I mean it's it in their Constitution/Laws or tax code? I know quite a bit about our country but this 'tax code'? Nada

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Jan 15
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Wow, language, baby. And red states are welfare states, usually - sucking funds from those with functioning economies and schools

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Language? Fuck u.Is that better?. California pays out more in social benefits than the entire south combined, baby

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Jan 16
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Bullshit .All red states are cutting all benefits People in Mi;ssissippi can nogt spell cat or flush a toilet.

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I think you misread Lois and owe her an apology. She means red states who get more than they give to the govt while CA gives more. Don’t be so mean

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Mean?? That is not mean. I do not owe anybody an apology. Why don't you apologize to America for letting Trump win.. If Democrats knew how to be "mean" they would have won. You just nailed why Dems will never ever again in 123 years hold a national office. Nobody wants a nice person President .... these people are not dentists or bartenders. They are Presidents. This is not a fucking block party

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Look fool, we’re all trying to tell you that you misread Lois’ comment.

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It means a state that takes more from the federal government than they pay in taxes. (In MAGA terms: “lazy ass takers”)

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Any RED state.

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States with 'GDP' lower than tiny island nations

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🤦🏻‍♀️This is where we’ve failed in civics lessons…smh. The blue states “make more money” than the red states so we’re paying more into the federal government - they then take some of those funds turn around and give them to the red states that don’t have enough money.

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So a certain extent. Services available in red states are inferior

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So I believe that’s what Lois was referring to that’s all so I couldn’t understand why you were swearing at her.

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If the red states can screw us over by telling the federal government not to help California, then we should repay them in kind and not help them anymore on a regular basis, not just when there’s a crisis…we help them all the time. I’m from a blue state as well and we have a good economy here and some of our tax dollars go to support the red states that don’t have enough money but not when there’s a crisis!

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Lois is a big girl

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I do not donate in anyway, shape or form to those states who rejoice in hating Cali. I will never donate to Florida. Never, ever. I will not donate to Tubby’s Alabama. And so on … I know there are good people that get hurt too, but they are responsible for who they send to DC. Sorry, but not sorry.

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Also Mike Johnson’s Louisiana. Not one single red southern state gets any of my travel $$.

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I get it but if there is a democrat running in those state I give 19 dollars sometimes because it helps the campaign to get the word out.. We almost got rid of Cruz in Texas

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I love Rep Jasmine Crockett! I have and will continue to donate to her campaign, as well as many other great women candidates. Have always been a feminist. When I graduated from high school, women couldn’t have their own checking accounts. I had to pay my bills with Western Union Money grams. (Really dating myself now.) The world has changed so much. And one of these days we will have a woman US president, if the country survives that is.

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It’s a tragedy that Colin Allred lost. Texans would have been so much better served by a man like Colin who understands true public service.

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I totally agree because NYC is also supporting all those fucking poor red states. I’ll be damned if I will give a dime to a bunch of assholes who continually vote for the rich treasonous party. !

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Jan 17
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I hate to tell u but NC is also a red state!!!

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Trump would remove air traffic controllers from the skies of blue states.if he could . He is one demented rabid puppy

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It gives rabid puppies a bad name! They're better than it!

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Have Republicans put the same conditions on Republican states which suffer catastrophes? Of course not. Only someone with no heart and no conscious would tell someone "I will help you only if you do this.....".

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This is what makes Republicans so repulsive. They are such hypocrites.

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The Democrats never asked for anything in return for aid to the red states, and they’re the ones with the most disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, snow, power outages etc)

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Unfortunately, they don't want to protect the health of those in red states. They don't want to give California what they truly desire they want taxcuts for themselves. Horrible as it is!!! We must hang in there. Thank you 💙

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Oh, darlin', that’s beyond their understanding. All they know is Blue.

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Very much so!

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Debie, I sure hope they are not that stupid. Some things should be funded such as disasters. This should not even be open for discussion!

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I hope and wish for you to be correct.

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It's about time that the Democrats developed a spine. We should learn from past trumplican party tactics.

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I think that is a simplistic and inaccurate description of the Democrats.

One major Party only exists, or so it appears, to serve each other and those with money who want what they want.

The Democrats are focused on the Greater Good, benefits, the Commons, the future of the US and the lives of each of us. They can't lie like the GOP because their actions are public.

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Agreed, but they only react and are/have been never proactive but rather reacting to the trumplican actions/positions making things more difficult to do the right thing ahead of trumplican onslaught.

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Or any of the R long game they’ve been playing for decades. Gutting education and poisoning the media are but two examples.

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We have power people!! Figure out how you can use yours. Stop buying non essentials from Amazon or Walmart. If it's not something you absolutely need, resist buying it. Shop your local markets. Stop empowering these billionaires to own us.

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We need to be smart about this and use politicians’ (both sides, but at this point basically republicans) bad policies against them…Ju Jitsu, if you will.

Think smarter and more creatively to find positive outcomes for all people. How? I do not know—but we have so many caring, persistent and innovative individuals on our side. Together, we will be unstoppable!

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And you and everyone you know were out protesting and pushing the Democratic message every day over the last 4 years right?

Why do all Americans who claimed to be Democrats seem to treat the Democrats as if they were some amorphous blob that has nothing to do with them or their views of democracy? Do none of you understand what participatory democracy means?

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I had that mentality until Democrats didn't take credit for what they did to repair Republican constructed problems. We aren't dealing with people who play by rules or have integrity. That is naive. By the way I was a Democrat for 46 years and I am tired of their weak behavior. It's now no longer about doing the right thing it is fighting evil and taking credit for what you do.

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Something you said here, about the weak behavior, brought to mind a classic phrase,

"Don't bring a knife to a gunfight."

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My argument since that M-FER became president the first time! Just kick those bastards to the curb and attribute it to saving our democracy!

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So you are a Red now? Or did you not vote at all

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Red? You mean Republican? Lord one of the reasons Democrats can't do shit. They eat their own. I am non affiliated. I of course voted. Not that is your business your damn right it was Harris and Walz. We're you intending to criticise? I votel 46 fucking years I don't need your judgemental bs.

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I no longer am a Democrat because I believe there was fraudulent activity in the last election. I agree they need a spine. I also want them to take credit for everything they do. We aren't dealing with a other party that has any integrity it's run by criminals.

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I believe you have the nerve but really? So there was fraud so you vote for the biggest fraud? Explain yourself it go away!

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Oh and read above too. Brenda Christainsen seemed to have your same attitude. How uncout.

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What are you talking about? Please read below. How about you explain yourself or go away. Seriously.

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Hi! I don't understand you first sentence. Do you mean that the Democrats were guilty of fraudulent activity, or that the Republicans were?

Thank you!

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I see your point. No not Democrats. There was just a lot of votes shuffling by Republicans and pre election interference. My point obviously was not clear I meant I attempted to get Democratic officials to revisit election results by looking into what I saw as a lot of questionable results especially in SWING STATES. Thank you for pointing out my lack of clarity. It is appreciated.

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Plus once you post only in some areas here you can't give clarification in your original comments unless you erase and restart. Big bummer!

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What happened to helping the citizthis nation? nation? All greed one day they'll find out. Democrats will comeback strong

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I hope so but I no longer expect it.

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They need to stop and refuse to do anything the Reds want. Totally

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Jeffries knows this:

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any.”

— Alice Walker

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People give people power. If the GOP had stood up to Voldemort when he announced and became their Party leader. And said NO (John McCain knew that), he would in no way be where he is. Just say No.

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Yeah, what the fucking scumbag is planning on the debt limit is to tie it to the funding for the California wildfires.

Go. fuck. Yourself. In. Your. Face. MAGA Mike, you midget Confederate traitor.

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No Dem votes to help pass Trumps agenda? Works for me!

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Let the Republicans flounder! Don't lift a figure to help them! You have done it before and it lead to many Democrats going down in the 2024 election. We need more Democrats in the House in the Senate. The 2024 election shows what happens to Democrats when they cooperate with Republicans. Democrats get no credit for what they did to help pass legislation, but Republicans get it all!

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Put AOC in as a leader!!!!!!!!

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Excuse me but Jeffries is capable enough!

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In my view, there is no republican party anymore. The inmates are running the asylum. Now, the head of the asylum is asking the Democrats for help. I say let him fix this mess he created by himself.

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“Crash and burn” should be the theme of trump’s inaugural address

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And Mike Johnson will find himself needing a new job...

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Selling used Bibles door to door. All the Trump ones he humped to make all his decisions for our country. 🤬

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The shoe is on the other foot. I'm a registered independent; always have been always will be, but I remember the single minded dedication of the republicans to deny any legislation of the Obama administration to move forward; pure obstruction. Well , as I said, the shoe is on the other foot. I hope the democrats obstruct every republican proposal.

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Hold there feet to the fire and don’t flinch!!!

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Sorry for typo it should read there !!!

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Damn their!!!

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Haha… Laughing with ya.

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Doesn't clicking on the three dots to the right of your comment allow edits?

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Not always, hence there instead of their (autocorrect 😠) !which was not correct!😤😝

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Good to know. Thanks!

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Sorry; I just saw that you fixed it

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Actually it should read their😊

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I live in California. Johnson wants to stop aid to victims of the California fire. Why in the hell should democrats help him? Democrats, stop helping him out!! He does not reciprocate. He lies!! He lied and said that the New Orleans attacker was a migrant and he knew that it was not true. And no democratic representative pushed back. Just stop it!!

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He also did not vote Biden’s infrastructure bill but did not hesitate to ask for funds for his constituents. He’ll then take credit for the improvements. No help for Repubs.

If help for CA is held back, CA should reduce its contribution to the federal government. Most of the money CA, Washington and the North East contributes goes to red states. The afore mentioned states contribute more than they take.

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We will NOT raise the debt limit. GOP cannot govern. This will be an unwinnable war on the assault of our constitution. Tough Tuna, Mr. Johnson - you bit off more than you can chew and I hope you choke!

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When Barack Obama was elected, Mitch the turtle said his priority was to stop everything Obama tried to do. Or something to that effect. I would love to see democrats do that to the Sasquatch orange one some call the president.

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No cooperation from the Blue is definitely in order. Do not obey in advance. Back these cruel a-holes into a corner until they can’t move. They asked for it, well now they’ve got it. I hope they crash and burn.

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