Opinion: Will Any Republican Leader Stand Up for Ruby Freeman?
Someone in Republican leadership should be willing to stand up for an election worker who was forced to flee her own home due to violent threats from their party leader. Anyone? Anyone?
For “Official” PoliticusUSA editorials only
Someone in Republican leadership should be willing to stand up for an election worker who was forced to flee her own home due to violent threats from their party leader. Anyone? Anyone?
At a time when “partisan divide” is said to be what ails us (it isn’t), candidates like former C.I.A. officer Evan McMullin tell a different story.
Medicare for all. That very phrase has the potential to produce several very palpable responses. Republicans are, naturally, opposed to it since it promises to circumvent the private health insurance industry’s profit motive. Many right-of-center Democrats–some of whom accept money from the same private health insurance industry–are still reticent to support it despite a 2018…
The only way to stop the next Trump administration is to prosecute the last one.
Not content promulgating “climate change hoax” lies on its regular platform, it has decided to add a 24-hour weather channel to its oligarchic propaganda machine.
Here is to all of you out there who have somehow held on during the reign of terror, who feel broken, who swallowed shards of rage and will never see your country the same way again. Here is to your courage for surviving, for voting, for speaking, for being. Never forget what you did in November of 2020.
The Patriotic Millionaires issued a statement calling for those members of the House and Senate who incited with Trump the violent, armed insurrection to be removed from office and tried for sedition.
This is his first real go at reality as an adult, and he’s way too emotionally incapable of making this transition. It won’t be easy for him. Of course, Trump isn’t going to go silently. But go he will.
The following is a PoliticusUSA editorial by Editor in Chief Sarah Jones. President-elect Joe Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history, but Democrats didn’t expand the House as predicted or take back the Senate (pending Georgia run offs). This has led to endless “Democrats in disarray” hot takes. Yes, we have…
There is too much at stake for the public to be clinging to impeachment unicorns. It’s clear that impeachment will do nothing to Donald Trump. Sure, it should still happen because it’s the right legal process, but it won’t save this country.
This might seem like just another Trump scandal, another horrible person he’s put into power, but it’s so much more than that.
It would be a lie to tell you that I don’t think this president deserves to be impeached, or that I don’t agree that the rule of law is imperiled if he is not impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate. Intellectually, impeachment is the only answer to the immoral, unlawful attacks on democracy that are Donald Trump’s presidency.
Stand up for women like you stand up for any other cause: We are real, we are right here, and we are in a crisis heretofore unseen.
People need to stay resolute about reality, demand that news networks stop playing Trump’s lies without correcting them first
Pelosi is not just doing her job to finally put a constitutional check on this presidency — this crime and ethics violation ridden presidency, but she is quietly giving the women of this country the feeling that they matter and she won’t let this subjugating tyrant get off on hurting people anymore.
Those who claim this was a fight between parties are ignoring that one party was doing the will of the people, while the other was not. The Speaker got it done because it was the right thing to do and it should be remembered that she is not the person who held the government and 2 million people hostage over a failed campaign promise.
The following is an editorial by PoliticusUSA‘s co-publisher Sarah Jones. The day before a judge admonished Trump‘s former National Security Adviser for selling out his country, suggesting that Flynn committed treason , former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone admitted to spreading lies on Alex Jones’ conspiracy oriented InfoWars. Stone made the admission during the settlement…
I went to the Tree of Life Synagogue on Friday to follow up on the horrific slaughter of eleven innocent Jewish and I was surprised by what I felt and found.
The first thing I found was love.
The media is going to continue to help Trump push his caravan lies until you tell them to stop by voting with your remotes.
The following is an editorial by PoliticusUSA’s co-publisher Sarah Jones. The mob is real; it’s Republican, and it’s dangerous. The media needs to do its job regarding Trump and the Republicans’ dangerous rhetoric against Democrats and liberals. Today, Wednesday October 24th just two weeks before the Nov. 6 elections, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force…
But by Monday, I knew it was a lifetime war. Tuesday I knew I would get there. And I will.
People tell me I can’t speak about this because I am biased. I disagree. I have mentioned this in passing before, but now I’m going to come out with the story of an ongoing sexual assault that happened to me at work, so that I can use it to explain things very slowly to Republican…
Why is Leader Nancy Pelosi labeled “polarizing†when Republicans, with whom the majority of the public does not agree, are not? I asked her this in an exclusive interview and she told me “They’re afraid of me, they’re afraid of women.â€
“Fake news” is the chant Trump started to generate hatred toward journalists, along with saying they are the enemy of the people. So when the White House repeatedly includes “innocent” as qualifier to who shouldn’t be shot, it’s not meaningless. Context matters.
Feel defeated? Too bad. There is no time for that. It is time to fight for your country at every turn. It is time for non-violent protests everywhere. It is time to let the Democratic Party leaders know that you WILL NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE.
The media and politicians keep addressing the issue of Donald Trump as if it were a relationship problem between him and whoever he is insulting, intimidating, bullying, and lying about on that day. This is not only wrong, but it enables him to continue and misses the far more frightening point that there is no reasoning with Donald Trump, because he does not want the same things for our country as most of us on both sides of the aisle want.
The media’s obsequious circling of the wagons around White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders over a brutal roasting by a comedienne is more troubling than anything Michelle Wolf said.
Black people are blamed for every evil in our world here in Trump country. This isn’t a one-off. This isn’t an emotional reaction to a few racist comments. This also isn’t a smug lecture about the ugly racism of the other. The “elites” want liberals to stop talking about racism — in a way that only people who are privileged enough to not suffer racism could.
There is a cancer in our country and ignoring it won’t fix the problem.
The Republican Majority Leader is assaulting the democratic process yet again, but this time he’s doing it for a President who is not only under FBI investigation for possible collusion with a hostile foreign power, but whose National Security Adviser just pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia, and who will reportedly testify that he was directed in his contacts with Russia by the President himself.
Without the backlash to Donald Trump’s presidency — a thing built on the backbone of his own admission on tape that he sexually assaults women whenever he wants to and 16 women coming forward to say that Trump harassed and/or assaulted them — we would not be here right now…
… Having sometimes heartbreaking discussions about the predators among us.
We welcome Republicans who have joined us in taking a stand, but it would be enabling to fail to mention how they got here. Trump’s racism didn’t just happen to the Republican Party. They grew this the hard way and the only way to root it out is to face this fact.
While Mr. Trump has indeed been elected to the highest office in the land, there can be little debate that his words and deeds throughout his lifetime have garnered almost nothing to induce respect. In fact, Mr. Trump has seemingly almost gone out of his way to reflect the very opposite of presidential conduct.
The Republican justification for assaulting Ben Jacobs included the dog whistle words, “liberal reporter” for a reason. The reason is that if the reporter was a liberal, it was okay. Not just okay, but justified.
Democrats don’t need to find an “issue” to stop the Neil Gorsuch nomination from proceeding to confirmation. The Gorsuch hearing is irrelevant. He needs to be blocked out of concern for our national security and sovereignty.
Pundits and strategists who keep blaming Hillary Clinton for losing while ignoring the impact of Russian interference display a willful blindness that can only be accounted for by a particularly strong emotional bias teetering on hysteria.
When Republicans voted to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren Tuesday night on the Senate floor, they justified it by using shame. This matters because this is how Republicans silenced dissent under George W. Bush, and way too many liberals and Democrats fell for it then.
The media has dubbed the Trump protests as the “New Tea Party”. But this is mainstream America. This is not an extremist faction of the Democratic Party. And therein lies the huge difference between this movement and the Tea Party.
Trump will destroy many things, but he won’t destroy the memory of a great president or the wake of hope Obama left behind him.
Democrats are wasting air time playing Nice Guys and praising Sen Jeff Sessions, which is typical Senate behavior and typical of Democrats, for whom reaching across the aisle is a value.
But those times are gone, and they are dealing with a dangerous racist who has been nominated to be the Attorney General.
If you’ve been feeling vaguely hysterical, what I like to call hysterical-adjacent, at the idea of Donald Trump running the U.S., you’re not alone.
Since Donald Trump won his bid for the White House, the women of America have been suffering Trump Traumatic Stress Disorder.
I wish I were kidding. But I’m not. This is real and it’s serious.
The same media that trolled Obamacare for six years, never really grasping that people’s lives were on the line, is now telling you that the creation they helped power to the White House is a function of “regular people” being angry at the elites.
How cool would the cool kids feel if they knew they had been duped, that in scoffing about Clinton’s scandals they were actually repeating scandals paid for by the folks behind Citizens United.
Hillary Clinton needs to do a press conference because not doing one allows this false equivalency with Donald Trump’s assault on the free press to continue, and in no way is Clinton less transparent than Trump. Her whole life has already been vetted and has been lived in the public eye.
Elizabeth Warren is a perfect complement to Hillary Clinton. It’s lighting in a bottle special. It’s Obama at the DNC in 2004. This is the magic Clinton was missing.
The following is an editorial by PoliticusUSA’s co-publisher Sarah Jones. Demoralized Democrats are depressed today because they’ve had an entire primary of issue indulgence, with excellent presidential candidates focused on policy and issues that matter deeply to the base. The Democratic primary has truly been a cornucopia of issues, a fact that made a sharp…
The media keeps playing dumb by asking Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton if Donald Trump is a racist. This question sets the question up as if it is a matter of debate or personal opinion and is being used to exploit drama for ratings.
Seven years in, one thing has become abundantly clear – this President is on a moral mission. Not all people who run for the highest office of the land actually have an agenda to do good for the people, but it appears as though this President did and does.
President Barack Obama knows this. That is why he hunted down and killed Osama bin Laden. That’s not something any person with an ounce of humanity wants to do, no matter what- to kill another human being. But it was necessary.
The major problem with Ben Carson’s tendency to embellish memories in a way that glorifies himself is it’s best if a world leader is in touch with reality.
Hillary Clinton apologized for a made up email scandal that was blown way out of proportion by the MSM. Now that the DOJ has put that to rest, where is their apology to her?
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is a man who has always advocated for the underdogs, for women, for minorities. And so it’s exceptionally ironic and troubling that his campaign is being hijacked by priggish, self-satisfied, angry white progressives.
So to blame Obama for any failure to change the laws is to lash out at one of the few people willing to take on the NRA. That’s not helping.
The worst fear of the Koch brothers has always been that people will learn about their activities and fight back. On Face The Nation, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) announced that people are fighting back and his campaign now has more than 200,000 donors.
Our politics are centered on policy, but there is a line that should not be crossed and Senator Ted Cruz has officially crossed it. He is not only not fit to be president, he isn’t fit to be a sitting senator.
We were set for a primary where the issues actually get coverage because there would be no mud. That all changed yesterday, when along came former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley.
The reason Republicans have a problem is because they won’t denounce the Duggar family’s cover up of Josh Duggar’s sexual assaults. Former Governor Mike Huckabee has gone full-on defense of the child sexual predator and his family while other Republicans who used the Duggar family as right-wing Christian cred in photo-ops are now silent.
But this time, things were different. Here’s what happens when things start to change. Time magazine, one of the most mainstream publications there is, puts “Black Lives Matter” on its cover.
She hasn’t even announced yet, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign is looking like an incumbent’s reelection campaign.
Obama never asked us to give up a major freedom so he could get Bin Laden. He just got him.
One thing is obvious: Democrats are still allowing the media to parrot GOP narratives, and Democrats are still running away from their own ideas and into the arms of the tepid enemy of equivalency. Democrats are still afraid to be bold.
When asked about Obamacare, aka, Kynect, Mitch McConnell floundered. This was supposed to be the Grand GOP Plan for 2014, but it turned around and bit McConnell in the bum.
A federal judge denied Kentucky Senate candidate David Patterson’s request to be included in the debate between Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes (D-KY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
Former Obama strategist extraordinaire David Axelrod criticized President Obama for saying that his policies are on the ballot for the midterms.
As we head into precarious midterm elections, President Obama needs to stop trying to explain why he feels it’s necessary to strike ISIL and instead he needs to call out Republicans more.
Refusing to discuss their suddenly-found, alleged concern for democracy, Republicans instead claim that President Obama taking executive action makes him a hypocrite for condemning Bush for his use of signing statements.
The Obama administration’s new EPA guidelines to cut carbon emissions from existing power plants should be applauded and the reaction from Republicans and some Democrats is more cynical politics as usual.
It is an election year, which means that Republicans and the emo-prog left have returned to attempt to depress Democratic voter turnout by claiming that Democrats and Republicans are the same. Today, we put a stake through the heart of a lie that must die.