Opinion: North Carolina’s Bathroom Bill Repeal Is Sham
“This ‘deal’ does NOT repeal HB2. It’s HB2 dressed up in a way desperate lawmakers hope will save the state’s economy. There will be consequences for Dem and Rep alike.
“This ‘deal’ does NOT repeal HB2. It’s HB2 dressed up in a way desperate lawmakers hope will save the state’s economy. There will be consequences for Dem and Rep alike.
“It’s the first time a state nullified local wage ordinances already in effect and forced [local] jurisdictions to [immediately] reduce minimum wages that were previously raised.”
We must use the full force of Congress and strength of the [Catholic] pro-life movement to defeat this absurd rule that allows poor women to have healthcare.
Kushner’s new office will be an aggressive team to “run the government like a great American company and potentially privatize government functions.”
“Keystone XL is not an economic benefit to Americans who will see higher gas prices and bear all the risks. The pipeline is being built through America, but not for Americans.”
Although it is true religious Republicans have panted to make public education a theocratic endeavor for a few decades, it is probably true their efforts became paramount after a long-term study’s results last year confirmed their worst nightmare.
“Paul Manafort pledged to influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States to benefit President Vladimir Putin’s government.”
“I know politics is politics, but whenever Trump opens his mouth, it shakes our business. Even white, Anglo-Saxon people are afraid of crossing the border into America.”
Given Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the threat to national security, it is essential that Congress discover the truth about Russia’s activities and stop colluding with Trump.
Democrats don’t need to find an “issue” to stop the Neil Gorsuch nomination from proceeding to confirmation. The Gorsuch hearing is irrelevant. He needs to be blocked out of concern for our national security and sovereignty.
Trump is personally profiting from every golf excursion, every luncheon date and his family’s business trips. Americans are pouring their tax dollars directly into the Trump organization.
“[Trump] keeps saying that ‘we’ need to be paid by the Europeans for the fact that we have troops in Europe or provide defense there. But that’s not how it works.”
Pundits and strategists who keep blaming Hillary Clinton for losing while ignoring the impact of Russian interference display a willful blindness that can only be accounted for by a particularly strong emotional bias teetering on hysteria.
In what turns out to be yet another blatant Trump lie, when he promised to take decisive action to reduce the rising cost of medicine, and stop pharmaceutical corporations from “getting away with murder” with exorbitant and ever-rising drug prices, he didn’t get approval from the big pharmaceutical companies.
Trump promised during the presidential campaign that he would “take out the families” of suspected terrorists. At least 56 and possibly as many as 70” innocent civilian worshippers perished during prayers.
“You are achieving the objectives of Vladimir Putin…trying to dismember this small country. If they object, they are now carrying out the desires and ambitions of Vladimir Putin.”
“If you disagree with the politically correct thought police … you’re a bigot, you’re the worst of evil. It’s almost as if I broke a law.”
“Was Rex Tillerson that worried about climate risks for Exxon? Or was he more worried about the risk of revealing them to his shareholders and to the public? Or was it both?”
The lies surrounding another Trump actor, Mike Pence, extend beyond the White House and are being embraced by the Turkish man who paid Lt. Gen. Flynn to work for the Turkish government.
The Florida High Court’s Justices ruled that the Second Amendment does not protect that ridiculous “open carry” practice and it was another setback for the NRA’s attempts to force the nation’s courts to abolish any and all firearm restrictions as unconstitutional.
“There are ways that we can not only allow the president to keep his promise, but to help him keep his promise by fixing (cutting) some of these programs.”
The Democratic Party is the socialist party because they are anti-Americans, they’re not pro-Americans. They’re liars and misleaders, and we need to wipe them out.
Who needs counter-terrorism patrols and national security efforts to keep out terrorists when there is a desert wall to keep migrant workers from planting and harvesting fields.
A Russian oligarch’s company actively lobbied against provisions which mandated that Keystone XL’s steel be made in the U.S. so Trump elimination the provisions.
Besides billions of dollars in checks to foreigners investing in ‘approved’ projects they will own, Trump’s plan calls for taxpayers to pay tolls.
“There is a kind of hysteria spreading that is not good. Such hatred is not good for people. Something has changed in the United States.”
It seems completely illogical that the state can argue that a reduction in education funding was necessitated by the downturn in the economy and the state’s diminishing resources and at the same time cut taxes further.
The Party of Abraham Lincoln is no more and the Trump Russia scandal may not only destroy Donald Trump’s presidency but the entire party.
Get everyone talking about ‘wiretapping’ and NOT about the Trump/Putin election hacking.
Republicans are terrified of the people they are elected to serve; not intimidate or threaten them with arrest for calling or visiting their senator’s office.
18 U.S. Code § 1621: Anyone, after having taken an oath, who willfully lies is guilty of perjury and shall be fined or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Jeff Sessions told so many lies about non-existent dangers associated with legal recreational marijuana that it likely made his audience’s heads spin.
Dems ought to be focused on saving healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Instead, they’re chasing down scandals or they’re making them up.
Bannon is a “dangerous person driven by an authoritarian ideology. This is a mean, vicious, intolerant group. I’ve never seen anything like this.”
Undocumented workers contribute 3 percent of GDP, or nearly $5 trillion in economic growth” that will vanish with Trump’s “military action” against Mexican workers.
Lies upon lies upon lies.
The Pope wasted little time lashing out at fake Christians whom he said would be better off being a non-believer, an atheist, than a “bad Christian.”
By following evangelical preachers’ edict to legalize discrimination against school-age children, Trump unleashed his theocrats and set a dangerous precedent.
Ohio Republican Judge: “We can’t let him get away with the ‘dozens of dazzlingly illegal things Trump has already done… because America is at stake.”
The response from the Trump administration to the dangers from homegrown white terrorists, or the arrest of three in one week, is non-existent.
*The following is an opinion column by R Muse* One of the downsides of investigating, observing, and opining on the state of American politics is the relatively rare case of uncontrollable rage; not at what’s happening, but that it is happening precisely as no small number of opinion columnists and commentators warned incessantly it would….
Trump represents a risk to international economic conditions, and U.S. policy predictability has diminished raising the prospect of sudden changes with potential global implications.
Converting Russian mobsters’ stolen cash from overseas into Trump’s properties in the U.S. was a dirty win for both the criminal Russians and the criminal Trump.
“There is zero part of me that understands why a rapist or someone who got someone pregnant against their will, maybe incest, would have any right in that decision.”
Republicans know what collusion means, but they must consider Donald Trump much more than a family member because they conspired to help him conceal his corruption by aiding his attempt at keeping his tax returns out of the public’s eye.
Trump might not have ‘pushed’ Flynn out had the situation not attracted such attention from the media and an alert of a coming article about the matter.
It is beyond comprehension that the intelligence community would ever distrust the White House to the extent that it withholds critical intelligence.
This isn’t for Democrats or Republicans, and it’s not to embarrass anybody. This is to make sure the American people know if there are conflicts.
As four men approached their lone victim, Trump’s acolytes shouted, “Hey snowflake! This is what a Trump America looks like, fag*ot!”
Trump is really calling the checks and balances and separation of powers in the Constitution “disgraceful” because he refuses to accept they apply to him.
Trump blithely talked about destroying the career of a man who disagreed with Trump on a policy issue and Senator Leach is mad as hell about it.
The deliberate omission of white extremist attacks is necessary for Trump to convince Americans that the only one thing they have to fear is Islam.
When Republicans voted to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren Tuesday night on the Senate floor, they justified it by using shame. This matters because this is how Republicans silenced dissent under George W. Bush, and way too many liberals and Democrats fell for it then.
Trump spends no small amount of time casting aspersion on the judiciary, the press, and the intelligence community; because they do their jobs.
Ryan isn’t bothered with Trump’s atrocities. He is thriving on Trump’s chaos to “slip in his own deplorable but more mundane agenda” without anyone noticing.
“You don’t run foreign policy by making statements, you run it with thousands of people working to implement programs every day. To undercut that is to undercut the institution.”
“When federal judges rule, government officials – up to and including the president – are supposed to obey or risk being held in contempt of court.”
Three Muslim nations Trump exempted from his ban on Muslims have Americans’ blood on their hands but he profits by protecting the terrorists.
“California could very well become an organized non-payer. They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code.”
Pope Francis said “It’s hypocrisy [and un-Christian] to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or toss out someone who is in need of help.”
Trump’s order includes the flagrantly unconstitutional detention of perfectly legal immigrants whose only crime is their national origin and religion.
Trump’s narcissistic mental defect puts him in the same category as infamous tyrannical dictators like Muammar Gaddafi, Adolf Hitler, and Saddam Hussein.
Carson can’t possibly imagine why President Obama would think of doing “something of that nature,” something like helping Americans at not cost to anyone.
Fascism was what Trump was selling throughout the presidential campaign and is implementing now according his plan to “make America great.”
There was a good reason Trump admitted being 3-million votes less “popular” than Hillary Clinton; it fostered his other dangerous lie to kill democracy.
“Those bureaucrats overwhelmingly voted for Clinton. There won’t be any real cooperation until we change federal law so we can fire them.”
The diverse protesters said that what is about to happen to any American at the hands of Trump Republicans “should never happen to anyone.”
Trump spent his first full day on the job complaining that he is not getting the human-turned-god treatment he feels he deserves like he gets at home.
Only an un-American can find no redeeming value in anything about the United States of America; as if he is a hostile foreigner or enemy of the state.
The media has dubbed the Trump protests as the “New Tea Party”. But this is mainstream America. This is not an extremist faction of the Democratic Party. And therein lies the huge difference between this movement and the Tea Party.
All of Trump’s proposed cuts, privatization, eliminations, and subsequent job losses “hew closely to a Heritage Foundation blueprint published earlier in the year.”
Jefferson stating separation of church and state is contained within the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment is “unhistorical” according to Sessions.
*The following is an opinion column by R Muse* Once upon a time in America, there used to be an unwritten rule that no-one is above the law, but that rule is fundamentally lost on the rich, the connected, and the politically powerful. It is certainly lost on Donald Trump because it appears there is…
Trump will destroy many things, but he won’t destroy the memory of a great president or the wake of hope Obama left behind him.
“When is he [President Obama] going away? My goodness gracious. This is just unbelievable, but you know, he’s never gotten over his racism.”
DeVos has an appalling record on civil rights, no experience in or around public schools, and is intent on dismantling the American education system.
Due to the rise of Donald Trump et al, Human Rights Watch declared that the United States is now a global threat to human rights.
Golden showers bring Trump glowers…
“House Republicans’ agenda is clear: intimidate and silence anyone who would raise questions about the President-elect’s vast conflicts of interest.”
Republicans blocked amendments that would protect the “most popular and effective provisions” of the ACA, including some with no fiscal impact.
Trump turned a news conference into an anti-media circus event like he is still entertaining his sycophants at campaign rallies.
Democrats are wasting air time playing Nice Guys and praising Sen Jeff Sessions, which is typical Senate behavior and typical of Democrats, for whom reaching across the aisle is a value.
But those times are gone, and they are dealing with a dangerous racist who has been nominated to be the Attorney General.
By rejecting “dangerous seismic airgun blasting,” Obama ensured “East Coast communities can finally take a well-deserved sigh of relief.”
The head of the Office of Government Ethics called “The announced hearing schedule for several [Trump] nominees “of great concern.”
Of all issues implicated by Russian spy measures, Trump’s top priority for intel committees is a congressional investigation into NBC.
Health insurance is not for the ‘little people’…
In the continuing saga surrounding the overarching question of whether or not Donald J. Trump is really an American, or a Russian operative, it is getting a little clearer that defector Donald is intricately aligned with Russia and its interests; he has shown absolutely no allegiance to America, its people, or its security interests.
Suspected of receiving illicit gifts and favors from foreign and domestic business executives, Netanyahu was questioned by police “under caution.”
“I’d be careful about using the word ‘lie.’ ‘Lie’ implies much more than just saying something that’s false. It implies a deliberate intent to mislead.”
“What’s closer to treason? Political opposition to a candidate, or siding with a hostile foreign power in the Intel war?”
North Carolina does so poorly on the measures of legal framework and voter registration that it ranks alongside Iran and is not classified as a democracy.
President Obama took the plan out of commission and described it “not only as out-of-date but also an inefficient waste of resources.”