CNN Jake Trapper The Lead, who called Donald Trump a Fascist first

Jake Tapper Blasts Republicans with Proof that Generals Called Donald Trump a Fascist First

House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for labeling Donald Trump a Fascist, arguing that such rhetoric could incite violence. CNN’s Jake Tapper found that interesting since Donald Trump called Harris a Fascist first and additionally, two Generals who served in Trump’s administration called Trump a Fascist.

Republicans are crying about Harris agreeing that ex-president Donald Trump is a Fascist, but Harris was asked if Donald Trump was a Fascist in response to two Republican Generals and former Trump administration officials, retired Marine General John Kelly and former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark Milley, calling Trump a Fascist.

While many were pointing this out online, CNN’s Jake Tapper put it all together in a particularly damning fashion by rolling tape of Trump calling Harris a Fascist (among other things) over and over again, and then the Generals calling Trump a fascist. And then finally, Harris agreeing with the Generals.

Watch here:

JAKE TAPPER: House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called on Vice President Harris today to end what they call dangerous rhetoric against Donald Trump, saying in part “The Vice President’s words more closely resemble those of President Trump’s second would be assassin than her own earlier appeal to civility. Labeling a political opponent as a Fascist risks inviting yet another would be assassin to try robbing voters of their choice before election day.” Okay, so the two Republican leaders are pressing concern about Kamala Harris calling Donald Trump a Fascist. Let’s show an example of Harris doing exactly what McConnell and Johnson are taking issue with.

B-Roll TRUMP: She’s a Marxist, communist, fascist, socialist.

TAPPER: I’m sorry, the control room that was actually Donald Trump calling Kamala Harris a fascist. In September, control room, are you ready? Please run the clip of Kamala Harris calling Donald Trump a fascist, which offended the Republican leaders.

B-ROLL TRUMP: Somebody’s got to explain this one. There’s a radical left Marxist, communist, fascist.

TAPPER: Okay, again, I’m sorry that was Trump calling Harris a fascist. I apologize. Control room. Can we get it together? Johnson and McConnell are very upset that Kamala Harris called Donald Trump a fascist. Please roll the clip.

B-ROLL TRUMP: We have a fascist person running who’s in confident and we have a president who’s not even around

TAPPER: Guys. I’m trying to show the clip of Donald Trump being called a Fascist. That’s what Speaker Johnson and Leader McConnell are really worried about. You keep running different clips of Trump calling her a fascist. Please. Humor me. Humor me.

B-ROLL JOHN KELLY: Authoritarian. Admires people who are dictators. He has said that. So he certainly falls into the general definition of Fascist for sure.

TAPPER: Okay, so that was Donald Trump being called a Fascist, but not by Kamala Harris. That is retired Marine General John Kelly, Trump’s longest serving Chief of Staff, coming to the conclusion that Donald Trump is a Fascist, in his view.

Guys, she did say this. She said it here on CNN, don’t you have a clip from CNN?

B-ROLL TAPPER READING MILLEY QUOTE VIA BOB WOODWARD BOOK WAR: “We have got to stop him. Millie said you have got to stop him. By you, he meant the press broadly. Quote, “He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total Fascist.”

TAPPER: Okay, so that was from CNN, but that was me reading a quote from former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Mark Milley, who Trump appointed. Millie calling Trump a Fascist in an interview with Bob Woodward, that wasn’t Harris calling him a fascist. Control room, come on. I know we have this clip somewhere from CNN, come on. Show it.

Do you think Donald Trump is a Fascist?

HARRIS: Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

TAPPER: Thank you. My control room going a little bit rogue there and making a point. Perhaps, this is obviously what Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell are worried about. Kamala Harris agreeing with the words of some of the people who have worked closely with Trump in the Oval Office, in the Situation Room, that’s that’s what they have an issue with, not Trump using these.”

The people closest to Donald Trump in his chaotic and drama-filled time in the White House are making it beyond clear that Donald Trump is not an average Republican nominee; he is “the most dangerous” person; he is a Fascist.

Trump is not only a convicted criminal and adjudicated rapist who stands accused of inciting what Director Wray labeled a domestic terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol, but he is also a fascist threat to the United States, to freedom, to liberty, and ultimately to western democracy itself.

Republican Generals first called Trump a fascist. Harris agreed, because it is a fact that Trump meets all of the characteristics of a Fascist and Harris values facts enough to uphold them, even when it makes people uncomfortable.

When will McConnell and Johnson tell Trump to knock of his language inciting violence against the Vice President of the United States? Oh, that’s right. They won’t. Because Mitch McConnell and Mike Johnson are spineless cowards who have embraced Fascism themselves, which is why they only apply rules to the opposition and are trying to silence the truth about Donald Trump.

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Image: Screenshot CNN’s Jake Tapper The Lead

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