Massive Potentially MAGA Voter Registration Fraud Uncovered In Pennsylvania

Local officials have found 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications in Lancaster County, PA that are potentially linked to voter registration effort supporting Donald Trump.

NBC News reported:
Pennsylvania officials said Friday they are investigating as many as 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications in Lancaster County that election workers flagged during routine reviews of the forms.

The application forms were completed by paid canvassers, as part of a “large-scale canvassing operation” dating back to June, District Attorney Heather Adams told reporters on Friday. She added that at least two other counties may have received fraudulent registration applications, too.

“We have confirmed violation of our crimes code as well as our elections code. We have all available detectives working on this. We are all hands on deck so that we can properly assess the validity of these applications in a timely manner,” she said.

Lancaster County is Republican part of the state, and one group that was registered voters for Donald Trump posted that they would be dropping off two batches of voter registration forms at the deadline.

The numbers coming from Lancaster County were unusually high and raised questions from election experts and observers. Those new registrations were Republican.

If it was a MAGA supporting organization, some people could be heading to prison for a very long time. Pennsylvania has numerous safeguards and checks in place so that large scale voter registration fraud will be caught. Republicans are desperate to win Pennsylvania for Trump, so they either may have engaged in illegal activity for Trump, or the paid organization was engaged in fraud for profit.

Either way, there will be serious legal consequences for the people behind this effort if they are charged and found guilty.

Jason Easley
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