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President Biden Takes Historic Steps To Strengthen Title IX Protections

Last updated on April 20th, 2024 at 01:33 pm

The Biden administration went beyond rolling back Trump’s weakening of Title IX sex discrimination protections in schools. President Biden make the protections stronger.

Sec. of Education Miguel Cardona told PoliticusUSA during a call with reporters, “These regulations make crystal clear that everyone can access schools that are safe, welcoming and that respect the rights. It clarifies that Title IX’s prohibition of sex discrimination includes all forms of sex discrimination, no one should have to give up their dreams of attending or finishing school because they’re pregnant. No one should face bullying or discrimination just because of who they are who they love. Sadly, this happens all too often. These regulations promote accountability by requiring schools to take swift action responsive to sex discrimination. Lastly, the final regulations reaffirm our commitment to fundamental fairness for all parties who exercise their title nine rights, because a fair process will help ensure that investigations lead to accurate reliable and effective resolutions of sex discrimination complaints.”

What Do The New Title IX Regulations Do?

According to a press release from the Department of Education, the new Title IX regulations will:

– Protect against all sex-based harassment and discrimination. The final rule protects all students and employees from all sex discrimination prohibited under Title IX, including by restoring and strengthening full protection from sexual violence and other sex-based harassment. The rule clarifies the steps a school must take to protect students, employees, and applicants from discrimination based on pregnancy or related conditions. And the rule protects against discrimination based on sex stereotypes, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics.

– Promote accountability and fairness.
The final rule promotes accountability by requiring schools to take prompt and effective action to end any sex discrimination in their education programs or activities, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. The final rule requires schools to respond promptly to all complaints of sex discrimination with a fair, transparent, and reliable process that includes trained, unbiased decisionmakers to evaluate all relevant and not otherwise impermissible evidence.

Empower and support students and families. The final rule protects against retaliation for students, employees, and others who exercise their Title IX rights. The rule requires schools to communicate their nondiscrimination policies and procedures to all students, employees, and other participants in their education programs so that students and families understand their rights. The rule supports the right of parents and guardians to act on behalf of their elementary school and secondary school children. And the rule protects student privacy by prohibiting schools from making disclosures of personally identifiable information with limited exceptions.

President Biden went beyond rolling back Trump’s gutting of Title IX protections that included making it easier for schools and colleges to sweep sexual violence under the rug, and weakened protections for those who were sexually discriminated against at any school that receives federal funding. Biden also expanded Title IX protections to include gender and sexual orientation.

Administrative actions can be reversed by the next administration, so the changes to Title IX raise the question for voters of what kind of society do they want to live in?

A Trump return to the White House will mean that the strengthened and expanded Title IX protections will vanish.

The American people have a choice. Do they want an educational system that protects opportunity and equality for a majority of the population, or do they want to return to an era where the nation’s educational institutions are unsafe havens for discrimination and sexual violence?

The Biden administration is walking the walk when it comes to expanding freedom and opportunity, and the changes to Title IX show the sort of bright future that the United States is capable of with the right leadership.

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