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Biden Thanks Retail Workers For Hard Work During The Holidays And Vows To Fight For $15 Minimum Wage

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:59 pm

President Biden asked Americans to thank retail workers during the holiday season and vowed to continue to fight for a $15/hour minimum wage.

Biden’s account tweeted:

President Biden has walked the walk when it comes to supporting working people. With Republicans set to hold a slim majority in the House just after the new year, the fight for fifteen may have to wait until after the 2024 election.

Biden’s priorities are with working people, and even though we are not dealing with the height of the pandemic anymore, we should always remember to thank retail workers, from those who are there working so that Americans can shop on Black Friday to the warehouse workers at Amazon and other online retailers who pick and pack orders to make sure that they arrive at our doors in time for Christmas.

Retail workers are some of the lowest-paid workers in the US economy. The vast majority of retail workers make less than $15/hour, and many make less than $10/hour, so when the President mentioned thanking retail workers and raising the minimum wage, he is speaking to a group of workers who are underpaid for the work that they are doing.

Calling retail workers essential workers is nice, but if would be even better if their pay matched their importance to the economy.



Jason Easley
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