Pelosi To Bring The House Back Into Session To Pass $2,000 Stimulus Checks Bill

Last updated on January 17th, 2021 at 05:33 am

After Republicans refused to agree to $2,000 stimulus checks via unanimous consent, Speaker Pelosi announced that the House would pass a bill on Monday.

Speaker Pelosi said in a statement provided to PoliticusUSA:

Today, on Christmas Eve morning, House Republicans cruelly deprived the American people of the $2,000 that the President agreed to support. If the President is serious about the $2,000 direct payments, he must call on House Republicans to end their obstruction.

House and Senate Democrats have repeatedly fought for bigger checks for the American people, which House and Senate Republicans have repeatedly rejected – first, during our negotiations when they said that they would not go above $600 and now, with this act of callousness on the Floor.

On Monday, I will bring the House back to session where we will hold a recorded vote on our stand-alone bill to increase economic impact payments to $2,000. To vote against this bill is to deny the financial hardship that families face and to deny them the relief they need.

Hopefully by then the President will have already signed the bipartisan and bicameral legislation to keep government open and to deliver coronavirus relief.

Pelosi is only giving the House a 72 hour Christmas break after Republicans refused to agree to larger stimulus checks for the American people. Pelosi is going to force House Republicans to go on the record as opposing more relief for the American people at a time when unemployment benefits are running out and millions of Americans are facing hunger and homelessness.

Speaker Pelosi is standing up for the American people as the House will turn up the heat on Mitch McConnell by passing $2,000 stimulus checks.

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