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WATCH: Sidney Powell Tells Lou Dobbs Trump Won in an “Absolute Landslide” and His Presidency “Can Be Saved”

In the days of Donald Trump, the Republican party has been more and more willing to buy into conspiracy theories. From climate denial to QAnon congresswomen to climate denial to Burisma, nothing has seemed out of bounds.

Then along came lawyer Sidney Powell. While she was at one time a member of Trump’s “Elite Strike Force,” her increasingly unhinged diatribes eventually saw her removed from the president’s legal team.

Still, Fox hosts and Trump sycophant Lou Dobbs was more than happy to have Powell appear on his Fox Business show. While there, Powell continued with the kind of conspiracy theorizing that made her persona non grata to Team Trump.

She told the host:

“I mean, people sitting on the floor writing on the side of buses filling out ballot after ballot. It’s in your face everywhere. The statistical evidence is insurmountable. The mathematical evidence is to a mathematical impossibility. This is no way there was anything but widespread election fraud here. We’ve got one witness that says in Arizona at least there were 35,000 votes added to every Democratic candidate just to start their voting off. It’s like getting your $500 of Monopoly money to begin with when you haven’t done anything. And it was only for Democrats.”

Dobbs followed by asking, “Do you think that we’re going to see the Trump presidency saved?” Powell responded, “Yes, I definitely do. There are, there’s no issue in my mind but that he was elected in an absolute landslide nationwide.”

Watch a clip of the segment below, courtesy of Fox Business:



Todd Neikirk

Todd Neikirk is a New Jersey based politics and technology writer. His work has been featured in psfk.com, foxsports.com and hillreporter.com. He enjoys sports, politics, comic books and spending time at the shore with his family.

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