Biden leads Trump in Texas and Georgia

Trump Files Lawsuit To Stop The Vote Count As Biden Is Gaining Fast In Georgia

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 12:20 pm

The Trump campaign has filed a lawsuit to stop the vote-counting in Georgia, as Biden has cut Trump’s lead to 58,000 votes.

Biden is quickly gaining in Georgia:

The fact that the remaining vote is from Democratic areas triggered Trump to file a lawsuit:

Georgia will be announcing more results at noon on Thursday.

The Trump strategy in all of the states that he is losing or poised to lose is to declare victory while he is leading and then file lawsuits to try to get the vote counting ended. So far, this long-shot strategy has been a total bust, and the outlook for future success is not good.

If Joe Biden wins Georgia, the election is officially over. Trump will have no path to the presidency. Trump’s only current path is to hope that Arizona, which was already called for Biden comes back to him along with victories in Pennsylvania and Georgia. Biden doesn’t need Georgia, but winning it would slam the door shut on any hope that Trump had of winning reelection.

Things have gotten so bad for Trump that he is suing to stop votes from being counted in Georgia.

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