Trump lies about playing golf during embassy attack

Trump Is Golfing While A Hurricane Barrels Toward Coronavirus Hot Spot

As a hurricane barrels toward a coronavirus hotspot, Donald Trump is spending his Saturday at his golf property in New Jersey.

According to S.V. Dáte of the Huffington Post, Trump’s July 25th visit to his Bedminster course is his 262nd day visiting one of his golf properties since taking office.

The taxpayer tab for the president’s golf hobby now stands at nearly $140 million.

It’s important to note that as the cost of Trump’s taxpayer-funded golf trips continues to grow, the White House announced last week that it wants to discontinue the $600 weekly checks that unemployed Americans have been receiving during the pandemic.

In other words, the administration believes that paying for the president to practice his chip shot is a more important investment than the millions of Americans who have lost a job due to Donald Trump’s mismanagement of this public health crisis.

Meanwhile, a disaster is looming in a coronavirus hotspot

The latest presidential golf outing comes as Hurricane Hanna – the first hurricane of the 2020 Atlantic season – heads toward Texas, a current coronavirus hotspot.

As The Hill reported, “The storm comes as Texas is already grappling with an alarming surge in COVID-19 cases, with the governor issuing a statewide mask order and rolling back the state’s reopening plan.”

A responsible president would stay in the White House and at least pretend to be working as one of America’s most populous states faces dueling threats, but Trump appears to have punched out for the weekend.

Donald Trump likes to play pretend president at made-for-TV press briefings with colorful maps, but it’s clear that behind the scenes – when the cameras are off – he has no interest in doing actual work.

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