Even Republicans Praise Biden’s Coronavirus Speech As Presidential

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 11:58 am

Former RNC Communications Director Doug Heye praised Joe Biden’s speech on the coronavirus as presidential and said it could be what people are looking for.

Heye tweeted:

Biden’s speech was impressive because it was more than a candidate standing on stage while trying to look presidential. Joe Biden had a plan, and he was able to reassure America that he could handle this crisis. Biden was able to provide details about how he would handle the crisis.

Joe Biden did more than offer America an eye test. He presented himself as an alternative to four more years of incompetence, corruption, and crazy. Biden was able to show Trump’s weaknesses by highlighting his strengths.

The American people have been hungry for leadership since Trump took office. The nation has been exhausted by his lying, blustering, and bumbling.

Biden walked the walk in his coronavirus speech and provided the nation of a preview of what they could have if they elect him in November.

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