Lindsey Graham Sells What’s Left Of His Soul And Announces Investigation Into Joe Biden

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 11:53 am

Donald Trump may have been caught before he was able to complete his extortion scheme with Ukraine, but South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham is helping the president achieve the ultimate goal of his crimes.

According to The Washington Post, Graham is launching a new investigation into Joe Biden and Burisma, the Ukrainian company for which Hunter Biden worked.

It’s a stunning development given the fact that the House of Representatives is literally on the verge of impeaching Trump for his shakedown scheme to get Ukraine to launch the very same investigations.

More from The Post:

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey O. Graham sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday requesting documents related to former vice president Joe Biden and his communications with Ukrainian officials, a step seen as a GOP effort to counter the House impeachment investigation of President Trump.

The inquiry by Graham (R-S.C.) is focused on any calls Biden may have had with Petro Poroshenko, then the Ukrainian president, regarding the firing of the country’s top prosecutor, as well as any that referenced an investigation of Burisma, the Ukrainian natural-gas company that employed Biden’s son Hunter Biden.

Graham’s document request suggests he is seeking to legitimize Trump’s accusations that Biden, then vice president, put pressure on Ukraine to fire its lead prosecutor to protect his son, a claim without evidence that has been disputed by officials familiar with the investigation.

Lindsey Graham’s desperate hail mary

The timing of Graham’s investigation should surprise no one. It comes after two weeks of damning public testimony from officials that worked inside the Trump administration and had up-close knowledge of the president’s Ukraine extortion scheme.

Graham’s shameless efforts to protect a criminal president won’t do anything to change the trajectory of the House impeachment probe.

The evidence is damning, which is why 70 percent of the American people have concluded that the president’s actions regarding Ukraine were “wrong” and a majority believe he should be impeached and removed from office.

What Lindsey Graham’s new stunt will do is seal his legacy as a spineless senator who put politics over the country and gave a thumbs up to a corrupt president’s abuse of power.

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