Republicans Embarrass Themselves With Resolution To Censure Adam Schiff

Republicans have released a resolution to censure Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff that is an embarrassment to the House of Representatives.

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House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy has taken every Trump complaint about Adam Schiff and put in a goofy resolution that is part Fox News and part Trump pander.

McCarthy made it clear on the House floor that his goals were to smear Schiff and the impeachment process, “But this resolution is about more than the actions of any one individual. When false evidence is entered into the official record or communicated directly to the American people, the People’s House loses the credibility it needs to function properly. If that credibility is not restored—if the American people cannot trust that the process will be fair and that information will be honestly shared—they will lose trust in the soundness of our system of government.”

Rep. McCarthy also suggested that impeaching a president who has confessed to his offenses is unfair, “That is what this resolution is all about: To protect the integrity of our proceedings, which censure is designed to do. To restore a process that is fair, objective, and fact-based. And to reassure the American people that the stakes and intensity of our current debate will not overwhelm their government.”

Read the full resolution:

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House Republicans are abusing the censure process to smear a colleague in a bid to save a corrupt president. The resolution is a laundry list of Trump conspiracies and Fox News gripes. Gambits like the one McCarthy is trying to pull off highlight the fact that Republicans can’t dispute the impeachment evidence, so they are trying to discredit the investigation.

There is no core to the Republican Party. The GOP’s backbone is non-existant. When scarecrow Trump gets swept into the dustbin of history, all that will remain is a Putin sized hole where the memories of Lincoln and Reagan used to be.

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