The White House Hid Transcripts Of Trump’s Calls with Putin and MBS

About those readouts with Putin I’ve been demanding to see for months now…

It turns out the White House restricted access to President Trump’s calls with Russian President Putin and the Saudi crown prince, according to breaking news from CNN.

CNN reported Friday evening:

White House efforts to limit access to President Donald Trump’s conversations with foreign leaders extended to phone calls with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Russian leader Vladimir Putin, according to people familiar with the matter.

Those calls — both with leaders who maintain controversial relationships with Trump — were among the presidential conversations that aides took remarkable steps to keep from becoming public.

Remember, Trump has been saying his calls were “perfect,” but his White House went out of their way to hide these calls from the White House press corps, at times not even issuing a short readout of a call with Putin.

Republicans are also pretending that impeachment is a partisan witch hunt, when in fact Trump has once again jeopardized our national security by doing exactly what he has been claiming he didn’t do in 2016: Getting a foreign country to help him cheat to win a U.S. election.

This story broke on the heels of the news that Ukraine Ambassador Kurt Volker resigned amid revelations that he, on top of being mentioned in the whistleblower complaint, was also texting Rudy Giuliani about Ukraine as part of the conspiracy to dig up or fabricate dirt on Joe Biden.

After Rudy Giuliani went on national TV to read his text messages from the State Department about Ukraine, Democrats issued a subpoena for Mike Pompeo to turn over all State Department documents concerning contact with the Ukrainian government. Other House committees such as the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight Committees also scheduled depositions for five State Department officials over the next two weeks.

All of these cover ups are being attacked by reality. This White House hid the information about Trump’s phone calls with foreign leaders, one of whom helped him cheat in the 2016 election and the other for whom Trump attempted to cover up the murder of a journalist.

The Trump White House cover up of his ‘perfect phone calls’ is unraveling by the minute.

Sarah Jones
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