Trump Steals Millions From The Troops To Keep His Failing Scotland Golf Club Afloat

A new report found that Trump has been directing the Pentagon to spend money at his failing golf club in Scotland.

Politico reported:
Since April, the House Oversight Committee has been investigating why the crew on the C-17 military transport plane made the unusual stay — both en route to the Middle East and on the way back — at the luxury waterside resort, according to several people familiar with the incident. But they have yet to receive any answers from the Pentagon.

The inquiry is part of a broader, previously unreported probe into U.S. military expenditures at and around the Trump property in Scotland. According to a letter the panel sent to the Pentagon in June, the military has spent $11 million on fuel at the Prestwick Airport — the closest airport to Trump Turnberry — since October 2017, fuel that would be cheaper if purchased at a U.S. military base. The letter also cites a Guardian report that the airport provided cut-rate rooms and free rounds of golf at Turnberry for U.S. military members.

Taken together, the incidents raise the possibility that the military has helped keep Trump’s Turnberry resort afloat — the property lost $4.5 million in 2017, but revenue went up $3 million in 2018.
Trump’s “suggestion” that Pence waste millions of taxpayer dollars by staying at his out of the way, and also failing golf club in Ireland was not a one-off. The American people are getting closer to finding out how big the Trump family presidential graft operation has become. For every story of Trump profiting off of the presidency that makes the news, there could be ten that do not. Trump is treating the presidency like his chance to rob the national piggy bank. At a time when the country is moving toward recession, Donald Trump is taking precious national dollars and putting them in his own pocket.

This is also a reminder that someone claims that the Democratic House isn’t doing anything, there are investigations happening behind closed doors that aren’t public yet. The House has been probing Trump’s theft of Pentagon funds since April, but none of it made the news. The House is hard at work. There is more to governing than the question of impeachment.

Behind the Trump administration curtain is an unprecedented level of corruption that must be stopped.

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