Gaslighting Trump Is Now Pretending That He Said Nothing Racist About Elijah Cummings

Trump is trying to gaslight America into believing that Democrats are the real racists and that he said nothing racist about Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD).

Trump tweeted:

Trump isn’t walking back his racist attack on Rep. Cummings and his district . Instead, Trump is pretending like calling the Cummings’ majority African-American district disgusting and rodent-infested is not a racist attack. Trump had the facts about the district represented by Cummings wrong. The 7th district in Maryland is in the upper half of the country in median household income. The district has its rough areas, but it is nothing like Donald Trump described.

Trump is the gaslighter in chief, as his entire plan for reelection appears to be to lob racist attacks at his critics, and then claim what he said wasn’t racist and that Democrats are the real racists. It is a simple strategy that is not likely to help Trump in 2020. Donald Trump is trying to tear the country apart, and his game is easy to see, and even easier to debunk.

Donald Trump is a racist, and he is running on racism to win a second presidential term in office.

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