Ted Lieu Says An Impeachment Investigation Is Already Happening

Despite all the public debate about whether Democrats should move forward on impeaching Donald Trump, Rep. Ted Lieu says an impeachment investigation is already happening.

During a discussion with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, the Democratic lawmaker said, “Impeachment is not a binary question at this point, it is a process,” Lieu said, laying out all the ways that Democrats are working toward filing articles of impeachment.

He added, “I would call it an impeachment investigation. I think people can call it an impeachment inquiry. We are certainly in the process of determining whether or not to file articles of impeachment.”


Rep. Lieu said:

So impeachment is not a binary question at this point. It is a process. So we have been investigating the president’s misconduct. Robert Mueller’s testimony was a watershed moment, because he said yes and no to a large number of devastating facts against the president. That’s giving us a predicate basis to go forward to actively consider whether or not we should file articles of impeachment. That’s why we need the grand jury information, as much information as we can, and we are filing litigation to get that information. … I would call it an impeachment investigation. I think people can call it an impeachment inquiry. We are certainly in the process of determining whether or not to file articles of impeachment.

Democrats are ramping up their investigations

The argument over impeachment is largely a debate over labels.  Regardless of what it’s called, Democrats are digging in on their investigations, gathering evidence, fighting in court to obtain grand jury information and ultimately deciding whether to formally file articles of impeachment against Donald Trump.

Whether it’s called congressional oversight or an impeachment investigation, it’s clear that House Democrats are ramping up their investigations into the president’s criminal conduct. Mueller’s testimony this week only gave them more material on which to build their case.

Many Democratic voters may be impatient, but Democrats are engaging in a thoughtful, thorough process meant to build the strongest possible case against Trump.

Democrats only have one shot at impeachment, and they want to make sure they don’t miss.

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