Trump Attacks Mueller in Unhinged Monday Morning Tweet Storm

President Donald Trump lashed out against special counsel Robert Mueller on Monday in a second day of unhinged tweets that will lead to further speculation about his mental stability.

In his early morning tweet storm he compared his situation to Watergate, insisted once again his general counsel Don McGahn isn’t a “RAT” and accused Mueller’s team of “looking for trouble.” He also said collusion is “a phony crime.”

Surprisingly, after this many tweets, he still has not learned how to spell the word “counsel,” as he tweeted:

“Disgraced and discredited Bob Mueller and his whole group of Angry Democrat Thugs spent over 30 hours with the White House Councel, only with my approval, for purposes of transparency. Anybody needing that much time when they know there is no Russian Collusion is just someone….

….looking for trouble. They are enjoying ruining people’s lives and REFUSE to look at the real corruption on the Democrat side – the lies, the firings, the deleted Emails and soooo much more! Mueller’s Angry Dems are looking to impact the election. They are a National Disgrace!”

Trump also seemed to imply in his third tweet this morning that obstruction of justice is no big deal, and should not be a crime because he is just fighting back against phony charges.

“Where’s the Collusion? They made up a phony crime called Collusion, and when there was no Collusion they say there was Obstruction (of a phony crime that never existed). If you FIGHT BACK or say anything bad about the Rigged Witch Hunt, they scream Obstruction!”

Trump’s latest rant follows the blockbuster New York Times article on Saturday which said that the White House general counsel McGahn has been cooperating with Mueller. It said that McGahn has talked for over 30 hours with the special counsel team that is investigating Russian election meddling in the 2016 elections. They are also looking at the issue of collusion between the Russian government and Trump’s presidential campaign.

In Sunday’s tweet storm, he contrasted McGahn with John Dean, the White House counsel for Nixon during the Watergate scandal. Dean ultimately cooperated with prosecutors and helped bring down the Nixon presidency in 1974.

“The failing @nytimes wrote a Fake piece today implying that because White House Councel Don McGahn was giving hours of testimony to the Special Councel, he must be a John Dean type ‘RAT,’” Trump wrote Sunday.

“But I allowed him and all others to testify – I didn’t have to. I have nothing to hide …” he wrote.

Dean, a frequent critic of Trump, tweeted Sunday that he doubts the president has “ANY IDEA what McGahn has told Mueller. Also, Nixon knew I was meeting with prosecutors, b/c I told him. However, he didn’t think I would tell them the truth!”

Trump’s lawyers at the time had encouraged McGahn and other White House officials to cooperate with Mueller. His current attorney, Rudy Giuliani, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Trump didn’t seek executive privilege because they believed that working with the special counsel would be the fastest way to end the Russia probe.

“The president encouraged him to testify, is happy that he did, is quite secure that there is nothing in the testimony that will hurt the president,” Giuliani said.

McGahn’s attorney William Burck added in a statement on Sunday: “President Trump, through counsel, declined to assert any privilege over Mr. McGahn’s testimony, so Mr. McGahn answered the Special Counsel team’s questions fulsomely and honestly, as any person interviewed by federal investigators must.”

Clearly the president is upset at the latest turn of events and is lashing out at anyone and everyone he can think of. Of course in the end it will be to no avail. Donald Trump’s words and actions, as Bob Mueller closes in, are full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Leo Vidal

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