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Chris Murphy Warns GOP They Are In For Rude Awakening If They Try Stopping Mueller

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) warned Republicans on Wednesday that if they attempt to help Donald Trump thwart Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, they are in for a rude awakening.

Murphy said the GOP will go down with Trump if they in any way impede or undermine Mueller’s ongoing investigation.


Murphy said:

Yeah, this is the party that tried to stake its reputation for years and years on being that of law and order. And the FBI, of course, is the standard of law and order. So attacking the FBI betrays the traditions of the Republican Party and you know, of course, is a real threat to democracy if people lose faith in the highest levels of law enforcement. You know, listen if these guys think that they’re going to stop Mueller from getting to the truth, I just don’t think that’s how this is going to play out. As Lindsey Graham said from the Senate’s perspective, Mueller getting fired might be the end of the Trump presidency. And so they are all going to go down with the ship if they are seen as trying to protect against the truth coming out in this investigation, if the truth is in the end damning.

For decades, the Republican Party has claimed to be a stalwart ally of law enforcement, whether it’s police officers on the streets or FBI agents in the field. Trump even spent a year and a half campaigning as the “law and order” candidate.

Now, with the president in the crosshairs of a criminal investigation, the GOP has changed its entire tune. Suddenly, the FBI is part of a liberal conspiracy to stop the president, and instead of protecting the integrity of the bureau and demanding a fair investigation into Russia’s election meddling, they have decided to wage war against it.

As Sen. Murphy said on Wednesday, Republicans are on the wrong side of history. This is particularly true with respect to their new push to release a scam memo meant to further undermine the FBI. If they want to survive politically, they would be smart to retreat from these efforts.

Not only does Donald Trump look to be guilty of obstruction of justice, but as Republican lawmakers mobilize to derail Robert Mueller and the FBI, they look increasingly guilty, too.

Sean Colarossi

Sean Colarossi currently resides in Cleveland, Ohio. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and was an organizing fellow for both of President Obama’s presidential campaigns. He also worked with Planned Parenthood as an Affordable Care Act Outreach Organizer in 2014, helping northeast Ohio residents obtain health insurance coverage.

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