Trump Looks Like A Moron As Has No Clue How The Senate Filibuster Works

During an interview with Mike Huckabee, Trump complained that the legislative filibuster is a death sentence for Republicans, as he demonstrated that he has no idea how the 60 vote rule works.


Trump said, “And the problem we have is we have 52 senators and they have to get rid of the absolutely crazy voting where you need 60, it’s called the filibuster rule it’s a disaster, ok? It’s a disaster for the Republicans. They have to get rid of it. If they don’t get rid of it, it’s just a death sentence.”

What the President doesn’t get is that the filibuster rule has had nothing to do with his many failures. Republicans have been trying to repeal and replace Obamacare, and cut taxes for the wealthy through reconciliation, which only requires 50 votes and the vice president to break the tie. Trump is using the 60 vote rule and an excuse that doesn’t apply. The fact that he has made this mistake over and over again suggests that he doesn’t understand the rules of the Senate.

Even if the 60 vote rule was changed, and it won’t be, Republicans would run into the same dynamic that killed their healthcare bill. Since Republicans can only afford to lose two votes and still pass legislation through reconciliation, the votes of those 52 Republican Senators become more powerful. Getting rid of the 60 vote rule would solve Trump’s problems, it would make them worse because it would only take 3 Republicans to kill any piece of legislation.

Trump is too lazy to learn the basics of governing, so he sticks to his misguided beliefs even when they make him look a moron.

Jason Easley
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