Bernie Sanders And Elizabeth Warren Rock Trump With Free College Plan Paid For By Taxing The Rich

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) unveiled legislation that would make public universities and community colleges tuition free for working families, and he had a powerful backer with him in Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Video of the event:

Sen. Sanders said, “Higher education in America should be a right for all, not a privilege for the few. If we are to succeed in a highly competitive global economy and have the best-educated workforce in the world, public colleges and universities must become tuition-free for working families and we must substantially reduce student debt.”

The College For All Act would eliminate tuitions and fees at community colleges and public universities for families making $125,000 or less. The legislation is completely paid for with a half of a percent tax on stock trades and one tenth of a percent fee on bonds, and a 0.005 percent fee on derivatives.

Sen. Warren said, “We believe that we should be making investments that align with our values, and we believe that means investing in opportunities to get an education without getting crushed by student loan debt. That’s what we believe in.”

The contrast between the two parties has never been more stark while Bernie Sanders and a long list of Democrats are supporting a free college for the middle class bill, while the Trump budget makes it more difficult for students to pay for college.

The College For All Act is great piece of legislation that will be publicly popular that is another reminder to Republicans that their biggest problem remains the party’s deeply unpopular agenda.

Sens. Sanders is showing the American people what the future could be. If Americans want college for all, they just have to boot Trump and his corporate owned puppets out of office ASAP.

Jason Easley
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