Trump Descends Into Madness With Claim That SNL Is Rigging The Election For Clinton

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 09:22 pm

Donald Trump is claiming that Saturday Night live is out to get him and that the late night comedy show is rigging the election for Hillary Clinton.

The SNL cold open focusing on the second presidential debate drew the ire of Trump.


In response to a sketch on a late night comedy show, the Republican nominee for president tweeted:

Trump is ending nearly all of his tweets by claiming that the election is rigged:

A new NBC News poll was released on Sunday morning showing Hillary Clinton beating Trump by 11 points, so it isn’t true that the polls are close:


In Trump’s mind, any program or person that mentions the sexual assault accusations against him is rigging the election. His blaming of a satirical parody of his campaign shows the depth of Trump’s self-denial. The SNL sketch was not flattering to either candidate, but Trump was obviously only focused on himself.

Donald Trump’s vision of how American media and comedy would be forced to treat his presidency is chilling. Trump believes that the press should only give him good publicity as president, and satire and sketch comedy that portrays him in unflattering light will be deemed criminal activity.

Trump is already trying to delegitimize Hillary Clinton’s potential presidency with the drumbeat of claims that the election is rigged. The election is not rigged, but his false claims of election fraud are damaging our democratic process.

Donald is not only bringing the Republican Party down. His descent into complete madness is weakening faith in the nation’s electoral process.

Jason Easley
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