Truth Comes Out As Fox News Host Tells Viewers That Fox Is Lying To Them About Polls

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 02:04 pm

Fox News’s Dana Perino called out her colleague Eric Bolling on the air for lying to Fox viewers about the polls being wrong in the presidential election.


On Fox News’s The Five, Eric Bolling tried to tell Fox News viewers the same lie that the network pushed in 2012. Bolling said, “But these polls, Dana. Honestly, we have to stop with these polls. They’re insane with the polls. Just look at what’s going on. You look at a Trump rally, and there’s twelve, fifteen thousand, ten thousand people…You look at a Clinton rally. You have fifteen hundred, two thousand.”

Dana Perino dropped the truth, “It is a real disservice to his supporters to lie to them that those polls don’t matter. You can not take twelve thousand people at a rally that are your definite supporters they are going to show up for the campaign and then say the polls are wrong.”

Bolling continued by claiming that the people who say they are voting for Clinton in polls aren’t really voting, and that rally size is all that matters.

Perino shot back, “That’s exactly what we said in 2012. The people who supported Romney were told that the polls were wrong. Romney’s going to win, and they were so mad and disappointed.” Greg Gutfeld added, “Yeah, they stopped watching because they thought we lied to them, and we deserved it.”

Dana Perino continued to give Fox News viewers the truth on Twitter:


Fox News is having its own meltdown over Trump.

It is clear that Perino is not only worried about the future of the Republican Party, but also the future of Fox News if they continue to push completely delusional trash like rally size matters more than polls. If rally size were all that mattered, Bernie Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination.

Crowd sizes are not the same as voters.

This is not a debatable point.

The fact that Fox News has made it a debatable point suggests that some who work for the network are spoonfeeding their viewers the same false reality that the polls aren’t trustworthy and are skewed against Republicans.

Donald Trump’s candidacy is so unavoidably terrible that it caused the impossible to happen. While on the air, a Fox News employee admitted that the network lies.

Jason Easley
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