Bernie Sanders gun control face the nation

Bernie Sanders Devastates Republicans With Common Sense On Guns

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 01:50 pm

Bernie Sanders gun control face the nation

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) devastated the Republican argument against keeping the weapons of the hands of criminals with common sense on CBS’s Face The Nation.


Sanders said:

I was just at a press conference the other day talking about the need for increased gun control. I don’t think anybody believes that it’s a magic formula. Clearly, though, there is an obvious common sense consensus, though, John, in this country that guns should not be falling into the hands of people who should not be having them.

And obvious, that goes without saying, I don’t think this is very hard to understand that terrorists, or potential terrorists, should not have guns. People who are being barred from flying on airplanes should not have guns.

I believe we must improve and expand instant background checks. I believe we’ve got to do away with this gun show loophole. About forty percent of the guns in this country are sold outside of the purview of the instant background check process. I think we need. I agree with The New York Times. I think it does not make sense to me that we have guns designed for military purposes that can kill enormous numbers of people in a very short period of time being sold and distributed in the United States, and I support a ban on assault weapons.

I think we need to do away with the strawman provision so that people can legally buy guns and then give them to criminals. And I think we need a revolution in mental health. And that revolution is about making sure that the many thousands of people who are walking the streets of America today who are suicidal or homicidal get the help they need, and they get it now, not two months from now.

Not all, but many of the deaths from mass shootings are preventable by doing exactly what Sen. Sanders suggested. It is common sense. Guns should not be easily legally available to those individuals who have violent records and mental issues. Military grade weapons that are capable of killing dozens to hundreds of innocent people in a few minutes should not be easily available to all who want them.

A background check system is worthless if nearly half gun sales transactions are happening outside of the system. Suspected terrorists should not be able to legally buy guns.

No one is talking about destroying the Second Amendment or taking away everyone’s guns. Sen. Sanders also defended his one vote against a gun control bill, but by this point in the campaign, it should be clear to everyone that Bernie Sanders is not a friend of the NRA.

The best way to change the mass shooting enabling environment in this country is to use a some common sense. The Republican arguments against the steps that Sen. Sanders discussed make no sense.

Bernie Sanders showed that the path to defeating the gun industry runs through logic and common sense.

Jason Easley
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