south carolina confederate flag taken down

Multiracial Group Of Teachers And Activists Take Down South Carolina Confederate Flag

south carolina confederate flag taken down

A multiracial group of teachers and activists did what the politicians haven’t. They took it upon themselves to act to remove the Confederate flag from the South Carolina state capitol at 5:30 AM ET.


In a statement, the diverse group said:

We are regular human beings, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, Carolinians, educators, and activist —both black and white— who believe in the fundamental idea of humanity. The flag we removed is one of the most familiar remnants of white supremacy that supports the idea that there is still a reigning group of individuals who control our freedom, while tacitly supporting white Americans when they commit heinous and racially charged hate crimes against Blacks and People of Color. We took this task in our own hands because our, President, Governor, mayors, legislators, and councilmen had a moral duty to remove the flag but failed to act. We could not sit by and watch the victims of 6the Charleston Massacre be laid to rest while the inspiration for their deaths continue to fly above their caskets.

We call all people to join us and stand as a united front, to take an active role towards liberating ourselves through the dismantlement
of the largest form of our oppression, white supremacy. Let this day be the start towards true human progress.

The woman seen climbing the flagpole and removing the flag in the video above is named Bree Newsome and she explained why she felt the Confederate flag had to come down, “We removed the flag today because we can’t wait any longer. We can’t continue like this another day. It’s time for a new chapter where we are sincere about dismantling white supremacy and building toward true racial justice and equality.”

The people took matters into their own hands and did what the politicians are dragging their feet on doing. While people around the country celebrated the Republicans in the South who have taken action to remove the flag, no Republican has committed to never flying the flag again. This is a strong signal that once the outrage over Charleston fades, some Republicans intend on restoring the flag.

Racial unity has taken down the Confederate flag. Hate and bigotry have suffered another defeat as an ordinary Americans have been moved by a horrific massacre to act where their calculating political leaders have failed.

Jason Easley
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