Bill Clinton Harken Steak Fry

Bill Clinton Wallops Republicans With The Truth By Calling Them Koch Brothers Clones

Bill Clinton Harken Steak Fry

Former president Bill Clinton pulled no punches when talking about the Republican Party. Clinton called Mitch McConnell and the other Republicans clones of the Koch brothers.


Former President Clinton described the Republican strategy,

Half the time, they’re not even running against their opponents. They’re trying to get you to check your brain at the door, start foaming at the mouth. The last thing they want you to do is think. Now, here’s something I read the other day, and I read it twice to make sure that I wouldn’t misrepresent it to you. There was a rather revealing article in the press sometime over the last couple of weeks about a speech the Senate Republican leader who wants to be Majority Leader by getting you to erase all of our candidates for Congress and our candidate for Senate and see only the people they are allegedly clones of, taking orders from.

It was Sen. Mitch McConnell’s speech to the Koch brothers political forum supposedly in secret. Again, this was highly informal and informative. First of all he said that when he became Majority Leader he wanted them to know that they would begin by using the budget to takeover the government, because the budget’s the only thing that you can’t filibuster. It takes a majority vote. Since they were going to put an amendment on every single budget of every department to get rid of anything that had been done since President Obama had been in office or before they didn’t like, and if he vetoed they would simply shut the government down over and over and over again. Now this is not an allegation. He was bragging on this like he was Einstein discovering the Theory of Relativity. He found the secret to permanent gridlock. Oh, happy day.
Clinton was correct. The Republican Party has sold itself out to the Koch brothers. The agenda they are pursuing is the Koch agenda. Republicans members of the House and Senate don’t represent the people who live in their states. Republicans are representing the right-wing billionaires that are paying for their political campaigns. Republicans don’t care about regular people anymore. Working people aren’t in the field of vision for the Republican members of Congress.

Mitch McConnell’s admission that the Koch brothers are the ones calling the shots in the Republican Party was confirmation of what anyone who has been paying attention to American politics since the Citizens United decision already understood. The Republican Party is only interested in representing the interests of their biggest donors. The bad news for the Koch brothers is that there is nowhere left for them to hide.

Their secret political operation has been exposed. A vote for a Republican this November is a vote for the Koch takeover of the government. When powerful voices like Bill Clinton start calling out the Kochs and their puppets, the jig is up. The American people are catching on to the Kochs, and even former President Clinton is sounding the alarm.

Jason Easley
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