Sarah Palin Claims That She Is the Real Victim In Karl Rove’s Attack On Hillary Clinton



Well, I think we all knew this was coming, in one degree or another. Former half-term Governor of Alaska and Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin decided to weigh in on the recent brouhaha surrounding Karl Rove’s comments on Hillary Clinton’s health . Rove suggested that Clinton might be suffering from brain damage related to her fall and subsequent hospital trip in December 2012. Other conservative media figures have decided to try to make some hay from this story in an attempt to impair Clinton’s likely 2016 Presidential campaign

Well, reality show participant and grifter Palin decided that the media wasn’t focusing enough on the real victim in this story: Sarah Palin. The ex-mayor of Wasilla, AK posted the following gibberish on her Facebook page Monday evening in the hopes that people would realize that Palin is the one truly suffering.

Hillary’s Brain; Hillary’s Brain on Drudge

An article linked today on Drudge:

Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are right – scouring records of a female candidate is just politics of personal destruction, and for the media to engage in it would be unfair, unethical, and absolutely UNPRECEDENTED. You can’t probe a woman like that because, well, it’s a war on women!

Bunch of sexist, big meanies engaging in something heretofore unheard of, for shame.

America, you deserve fair and consistent coverage of relevant issues before deciding a Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket, so have faith the agenda-less media will refuse to push whispers and wildly inaccurate information about a partisan politician’s body part. Goodness, no one credible would print lies, continually harass a candidate’s doctor, disrupt local hospital staff, or even offer to pay locals to give “quotes” about her health records to be included in a “research book” by a public university professor (your tax dollars at work?) which the candidate’s attorney will need to respond to.

Thank goodness liberals are consistent in refusing to apply double standards, thanks to their disdain for hypocrisy – so they’ll come through once again! Rest assured these self-designated protectors of what they obviously believe is the “weaker sex” needing protection in the political arena will elevate political discourse. Apparently, Democrats demand their next chosen one’s brain must be absent. Opposition – go there exploring a liberal’s brain and you find nothing; or, find something and you’re just trying to distract voters from the REAL issues.

See, the country’s just swell under the Obama regime (which includes any cabinet member who’d lie and prove ineptitude by shining the boot that’s now on America’s neck). With enormous issues to debate before choosing a Presidential/Vice Presidential ticket, have confidence no mean-spirited salaciousness will be pushed by “real journalists.”

Nope. This just doesn’t happen at this respectable level of American politics.

Just ask me. And Trig.

– Sarah Palin


Nice to see Sarah sticking it to the ‘lamestream’ media and telling all the real ‘Mericans what’s what. She tells the real truth. Liberals are dumb and bad. Obama is a dictator running a regime. And the ‘lamestream’ media will destroy the truth-tellers and the real heroes that try to take ‘Merica back from the communist socialist terrorist pals. Or, something like that.

Anyway, what we all need to know is that Sarah Palin is a victim and that it is because of the mean old media, always playing cheerleader for Obama and his minions. Now they are going to do the same for Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, Palin is a true outsider and noble purveyor of the truth, constantly fighting against Big Media. Except, of course, when she is cashing checks from Fox News, the largest cable news channel in the nation. Or jumping at the chance to host the Today Show on NBC. Or looking to star in one reality show after another.

It is obvious that Palin is just looking for attention as her star is completely fading. If that is the case, why am I giving it to her with this article? Well, a couple of reasons. One, it is a slow news morning. Two, her idiocy should always be highlighted. Conservatives still see her as somewhat relevant, even if the majority of Americans don’t. If we completely ignore how silly and ignorant she really is, then it is possible that she’s able to slither her way back into political pertinence. She needs to be shown as the idiot she truly is at every opportunity.

Remember, this is a person who was selected to be a Presidential candidate’s running mate. She was actually elected Governor of Alaska. When you have those things on your resume, it is always possible for you to get back into the political limelight. Just ask Newt Gingrich. Many would have thought that he’d be done after leaving his post as Speaker of the House in shame in the late ’90s. Yet, there he was in 2012, running in the GOP primaries to be the Republican nominee for President. Now he’s hosting Crossfire on CNN. Sometimes, you can’t simply ignore someone and they’ll go away for good.

Justin Baragona

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