Blaming Gay Marriage for Mass Murders

Last updated on August 10th, 2014 at 05:45 pm

In a piece titled Connecting the Dots: The Link Between Gay Marriage and Mass Murders, Robert Peters the president of Morality in America, argued that same sex marriage is a part of the moral decline in American society which has led to an increase in mass murders.

Mr. Peters blamed the media for creating a secular values system that has replaced Judeo-Christian values, “For many citizens, what has replaced Judeo-Christian faith and values is the secular value system that is reflected in films, rap/music lyrics, and videogames and on TV and now the Internet, where the taking of human life for just about any reason is commonplace and is often portrayed in an appealing manner and in realistic detail. Murder motivated by hatred and revenge is also justified.”

The media has caused a loss of religious values which has led to the success of the same sex marriage movement, “This secular value system is also reflected in the ‘sexual revolution,’ which is the driving force behind the push for ‘gay marriage;’ and the Iowa Supreme Court decision is another indication that despite all the damage this revolution has caused to children, adults, family life and society (think abortion, divorce, pornography, rape, sexual abuse of children, sexually transmitted diseases, trafficking in women and children, unwed teen mothers and more), it continues to advance relentlessly.”

He points out that he isn’t blaming same sex marriage for murder, but he is blaming the gay marriage movement for the decline in values that has brought about the recent mass murder incidents, “It most certainly is not my intention to blame the epidemic of mass murders on the gay rights movement! It is my intention to point out that the success of the sexual revolution is inversely proportional to the decline in morality; and it is the decline of morality (and the faith that so often under girds it) that is the underlying cause of our modern day epidemic of mass murders.”

In summary, Bob Peters believes that there is a connection between the same sex marriage movement and the decline in values in American society. He is arguing that if America had better, in other words, religious values the gay marriage movement would not be successful and mass murders would not occur. Of course, the flaw in his tattered logic is that he assumes that gay people have no values, because of their lifestyle. He is assuming that sexuality is a choice, and he is equating the choice to be gay with the choice to commit mass murder.

People like Bob Peters give all Republicans a bad name. The people I wonder about are those individuals who are homosexual conservatives of faith. In Peters’ mind these people don’t exist, but we all know that they do. In fact some of these very same men have served, or if rumors are to be believed are serving the Republican Party in Congress. The social conservative movement has fallen so far out of step with American society, that after enjoying the spotlight for more than a decade, they are descending back into being a fringe movement, which good news for anyone who doesn’t want to live in a Christian theocracy.

Jason Easley
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