Greg Gianforte Isn’t In Jail For Assaulting A Reporter Because The Sheriff Donated To His Campaign

Republican House special election Greg Gianforte isn’t in a Montana jail for assaulting a reporter tonight because the sheriff is a donor to his campaign.

Don Pogreba found the donor record, and guess what he found?

Sheriff Brian Gootkin is a donor to the Republican’s campaign, “Sheriff Brian Gootkin, who, according to press accounts, has not interviewed Greg Gianforte following an alleged assault, was a donor to Gianforte’s campaign two months ago.”

This does explain why Gianforte isn’t sitting in jail right now. If you or I assaulted someone for asking us a question we would be sitting behind bars, but when you are the Republican candidate in a House special election in Montana, you get to flee the scene while the assault that was witnessed by many others is “under investigation:”

The Sheriff himself may not be running the investigation, but he is the boss, so it would be easy for him to tell his officers to take their time until the ballots have been counted on Thursday night.

Gianforte’s assault of a journalist on election eve is going to make a special election that was already too close for comfort for Republicans a must watch event. The Republican candidate should be behind bars, and it will be interesting to see if voters will determine that any man who launches an unprovoked assault on a journalist is not the kind of person who should be representing them in the House of Representatives.

Jason Easley
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