Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 11:22 am
Fox News turned on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and called out the hypocrisy of McConnell’s obstruction of President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.
Transcript via Fox News Sunday:
WALLACE: I am going to ask Mr. McDonough about the Biden rule in a moment. But, frankly, isn’t there a fair amount of hypocrisy on both sides here?
Right now, President Obama is calling for an up or down vote on his nominee. You oppose that. But back in 2005 when George W. Bush was president, you made exactly the same argument that Obama’s making now. Take a look, sir.
MCCONNELL: In a democracy, an up or down vote should be given to a president’s judicial nominees. It’s not complicated. It’s simple. It’s fair. It worked for 229 years. And it has served us well.
WALLACE: Senator, if an up or down vote for a judicial nominee was simple, fair, and a principle that has served us for 229 years — I guess now it’s over 230 years now — if that’s true then, it is still true?
MCCONNELL: Yes. We’re talking apples and oranges. That comment was not in connection with the Supreme Court vacancy.
What we’re talking about here here’s a factual situation —
WALLACE: But it’s still a judicial nominee, sir.
MCCONNELL: The Supreme Court — no, they’re not the same. The Supreme Court is very different from the other courts.
What we’re talking about here is a Supreme Court vacancy in the middle of a presidential election year made by a lame duck president who is on the way out the door and the impact that will have on this court for the next quarter of a century. That is the issue before us right now.
Fox News Sunday called out Majority Leader McConnell’s hypocrisy because they would like to see Republicans keep the Senate, and a majority of Republicans believe that Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, should get hearings and a vote.
The exchange on Fox News Sunday was an indication of how badly McConnell has bungled the Republican response to the unexpected Supreme Court vacancy. The current situation in the Republican Party is that the conservative cable news network is suggesting that the frontrunner for the party’s nomination is mentally ill. The frontrunner for the nomination is also being condemned by the Republican Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority for violent rhetoric, and Fox News is calling the Senate Majority a hypocrite for refusing to allow a vote on the Democratic president’s Supreme Court nominee.
The Republican Party is a complete mess and on the verge of burning itself to the ground. Fox News is pushing McConnell to change his obstructionist position because they believe that he is about to hand the Senate back to the Democrats on a silver platter.
Mitch McConnell has been a disaster as Senate Majority Leader, and even Fox News is rebelling against his obstructionist path to Republican defeat in November. What is unfolding before the eyes of the nation is nothing less than the complete self-destruction of the Republican Party.
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