Democrats On The Hill Are Ready For Hillary As Pelosi Touts Clinton’s Historic Preparation

Last updated on July 17th, 2023 at 06:07 pm

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Image via Twitter courtesy of Igor Bobic of the Huffington Post

Image via Twitter courtesy of Igor Bobic of the Huffington Post

Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) introduced former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after after a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus by saying, “… when she enters the Oval Office, she would be one of the most prepared people to do so in recent history.”

Leader Pelosi’s remarks:

Good morning, everyone. Today was, as you can imagine, a very special occasion for the House Democratic Caucus. We were pleased to welcome, in the fullest sense of that word, Secretary Hillary Clinton to our Caucus for a discussion of how we go forward. A good deal of time in the Caucus was spent on the economy, the creation of jobs, entrepreneurship, and all that goes into making that a success for our country.

The Secretary pleased the Members with her discussion about fairness and growth, growth and fairness – how they are connected. As it is always with our Caucus, it was very substantive. Members are knowledgeable about the issues, and the relationship between investing in our children and their education and the success of our economy; the success of women – when women succeed, America succeeds; very important.

It won’t surprise you to know that the subject of Iran also came up during the discussion, as part of it. But overwhelmingly, our discussion was about the economy. So again, in gratitude and the most welcoming spirit, it is my honor to present to you the former Secretary of State, a candidate for President of the United States. So many of you have heard me say, over and over again, when she enters the Oval Office, she would be one of the most prepared people to do so in recent history. With that, I present Hillary Clinton.

Pelosi hit on an important point that Republicans are desperately trying to ignore, and that is that Secretary Clinton is the most prepared and experienced of all of the 2016 candidates. Her four years as Secretary of State give her a huge advantage over other candidates, as does her tenure as a First Lady who was very involved in policy making, and of course her years as a Senator.

Contrary to the myth perpetuated by some, Hillary Clinton didn’t come to politics by way of her husband, former President Bill Clinton. She was already working in D.C. before she married Bill Clinton and had been involved in politics throughout her youth and college years. Furthermore, and this seems to be shocking to many reporters and even voters who may be judging Clinton based on her husband’s policies, Hillary Clinton has a very liberal record. 538 notes analysis that shows her voting record as more liberal than then Senator Obama’s, but they also complied policy statements. Yep, hard-core liberal.

And the country is moving left, so being seen as liberal is no longer the anchor it was once seen as when this site was started.

The 2016 primaries promise to bring us debates where issues are at the fore and the American people have two very strong Democratic candidates who are dedicated to discussing the issues in Senator Sanders (I-VT) and Sec. Clinton. Meanwhile in the Republican camp, Donald Trump is leading the polls.

Image via Twitter courtesy of Igor Bobic of the Huffington Post

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